Re: [Salon] Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks

A correction to this: "No politician would say ‘let’s indulge the rich and stiff the poor.’”

Not in so few words, but Republican politicians and their libertarian supporters say it all the time, in their party platforms, and on the New York Post, WSJ, etc., opinion pages, and on this List. While continuously scheming to “indulge the rich” even more, by transferring public property and functions to the Oligarchical class, whether the USPS, or worse, prisons and law enforcement/military/intelligence functions, while lying through their teeth on behalf of the Oligarchs whom they so slavishly serve! We know their names, they boast of it, while calling themselves “libertarians,” and “Freedom Caucus” members in Congress, while they work to put us in bondage through Perpetual War to those same Oligarchs who profit so much off of war (Peter Thiel, Koch’s, to name two). While simultaneously covering up with lies that politicians like Donald Trump was “fighting the blob” and "ending the endless war.” 

When in fact, as John Mearsheimer pointed out, Trump accelerated war preparations and aggression against Russia and China, and accelerated actual kinetic war against Iran. All the while his libertarian and “non-interventionist Conservative” supporters/sycophants relentlessly lied that he was “ending the endless wars.” And Never Trump conservatives and and Democratic Party servants of Hilary Clinton and her gang of Oligarchs collaborated in that lie by bolstering it with false charges of collaboration with Russia against Trump. All the while he was preparing for war against a necessarily inseparable alliance of Russia, China, and Iran; “inseparable,” as all know that the US has all three targeted as a “package. Even if stupid Americans laser focus on individual “theatres” in our Global Perpetual War, as if they don’t all intersect. So that the moment we feel the Ukrainians have the upper-hand against Russia, we will deploy even more “military assets” and resources to the Eastern Front, against China. As New Rightists like Matt Gaetz, Josh Hawley, Ron Desantis, and those few Republicans who vote against aid to Ukraine  have incessantly called for! The so-called “Right-wing Peaceniks” as they’ve been imprinted by a massive “Perception Management/Cognitive Warfare” campaign, going back to getting Trump elected by an (in-part) war-weary US populace, coupled for the mainstream Republicans with promises of restoring torture and a “Fire and Fury” foreign policy, with the latter the only non-lie of the 2016 campaign. 

And just as we saw with the recent “budget deal,” Democrats openly collude/conspire with Republicans to enhance the wealth of the MIC Oligarchs by allowing cuts to the domestic budget, while providing “loopholes” for more war and military spending in general. And “None Dare Call It Fascism!” 

This is what the “Fusionism” of libertarianism and National Security State Conservatism (Militarism) proposed by Frank S. Meyer was intended to achieve. Which it has on a scale that could only have been dreamed of by the founders of the “Conservative Movement” when it was first created in the 1950s. Mission Accomplished. And libertarians don’t even have enough sense of shame to acknowledge their role in turning our country’s wealth over to a few ultra-militaristic Oligarchs to wage wars with, with they and their allies, the “ZioCons, NatCons, New Rightists,” and Republican Conservatives in general always shamefully colluding with the “Private Equity Industry” to sell us a another bill of goods that they’re duplicitously calling “Main Street Economics” to conceal it is a version of what traditionally has been called “Fascism.” 

Of which their most prominent financial backer, Peter Thiel, is a proponent of through his preachings of Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss. And stupefied conservatives cheer like Brownshirts in Germany once did to the "New Right” that Thiel, Hazony, Mossad, The American Conservative, and of course, the likes of Michael Anton and the rest of the Straussians at Hillsdale, Dallas, Claremont, to name just the most prominent schools of fascism in the U.S. today, are taking us to in the “Final Stage” of their “Conservative Revolution,” as we once saw the same ideological "Conservative Revolutionaries” once do in their “Homeland.” With our version’s complaint against so-called “Neoconservatives” identical to what was made against the DNVP by the NSDAP: that they weren’t “Radically-Right enough!” And stupefied Democrats cheer as they party has finally “Kicked the McGovern Syndrome,” in favor of Goldwaterite fanaticism introduced to the party by Scoop Jackson. 

On Jun 21, 2023, at 6:36 AM, Mayraj Fahim via Salon <> wrote:

America is turning into an oligopolistic economy that marginalizes the vast majority of its inhabitants.
Forget Inflation. The US Economy Has Bigger Problems.
No politician would say ‘let’s indulge the rich and stiff the poor.’ Yet that’s what’s happening.

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 04:28:15 PM GMT+5, Mayraj Fahim <> wrote:

How Powerful is Xi Jinping? | U.S.-China Insights

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 12:26:00 PM GMT+5, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator a day after Beijing talks

June 20, 2023
    US President Joe Biden called Chinese President Xi a dictator at a fundraiser in CaliforniaImage source, Reuters
    Image caption,
    US President Joe Biden made the comments in California on Tuesday

    US President Joe Biden has called Chinese President Xi Jinping a dictator at a fundraising event in California.

    His remarks came a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Mr Xi for talks in Beijing, which were aimed at easing tensions between the two superpowers.

    Mr Biden also said Mr Xi was embarrassed after an alleged Chinese spy balloon was shot down by the US.

    China is yet to respond to his comments.

    "The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset, in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment in it, was he didn't know it was there," Mr Biden said on Tuesday.

    "That's a great embarrassment for dictators. When they didn't know what happened," he said.

    The balloon, which China says was monitoring weather, drifted across the continental US before being destroyed by American military aircraft in February.

    Washington later said it was was part of a sprawling Chinese intelligence collection programme.

    Mr Blinken's visit to Beijing - the first by a top US diplomat in almost five years - restarted high-level communications between the two countries. He postponed the visit after the balloon incident.

    Mr Xi said some progress had been made in Beijing, while Mr Blinken indicated both sides were open to more talks.

    Major differences, however, remain between the two countries.

    Relations have plummeted in the wake of a Trump-era trade war, Beijing's assertive claims over Taiwan and the shooting down of the alleged spy balloon.

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