Re: [Salon] The First Six Months of Clinton-Russian Relations:Summits with Yeltsin at Vancouver and Tokyo, 1993

The First Six Months of Clinton-Russian Relations:
Summits with Yeltsin at Vancouver and Tokyo, 1993

The article below of the release of these documents has the intent it seems, of corroborating, in the “Battle for Consciousness (the ultimate objective of “war” [see attached file]), the Big Lie that: 

 “At the peaceful end of the Cold War, we shared the hope that Russia would emerge to a brighter future, free and open, fully integrated with the world. For more than 30 years, we worked to pursue stable and cooperative relations with Moscow, because we believed that a peaceful, secure, and prosperous Russia is in America’s interests—indeed, in the interests of the world. We still believe that today.” 

Which we know to be a total lie because even before the USSR collapsed, the U.S. National Security State under the likes of Dick Cheney as SecDef was arduously working to ensure it would never again have "the ability to cause us to hesitate in our decision-making,” as it was later put in a 2002-2003 military  memo, clarifying the Cheney Doctrine of 1991. Institutionalized as the 2002 National Security Strategy of the U.S. As we know the Clinton administration had many “Neocons” in its ranks. Though nothing to compare with the preceding Republican administration which in fact had "Neocons” but also had the "Real McCoy’s,” recalling a TV show of the era, the so-called “Traditional Conservatives” that some refer to today. Who in fact, at the time in the 1950s, referred to themselves as the “New Right,” as do their extreme militaristic successors of today, the Trumpites, DeSantisites, National Conservatives, and the Straussians of Hillsdale College, Claremont Institute, and of course, their “popular” New Right media platform, The American Conservative magazine.

All of whom, plus the “mainstream” Republicans (designated Neocons by their “Tradition Conservative” critics when it's to their advantage, to conceal their identical ideological origins in “Goldwaterism,” while claiming that “heritage” for the “ New Right"), through all of the post-Cold War era, now evolved openly into WW III, as it began in 2014 with regime change in Ukraine, and mainstream Democrats of today, are fully infected now by the “ideological bacillus” of what can correctly be called “New Fascism.” As U.S. Militarism has mutated into its current, and ultimate, form of what its proponents like to call “Illiberalism,” as a more “appealing, and disingenuous, term than its "true name.” 

With its “true name” being seen in its ideological genealogy. Beginning as first conceived in the “Modern Age” by Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes, then temporarily inhabiting the “minds” of Germany, Italy, and Japan, before finding suitable accommodations in the “minds” of the founders of National Review magazine (the original, ideological McCarthyites), from whence it metastasized and mutated into its current form with the vast, vast majority of Americans celebrating and waging: Perpetual War. And electing whoever promises the “Greatest Military Spending Ever.” 

With that for context, and hypothetically accepting that for six (6) months, there was a “genuine” desire by the Clinton administration for a “secure and prosperous Russia,” which would then be “peaceful,” having been relieved of their preceding ideology, one must say: What a difference an election makes! And, "between the ideal, and reality, fell the Shadow.” With Gingrich and the Republicans beginning in 1994, with their "Contract on American Peace and Normality,” doing everything to destroy any hopes of the “ideal,” in passing the kind of legislation that one would have expected out of the German Reichstag in its preparations for war in the early 1930s, before legislation became “moot.”

With no “peer competitors”  left in the world to go to war against, and with the USSR having fallen apart, with its component parts prostrate on their knees, and China having no  (meaningful) potential allies in the world, Gingrich and the Republicans passed out of the House legislation calling for expansion of NATO as U.S. policy. In addition to calling for the kind of military buildup that we would not see until Republicans were once again POTUS, and other provocations for war, as below: 

BLUF: (of most pertinent part of their Plan to put the Cheney Doctrine into “full effect” for "Total Military Domination/Subjugation of the World” (especially Russia/China): (Emphasis added.)

Title VI: Expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO Expansion Act of 1995 - Declares that it should be U.S. policy: (1) to continue the commitment to an active leadership role in NATO; (2) to join with NATO allies to redefine the role of the alliance in the post-Cold War world, taking into account specified factors; (3) to affirm that NATO military planning should include joint military operations beyond the geographic bounds of the alliance under the North Atlantic Treaty when the shared interests of the United States and other member countries require such actions to defend vital interests; (4) that Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia should be permitted to join NATO in the near future as long as each country meets specified standards and undertakes certain commitments; (5) that the United States, other NATO member nations, and NATO itself should furnish appropriate assistance to enable such countries to achieve membership; (6) that any other European country emerging from communist domination should be invited to become a full member of NATO, provided it meets such standards and commitments; (7) that the United States, other member nations of NATO, and NATO itself should facilitate the transition of other European countries to full NATO membership at the appropriate time; (8) that certain policy decisions of the North Atlantic Council should be reaffirmed with respect to admitting new NATO members only by amendment to the North Atlantic Treaty; (9) that the expansion of NATO should be defensive in nature and increase stability for all European nations; and (10) that NATO and its members should work to strengthen other structures of security in Europe. 

(Sec. 604) Directs the President to establish a program to assist the transition to full NATO membership of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and any other European country emerging from communist domination that is designated by the President. Outlines types of assistance to be provided. Prohibits the President from providing assistance to any country selling or transferring defense articles to a state that has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism as determined by the Secretary of State. Requires: (1) a report from the President to designated congressional committees prior to providing assistance to a country for the first time through the program; and (2) annual reports from the President to the appropriate congressional committees on the progress made in implementing this section. 

Before Trump came along, there were few “active liars,” as in Hannah Arendt’s “Lying in Politics,” here. But that changed if you will pardon me for saying so, with “lying (by omission)” of whom it was who “interfered in the 2016 election.” Don’t mention Israel and the Israeli fascists under Netanyahu, and their plethora of “Influence Operations” specialists; and the “Right-wing Conservative U.S. Oligarchs” working in league with them to get Trump elected, all allied with Trump and Netanyahu, as has been shown in Bamford’s “SpyFail.” With DeSantis a long-time volunteer as an “Agent of Influence” for Israeli fascism as well, as he claims (in my opinion), ready to step into the West Wing to carry-on Trump’s “Mission."

But do shift total blame on to Russia and China, as they’re now designated for annihilation, and we would like a “pretext” for that :-(. But due to "war weariness,” Trump had to get the Ron Paul “antiwar, pro-Oligarch” libertarians voting for him. So for that “faction,” a micro-targeted message was conveyed, per Six-Party Theory, that he “opposed our wars” and was set to “fight the Blob.” All totally contradictory to his mainstream Republican message that he would expand the GWOT, restore torture as U.S. policy, make Muslims suffer even more, especially by encouraging Israeli fascists to be even worse, and “”Rebuild Our Beloved Military.” The “real Trump,” in other words. “Mission Accomplished! Now operating under Biden, sharing that identical "Peace Through Strength” ideology almost as bad as the Republicans. Though not quite as extreme on the Muslim front, and always lagging slightly behind what the Republicans demand for military spending, as we see here, in continuing the Gingrich “Contract on America” program of Perpetual War:

But in that, and contrary to that ***king moron Ron Paul who notwithstanding an eloquent condemnation of our wars in the 2008 and 2012 Republican election debates, then turned himself into a “Clown Show” when he spoke on issues beyond that, as well as facilitating the “Big Lie” of the Republicans and the New Right. Now meant to return Trump, or elect, DeSantis to power, while they present themselves as an alternative to Biden’s “War Fever.” Omitting that they are even more feverish for war against China, and willing to attain domination of East Asia as preliminary to gaining the same over Russia from their "Eastern doorstep,” while letting (pushing) NATO for the same on Russia’s “Western doorstep.” 

In other words, this was/is a BF Lie by Ron Paul:
"I’m the antiwar candidate representing the traditional Republican position."

Here is more on that “traditional Republican position,” of more recent vintage but continuing the “traditional Republican position" which Ron Paul enthuses over, while omitting that the Republicans have always been the pre-eminent “War Party,” from the end of the Civil War (to avoid that issue) onward, in dominating as POTUS, until 1932, and being the party which demanded that Wilson enter WW I immediately in 1914, while itself enforcing and putting into full effect Teddy Roosevlt’s “Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine” by continuing/accelerating the Banana Wars which it owned, from the time of McKinley on:

National Security Revitalization Act - Title I: Findings, Policy, and Purposes - Sets forth as purposes of this Act: (1) to establish an advisory commission to assess U.S. military needs and address the problems posed by a continuing decline in defense spending; (2) to commit to acceleration of the development and deployment of theater and national ballistic missile defense capabilities; (3) to restrict deployment of U.S. forces to missions that are in the national interest; (TP-and we’ve had virtually nonstop war ever since, in the “national interest”)(4) to maintain U.S. command and control of U.S. forces participating in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations and to reduce the cost to the United States of such operations; and (5) to reemphasize the U.S. commitment to a strong and viable North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

Title II: Policy Regarding Priority for Missile Defense Programs - Expresses as U.S. policy with respect to the priority for development and deployment of missile defense programs: (1) ensuring operational readiness of the armed forces and accomplishing programmed modernization of weapons systems; (2) completing the development and deployment of more effective theater missile defense (TMD) systems; and (3) developing a ground-based interceptor system. Expresses the sense of the Congress that further formal negotiations in the Standing Consultative Commission, any informal discussions with regard to the demarcation between TMD systems and anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems, or any other effort that bears on the viability of the ABM Treaty should be suspended until the 104th Congress has the opportunity to review such matters. 

Provides that of the total amount made available to the Department of Defense (DOD) for FY 1996, the amount obligated for national missile defense programs may exceed the amount made available for such programs in FY 1995. Requires certain congressional findings to be considered in carrying out national missile defense programs. Expresses the sense of the Congress that an effective national and TMD capability is essential to ensuring that U.S. forces are ready to meet current and expected threats to U.S. national security. 

With all of Graham’s war incitement since he was elected as a “Reagan Republican,” with that bellicosity the real "traditional Republican position,” his  entire congressional career has been one long war crime of “Incitement to Commit Aggressive War!” I understand with the existence of the USSR, a genuine “peer competitor,” that it was “legitimate” to be more “hawkish,” than some others. Especially with the "threat inflation” always promoted by the “Conservative Movement’s” ideologists. But with the end of the Cold War, and the dissolution of the USSR, the “mask” came off those, like Gingrich, and the Republicans (and Democrats who joined with them, but as the distinct minority), who promoted US militarism, revealing them for what they actually were per their operative “political theory” in the genealogical line of Machiavelli and Hobbes. And that spells a “New Fascism.” Now resident principally in those domiciles of  the "New Right,” of the National Conservatives; the US and Israel, as well described in “SpyFail,” with the UK and Italy (with Meloni) as junior partners.

And with “libertarians,” like the Paul’s, and Massie, always there to help elect Republicans with their “cultural support,” in the “Battle for Consciousness,” as described in "Hearts and Minds.” With that culminating in Republican campaigns in general and specifically in the Trump Presidency and  now to include the Desantis and Trump campaigns. With virtually everyone too “stupid” to see the Influence Operation underway as Sheldon Adelson selected Trump as its principal vector, with it to be decided yet by the respective right-wing parties of Israel and the US who is to be the next vector after Biden inevitably loses. But I can only wish that the BF Lies would cease, as they are the way of the “New Fascists,” just as they were with the “Old Fascists.” Read SpyFail of the “networks” of fascists (for lack of a more appropriate term) who were all associated in a Movement to bring Trump into Office, and offer a better descriptor of the kind of politics Trump and DeSantis best represent! 

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On Jun 5, 2023, at 11:22 AM, National Security Archive <> wrote:


The First Six Months of Clinton-Russian Relations:
Summits with Yeltsin at Vancouver and Tokyo, 1993

Declassified transcripts of US-Russia summits show wide range of cooperation and Clinton’s early personal support: “We’re in this with you for the long haul” 

Russian president asks for US aid, housing for demobilized officers, G-7 financing; Americans press for budget austerity, ruble stabilization, and privatization 

Clinton rallies to Yeltsin’s side in confrontation with parliament over shock therapy 

Washington, D.C., June 5, 2023 – Declassified highest-level records from the first six months of the Clinton administration’s relations with the Russian Federation in 1993 reveal a remarkable array of cooperative diplomatic initiatives and Bill Clinton’s direct personal support for Boris Yeltsin in the latter’s growing conflict with his own elected parliament over radical economic reforms known as “shock therapy.” 

The documents include verbatim transcripts of the first two face-to-face presidential meetings, in Vancouver, Canada, in April 1993, and at the G-7 meeting in Tokyo in July 1993, together with records of telephone conversations between the two leaders in February, April and June. The April conversation came just after the Russian leader prevailed in a snap referendum endorsing his leadership and his call for new parliamentary elections. Clinton called to tell the Russian leader, “I want you to know that we’re in this with you for the long haul.” 

The documents also include key policy memos prepared for Clinton ahead of the Vancouver summit meeting by national security adviser Tony Lake, Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Secretary of Defense Les Aspin. The latter argued for a “real partnership between our two defense establishments at all levels,” including “intense personal engagement” and even “bonding.” If the U.S. failed, Aspin wrote, the Russian military “will go over to the other side in the ongoing Russian revolution.” 

These records are early highlights from the forthcoming document collection: US-Russian Relations from the End of the Soviet Union to the Rise of Vladimir Putin, the latest installment in the award-winning Digital National Security Archive series published by ProQuest. 

Together, these documents provide historical context to the statement last week in Helsinki by Secretary of State Antony Blinken in his speech about Russia’s strategic failure in Ukraine: “At the peaceful end of the Cold War, we shared the hope that Russia would emerge to a brighter future, free and open, fully integrated with the world. For more than 30 years, we worked to pursue stable and cooperative relations with Moscow, because we believed that a peaceful, secure, and prosperous Russia is in America’s interests—indeed, in the interests of the world. We still believe that today.” 


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