[Salon] I once ran Human Rights Watch. Harvard blocked my fellowship over Israel
- To: salon@listserve.com
- Subject: [Salon] I once ran Human Rights Watch. Harvard blocked my fellowship over Israel
- From: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2023 12:49:08 -0500
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FM: John Whitbeck
In the GUARDIAN commentary at the link transmitted below,
long-serving Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth
Roth speaks for himself regarding Harvard's blocking of the
fellowship offered to him at its human rights center because
HRW had recently dared to criticize Israel, something which,
ironically, Roth had over many years been instrumental in
blocking, until the evidence of an apartheid regime became
overwhelming and HRW risked being the only major human
rights organization not recognizing reality.
It is interesting that this commentary was published in the
United Kingdom rather than in United States. It would be
surprising if Roth did not initially seek publication by a
major American media outlet. Of course, like American
politicians and American academics, American journalists are
motivated principally by money and fear, notably including
the fear of losing money.
In any event, this scandalous affair supports the
perspective of those who have long viewed Harvard University
as first-and-foremost a Zionist propaganda platform and only
secondarily as a reputable educational institution.
As the outrage mounts, might anything change?
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