I have to call bullshit on this: "Whatever else you say about him, Trump is the one guy with an actual shot of becoming President who dissents from Washington's long-standing pointless War agenda.

Though on the other hand, “pointless” might be the key word becauseTucker Carlson has made it abundantly clear he is in favor of “gainful” wars, or whatever word is chosen as the opposite of “pointless.” Which would include Steve Bannon’s, Curt Mills’ and the other Straussian TAC editor's plans for war against China, and all-out support for Israeli fascists: Scroll down: Tucker just loves ZioCons, and Israeli fascists!

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This, as Ive shared before, is Ex. A. The Militarism paper I’ve shared before explains as well as it can be explain that “massive military buildups” are war provocations, in themselves. And this “Military So Big So Powerful” had a mission, which were:
1. Withdraw from the couple of Arms Control agreements left intact after Cheney/Bush: check
2. Give Israel the green light to “mop up resistance” to "Greater Israel,” including illegal incorporation of the Golan Heights, expansion of settlements, and war against BDS: check
3. Expand/accelerate the encirclement of China, with Gen. Berger’s Marines as the “Spearhead:” check
4. Build Camp Trump and twist NATO’s arms to expand/accelerate the encirclement of Russia: check
5. Go to war against Iran with Israel, albeit clandestinely under “New War” doctrine: check

And each step of the way, Tucker Carlson was in lockstep with Trump’s expansion of US militarism and legal authoritarianism, like charging a publisher for violation of the Espionage Act in the case of Julian Assange, in that glorious tradition of Traditional Conservative doctrine of suppressing free speech as called for by Joe McCarthy and his fellow founders of the Conservative Movement, whom I’ve named repeatedly and provided the writings which bear me out. 

Even while what I call the “Trilogy of Militaristic Authoritarianism,” three recent books on “Conservatism,” all celebrate the founders of the Conservative Movement, B, B, & K, as if such founding ideology had nothing to do with the US becoming a National Security State with the MIC its chief beneficiary. So whose ideology was responsible for that? That of Adlai Stevenson, Eugene McCarthy, and George McGovern? 

Did I say ZioCons? That means the American "New Right.” In Israel, Israeli’s are increasingly calling them by their “true name: fascist.


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Begin forwarded message:

From: Chas Freeman via Salon <salon@listserve.com>
Date: June 14, 2023 at 12:06:06 PM CDT
To: salon@listserve.com
Reply-To: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>

"But what about voters? What are they learning from this spectacle? Well mostly they're learning that they have no power at all because nobody cares about them. But they already knew that. Unlike so many of our elected leaders, they have been to America recently. They know what it looks like. Have you seen it? If you've got a few days this summer find out, take a road trip and see for yourself. Drive 500 miles in any direction and then come home. How are things looking? Well they should look great. The federal government spent six and a half trillion dollars last year. That's more than any government has ever spent ever. So at the very least you would expect pristine public roads. Oh no, that's not what you see when you drive around this country. There are potholes and jersey barriers everywhere. Looks like Tegucigalpa before the Chinese decided to rebuild the infrastructure of Honduras. We don't have China buying our roads, so they're falling apart. You'd think the people you would pass on your road trip would look happy and prosperous; again this is a very rich country. But a lot of them don't. Quite a few appear to be strung out on drugs. You see them shuffling by shuttered storefronts in small towns. And you wonder as you see all of this where did all the money go? It's certainly not here. Well, it's in Washington, it's in Fairfax, in Loudoun counties, and in leafy perfectly manicured Northwest D.C. And of course a huge chunk of it went to Ukraine, to Zelenski and his friends. Not because you voted for that; you didn't vote to give it to them you never would, but because Joe Biden and his many allies from Chuck Schumer to Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan and every single news anchor on all of television all of them believe that Ukraine its borders its future its infrastructure are all more important than the town that you live in. They sincerely think that, and it's obvious. Everyone in power thinks that, except for Donald Trump. Whatever else you say about him, Trump is the one guy with an actual shot of becoming President who dissents from Washington's long-standing pointless War agenda. And for that that one fact they are trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him, and that should upset you more than anything that's happened in American politics in your lifetime. Even if you don't plan to vote for Donald Trump, even if you would die before voting for Donald Trump - which is your right and a lot of good people feel that way - even still, the destruction of our democracy which is the right of Voters to support any candidate they want, even candidates who don't want war with Russia, the destruction of that should keep you up at night. Yes, Donald Trump is a flawed man but his sins are minor compared to those of his persecutors. In this life we don't get to choose our martyrs. We can only choose our principles, and America's are at stake."
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