Re: [Salon] US to rejoin UNESCO, walking back ‘anti-Israel’ accusation

Thus, my recognition of a “new category” of the “Cons” we’re plagued with, which for lack of a better word, except “fascist, “ZioCon” will suffice. With its ideological roots, its “political theory,” in a direct ideological line of descent from the McCarthyites at the links below, to go with the fascist roots of the Likud Party, as intersected with Likud and the other “Radical-Right” parties Netanyahu and Trump/DeSantis share a common ideology of. Dare I say it; “Conservatism.” Using that as a euphemism for what their founding ideologists actually believed in post-WW II, hiding it under that label, as a deception for what they truly believed. Trump almost fully took that mask off, with DeSantis taking it completely off.  

There have been three books published in the last couple of years, with the latest in 2023, on Conservatism. All would take us back to the pre-Bill of Rights days if we paid attention to the “political theorists” featured in each, as we inherently do by reading such fanaticism if we don’t know the “context” of it. And each actively condemned the “rights” that Americans fought a Revolutionary War of Independence for and then stood down those Federalist Party members, Alexander Hamiliton in the lead, who wished to impose an American version of “Monarchy,” as he espoused as much of as he could get away with in the Federalist Papers. Or more correctly, one-party dictatorship, under an “Unitary Executive.” With exclusive, unrestricted, “War Powers.” After decades of what they despised as “Liberalism,” or what Israeli Settler Yoram Hazony, who has put American Conservatives so agog for “National Conservatism,” his term for Likud Fascism which American Conservative’s have so embraced, denounces as “Enlightenment Liberalism.” Just like Goebbels declared the objective of the Movement he was part of was “erase 1789 from history.” Like the people at the three links below this each espoused:
“The whole aim of the new government in 1933 can thus be summarized in Joseph Goebbels’s words: “To erase 1789 from history.” It was a matter of fighting and suppressing everything in the contemporary world which had destroyed the old world, and thus, in the words of certain writers, “repairing the chain of time.” Although it put the present on trial, Nazism (TP-and generic fascism) was not simply a restoration: there are elements of modernity which cannot be reversed, such as the entry of the masses into politics. Although the clock could not be turned back, the aim was to recreate the past within the present, following the example of past communities. Legal experts, such as Roland Freisler, [8][8]Roland Freisler, Grundlegende Denkformen des Rechts im Wandel… therefore praised medieval brotherhoods: a master, brothers, and the cooperation of trades rather than a class war! (Marxist) modernity caused class division between brothers of race: it was therefore necessary to return to the tried and tested model of a harmonious community providing social peace, (re)building what the Nazis called the Volksgemeinschaft, (read the National Conservatives, especially Hazony and Peter Thiel) that biological community which was swept away by the French revolutionary torment, leaving Europe with nothing but divided societies.
6According to the Nazis, the best solution to the question of social organization was that of ancient times. The holism of the ancient city-state was the best antidote to contemporary individualism, because it was its perfect antithesis: since 1789, the individual had given meaning to and created the whole, whereas in ancient times the whole gave life to its parts. The Nazis therefore thought it necessary to return to the model of ancient city-states like Sparta, Athens, and Rome, before their invasion by the Jews and their conversion to democracy. 

. . . 
"Nazi legal professionals consequently made a sincere claim to be following ancient models: to give legitimacy to racist legislation in Germany and abroad, it was useful to invoke Germanic, Roman, or Greek law or normative culture. Wilhelm Stuckart, secretary of state in the Ministry of the Interior, and father of the Nuremberg Laws (1935), claimed to follow Plato, [11][11]Wilhelm Stuckart, “Die völkische Grundordnung des deutschen… while doctors and biologists justified euthanasia by exhuming a lost citation from Seneca. [12][12]Fritz Lenz, Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre und Rassenhygiene,… Obviously, these references to venerable sources of authority were somewhat pedantic and convenient: they constituted a reliance upon magister dixit, what the master said. However, there was more to it than this: there was a conviction that the ancient Germanic peoples (including the Greeks and Romans) had created a moral and legal culture which followed the requirements of nature. They were closer to nature, and therefore closer to the birth of the race. They were consequently more faithful to it than cultures in contemporary times, which were more distanced from the source. In other words, the Nazis believed that only nature (the birth, the origin, the first moments of the race) should set a precedent.” (See Samuel Alito, and Hazony, for applicable “Middle Ages legal principles,” as well as Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, Willmoore Kendall, and for ideological equivalencies for that “doctrine.”)

On Jun 13, 2023, at 9:07 AM, Mayraj Fahim via Salon <> wrote:

Is US going to take back Trump's recogntion of Golan Heights as part of Israel?

On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 06:23:54 PM GMT+5, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

June 13, 2023

US to rejoin UNESCO, walking back ‘anti-Israel’ accusation
The US government plans to rejoin UNESCO next month and pay back the $619 million it owes to the organization after a five-year absence over what Washington called “anti-Israel” bias.
UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay revealed on 12 June that the US notified her of its desire to rejoin the agency on the condition that a “concrete financing plan” is approved by a majority of member states.
The US move comes as China has taken a significant role in the international agency, becoming one of UNESCO’s most prominent donors and is home to the second-largest number of World Heritage sites.
The Trump White House withdrew from the agency in 2017, accusing it of bias against Israel for labeling Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank as a Palestinian site and passing resolutions regarding religious sites in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
At the time, the administration also cited mounting arrears of $550 million at the agency as a reason for the withdrawal.
“We were in arrears to the tune of $550 million or so, and so the question is, do we want to pay that money?” Heather Nauert, a spokeswoman for the State Department, said at a news briefing in October 2017.
She added, “With this anti-Israel bias that’s long documented on the part of UNESCO, that needs to come to an end.”
Following the withdrawal, Washington drafted a highly controversial plan for the Palestinian territories in cooperation with the Israeli government in 2018.
The most prominent event within this plan was moving the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem, effectively recognizing it as the capital of Israel.
The plan also laid out the possibility that Israel’s current borders be redrawn.
Palestinians took to the streets in protest before and during the ceremony announcing Jerusalem as the capital; at least 55 Palestinian protesters were killed and more than 2,400 wounded as Israeli forces opened live fire on them in Gaza.
Since the announcement of Trump’s plan, the Israeli government has continued illegally rebuilding new settlements across the West Bank, ignoring accusations of breaking international law.
In October 2011, the US halted funding of UNESCO due to its acceptance of Palestine as a state and a full member.
“The United States … remains strongly committed to robust, multilateral engagement across the U.N. system. However, Palestinian membership as a state in UNESCO triggers long-standing legislative restrictions which will compel the United States to refrain from making contributions to UNESCO,” US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said to reporters at the time.
She added that the vote by member states of UNESCO to admit the Palestinians as a member was “regrettable, premature and undermines our shared goal of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in [West Asia].”
UNESCO is the first UN agency the Palestinians have joined as a full member.
Among UNESCO’s tasks are designating World Heritage sites, promoting education around the world, and managing a tsunami early-warning system in the Pacific.
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