[Salon] US-India, Sisci: “The grip around China is tightening”


US-India, Sisci: “The grip around China is tightening”

The sinologist: “Accelerated radical shift of the Indian position after 70 years. It is another consequence of the Russian disaster in the war in Ukraine”

We are witnessing the “acceleration of a radical shift in the Indian position after 70 years”, a ‘relocation’ of the “historically pro-Russian” Asian giant which “is leaving the orbit of the Russian defense system after 70 years” and enters a of “greater integration” with the United States. And so “the grip around China is further tightened”. Sinologist Francesco Sisci discusses with Adnkronos after the agreement between India and Germany for the construction of submarines for the Asian giant and after the visit of 4 and 5 June by US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to India for strengthen partnership in the defense sector.

Yesterday India and Germany signed a memorandum of understanding for a submarine project that would be worth 5 billion euros, during the mission to India of the German defense minister, Boris Pistorius. With the agreement, the German agency dpa reported, representatives of the German ThyssenKrupp Marinesystems (Tkms) and the Indian Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders have laid the foundations for the delivery of a total of units that reaches up to six submarines. The goal is to reduce New Delhi’s dependence on the supply of Russian military equipment and stimulate Berlin’s defense industry. All after US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke on Monday of an “ambitious” road map with India for defense industry cooperation with an eye to China and the thought of the “free” Indo-Pacific It’s open”. And after Austin’s official visit to India, Indian premier Narendra Modi is expected to visit the USA from 21 to 24 June, which – observes Sisci – “may lead to further steps forward in strategic collaboration”.

Everything “tells us that India is leaving the orbit of the Russian defense system after 70 years – observes Sisci – It is another consequence of the Russian disaster in the war in Ukraine”. Although India, which has not condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has strengthened economic relations with Moscow, especially in the energy sector. And in this context, says the expert, we are witnessing “greater integration, even if there is no such alliance as NATO, between the USA and India”. A development “directly with an anti-Chinese function” between two countries already united in the Quad (the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with Japan and Australia).

Sisci speaks of a “double anti-Chinese function” because, he says, “diesel submarines are extremely silent and are the most advanced and have the power to interdict the Chinese fleet which in the next few years has invested in the construction of seven aircraft carriers, with a much less expense. Furthermore, he continues, “these diesel submarines can cut off China’s routes to Africa.” An “important” implication in the perspective of “raw material supply”.

“The grip around China is tightening further”, highlights the sinologist, while it has been leaked from the US that the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, could travel to the People’s Republic in the coming weeks, after the visit missed due to the case – last February – of “spy balloons”. The new doctrine speaks of “de-risking”, of reducing the risk with China. And on this, underlines the sinologist, “there is a broader alignment with Europe and the G7” and at the same time there is “a strong partnership” of the USA with India and there is Germany which, with yesterday’s agreement “strategically distances itself from China which is also one of Berlin’s most important trading partners”.

And, Sisci concludes, just as “in the 1970s the relationship between the United States and China was crucial for cornering the Soviet Union, today it seems that in a similar way this relationship between the United States and India could be crucial for cornering China “.

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