[Salon] China-U.S. Opinion Tracker: Decoupling and Engagement; Cable Decoupling; U.S. Arms Industry

China-U.S. Opinion Tracker: Decoupling and Engagement; Cable Decoupling; U.S. Arms Industry

Sunday, June 18, 2023 Issue 3

Jun 18


China-U.S. Relations

  • Janet Yellen | Yellen on US-China trade: ‘Decoupling would be a big mistake’. CNN. 2023-06-13.

    • Testifying (full video) before the House Financial Services Committee U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said “While we surely have concerns that need to be addressed, decoupling would be a big mistake.” But she also thought “it’s appropriate, and in fact, essential, that we decouple from Chinese industries and entities that are actively participating in unthinkable human rights abuses.” However, serious analysts questioned the validity of the so-called evidence of human rights abuses against the Uygurs.

  • Mike Gallagher | Zombie Engagement With Beijing. Wall Street Journal. 2023-06-14.

    • Chairman of the House Select Committee on China Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) responded to Yellen’s objection on decoupling, blaming engagement for the China problem that the U.S. is perceiving.

    • Stephen Roach at Yale University disagreed with Gallagher. In his blog on Friday, Roach argued that it is oxymoronic, on the one hand, to try to assimilate China into the Western system, while on the other hand, arguing that “engagement invariably leads to appeasement in the face of foreign aggression.” He also said Gallagher’s idea ignored the achievement of the U.S. engagement with China in the early 1970s, which “anchored” the modern U.S.-China relationship.

  • Ray Dalio | Billionaire Ray Dalio Issues Warning About Rise Of China, Why He Thinks U.S. Is On The ‘Brink Of War’. Forbes. 2023-06-12.

    • Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, talked about his LinkedIn post about China-U.S. relations published in April when he said the two countries were “on the brink of war and are beyond the ability to talk.” “it is important to realize that the United States is not united and the Biden administration is not in control of dealing with China because the US political decision-making system is fragmented,Dalio said.

  • Graham Allison | Can two great powers cooperate to build a safer world? It has happened before. The Washington Post. 2023-06-14.

    • Graham Allison at Harvard University said, “Just because fundamental and irresolvable differences in values and interests compel the United States and China to be formidable rivals does not mean a hot war is a viable option.”

Technology Decoupling

  • Anna Gross, Alexandra Heal, Chris Campbell, Dan Clark, Ian Bott and Irene de la Torre Arenas | How the US is pushing China out of the internet’s plumbing. Financial Times. 2023-06-13.

    • This is a deep dive into the consequential cable decoupling between China and the U.S. that we should be aware of.

  • Cheng Li and Xiuye Zhao | Renewable energy should not be the next semiconductor in US-China competition. 2023-06-14,

    • Cheng Li from Brookings and Xiuye Zhao from the State Legislative Leaders Foundation (SLLF) said that “balancing renewable energy collaboration and strategic competition carries ramifications not only for bilateral relations but also for the global effort to combat climate change.”


  • Gerard DiPippo and Jude Blanchette | Sunk Costs: The Difficulty of Using Sanctions to Deter China in a Taiwan Crisis. CSIS. 2023-06-12.

    • Sanctions are not a silver bullet, argued Gerard DiPippo and Jude Blanchette from CSIS. For one reason, China will be prepared for it, and while sanctions could be a credible “general deterrent”­ in a military conflict, they are less useful as an “immediate deterrent.” For another, U.S. allies will probably be reluctant to fully cooperate in sanctioning China.

Developing or Developed Country

Philippe Benoit at Columbia University, Wang Li at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce discussed whether China is a developing country.

Middle East

  • Aaron David Miller and Steven Simon | Is Saudi-Israeli Normalization Worth It? Foreign Policy. 2023-06-05.

    • Aaron David Miller at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Steven Simon at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said, “In this new world, the strategic significance of a formal agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia is much diminished. An agreement would not materially change the military balance with Iran.” Meanwhile, it is unlikely that the U.S. could fulfill Saudi Arabia’s expectations.

  • Jonathan Panikoff | The US should pay close attention to Saudi Arabia’s domestic policy. Atlantic Council. 2023-06-07.

    • “It’s through this prism of inward focus, nonalignment, and a desire for minimal external influence that Blinken and other U.S. officials should seek to understand Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy,” Jonathan Panikoff at the Atlantic Council said.


  • Lawrence H. Summers, Philip Zelikow, and Robert B. Zoellick | The Other Counteroffensive to Save Ukraine. Foreign Affairs. 2023-06-15.

    • Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers, former U.S. diplomat Philip Zelikow, and former U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick advocated “a new European recovery program centered on Ukraine and funded by Russian assets.”

U.S. and Arms Industry

What Other Parts of the World Say


Peter Turchin. (2023, June 13). End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites, and the Path of Political Disintegration. Penguin Press.

  • Peter Turchin with the Complexity Science Hub Vienna found elite overproduction and popular immiseration have been two major factors that led to previous political crises, and the U.S. is heading toward another turmoil.

  • Peter Turchin | America Is Headed Toward Collapse. The Atlantic. 2023-06-02.

Book Cover for: End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites, and the Path of Political Disintegration, Peter Turchin

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