[Salon] Gallup Front Page

June 2023

1. Republicans Owning Conservatism

In our long trend on Americans' self-described social ideology, the country has hit a 10-year high in those describing themselves as socially conservative. The rise since 2021 is mostly driven by Republicans. But surprisingly, the increase isn't seen among older Americans. The big jumps by age this year are among middle-aged adults, but even younger Americans aged 18 to 29 show a six-point rise in those identifying as socially conservative. Here's the whole story by our very own Jeff Jones.
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2. The Impact of Dobbs Hasn't Receded

Since the Dobbs decision wiped out decades of abortion jurisprudence and chipped away a bit of the Supreme Court's public trust, America has entered and remained in a state of elevated support for abortion rights. We measure public opinion on the issue in myriad ways. This chart does a good job of conveying how views have changed since the Dobbs leak.


3. Who's Afraid of Climate Change?

As it heats up across the Northern Hemisphere, the seasonal chatter on climate is likely to make an appearance in your conversations. Here's a global look from the Lloyd's Register Foundation World Risk Poll at who is most concerned about climate change. People in Latin America and the Caribbean lead the rest of the world in describing climate change as a very serious threat to their country in the next 20 years.
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4. The State of Moral Values in America: Getting Worse

Americans have reached another high that isn't much to celebrate. Today, 83% describe the state of moral values in the U.S. as getting worse. With such an ethereal concept, it's hard to put the dismay into context — but the last time sentiment was nearly this bad was back in 2007 and 2008 when Americans watched the Great Recession do its thing.
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5. Same-Sex Marriage, a Study in Social Change

June is Pride Month, a great time to update our historical trend on support for the legality of same-sex marriage. The trend is a study in how quickly attitudes on a social issue can change in America. Happy Pride Month!
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And that's Front Page!

Mohamed Younis

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