Re: [Salon] Jonathan Turley tells Fox News the Trump indictment is ‘extremely damning’ and a ‘hit below the waterline’

I hope Greenwald, whom I’ve always had the greatest respect for, doesn’t intend to suggest in the tweet shared below that because all those other malefactors only got a tap on the wrist, if that, Trump should get no more? Notwithstanding “justice” not being served with disparate sentences for the same offense, putting aside other factors that also are relevant to sentencing. 

I’ll leave it to Barr and Turley to “distinguish” Trump’s case, from all the other's similar to it, with being in full agreement that Petraeus and Clinton should have been punished more severely than they were. Which by that, I mean to include those “uncharged crimes” they were guilty of (in my opinion) which should have been charged. But the wailing should not be over the “unfairness” to Trump, but the injustice to society by not applying the same standards to others as are being applied to Trump. 

In fact, since Trumpites cry for “fairness,” let's agree he should get no more severe a sentence than that which Julian Assange has already suffered, since Trump came into Office in 2017, and which he is likely yet to be sentenced to when (not if) he is convicted. Which is when Trump could have dropped prosecution against Assange on 01/20/17! Or even Trump’s last day in Office, in 2021, when he still could have pardoned Assange. Or at least he could have refrained from elevating the charge to Espionage Act violations. Which in spite of it being Trump who heightened the charges, some people stupidly thought he might “pardon” Assange before leaving office. 

Stupidly because it was Trump who added the Espionage Act charge against Assange!!!!

My ardent hope, as a mere U.S. citizen, entitled to have opinions (Kendallism not having taken over our legal regime totally quite yet, so still having a slight “right” yet to “freedom of thought” under the Constitution under the First Amendment), is that if the facts bear out what Conservative attorneys said this morning, that Trump get sentenced no less than what he had in mind for Julian Assange when having him charged under the Espionage Act. Not the same, because Assange did not commit a crime. But as what Assange is subject to under Trump’s charges. Up to 175 years. Which being the “liberal” I am, would reduce that to only 100 years or so, and let him our after 80, for “good behavior,” if merited, if found guilty per Barr, Turley,  :-)

When Peter Viereck (I know, he was a “Liberal,” thanks ___) wrote of "right-wing nationalist thought control,” he necessarily would have had Kendall, Burnham, Bozell, Goldwater, Taft, and Kirk in mind, as all campaigned for Joe McCarthy. If not actually writing out a “creed for him, as Bozell, Buckley, and Kendall did.   

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