[Salon] riddle me this, what are the real casualty counts?

Hi! Tom Massie has an amendment that would force the DoD to deliver a report to Congress with casualty counts and equipment losses on BOTH sides of the Ukraine conflict. It may just get passed. I wrote about it here: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2023/07/12/riddle-this-how-many-casualties-are-there-truly-on-both-sides-of-ukraine-war/

I also wrote about Rep. Warren Davidson's amendment which would condition future Ukraine aid, requiring admin to define strategy for ending the war and a diplomatic pathway, as well as cost estimates: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2023/07/12/rep-warren-davidson-no-mission-no-aid-for-ukraine/

baby steps, for sure, but at least in the right direction. 


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