[Salon] Back to the 1930s on trade policy?

"The United States should revoke China’s PNTR status and refuse to treat China as a free-trade partner, notwithstanding the WTO requirement to do so. Congress voted to suspend Russia’s PNTR status after the invasion of Ukraine, and China’s much graver long-term threat and more flagrant trade violations merit at least as strong a response. By default, all products from China would be subject to the higher tariff rates that apply to nations not granted PNTR, like Cuba. Congress would need to make regular policy determinations about how to regulate trade with China, as it did before it relinquished its authority to the WTO. By rescinding PNTR status, the United States would signal to China that it will no longer tolerate open violation of trade norms and to the global community that American trade policy will be dictated by American interests. It would also discourage American investors and corporations from doing business in China."


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