As this email list has become increasingly “far-right,”with so much support given for Trump, and now DeSantis, each of whom are far more militaristic, though dealing with changed circumstances, than their “close cousins, the Neocons are, with an even greater willingness for “peer-competitor warfare,” it’s not surprising that there would be at least one “Vietnam War Deadender" here. If not more, without naming names. Who, when not denouncing McNamara for “Limited War,” as Goldwater did, who called for “Unlimited War,” has claimed we “we coulda won” if we’d followed Ed Lansdale’s “strategy” of “Winning Hearts and Minds.” That is, "Counter-Insurgency Doctrine,” as so recently promoted by Petraeus, and the USG. Or as Goldwater denounced it and McNamara, “Limited War.” I’d like to say “make up your mind and stop with the contradictions,” but I won’t bother. Though in fact, there is not a contradiction between “COIN, and “Unlimited War,” as we know from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam, etc. The only thing “Limited” in any of those wars was that was the “Big Lie” the USG told to the media. Who of course with few exceptions (not Seymour Hersh) are too stupid to know better. 

What is insidious of maintaining the “Myth” that we could have won in Vietnam if we’d “only had the correct strategy” is that it gives militaristic sustenance to this current generation of right-wing pro-war activists, of both parties. “Myth,” and custom/culture, as more intelligent political analysts know, and one “Conservative” writes with that about the only thing I still agree with him on as he’s become more sympathetic to the “West Coast Straussians,” is what drives political decisions on war issues, when we come to adopt the “Military Virtù” of Machiavelli, presenting that as “Conservatives do, as “virtuous.” As long as we maintain the “Deadender's” assertion that we could have won in Vietnam, if we’d only adopted “Unlimited War,” as Goldwater and his fellow Conservatives called for, or, as McNamara (and the Eisenhower administration) did, variations of so-called “Limited War,” so denounced by Conservatives then, we will perpetuate a “militaristic” “climate of opinion,” always of the belief as a nation that we’re “undefeatable,” if we only get “Strategy” right. Though I will certainly accept a courtesy copy of his book, The Thirty Years War, and maybe even change my mind :-)

I’ve read all of Dan Ellsberg’s books, and re-read them, and significantly, the opposition he always encountered in his growing opposition to the Vietnam War when he realized that besides being “unwinnable,” it was a “war crime,” actively being carried out, U.S. Imperial Foreign Policy in general, and U.S. Nuclear War Policy, always came from the “Conservatives,” disproportionately the Republicans. But would have included the dwindling number of “Southern Democrats” (dwindling because so many were joining the Republicans as more suitable for KKK sympathizers, and Militaristic Imperialists, as the Confederacy was always more so than the North, having imperial ambitions in the Caribbean, Mexico, the West, etc.). 

But this explains explains fully how Dan Ellsberg recognized the Vietnam War was both unwinnable, and a war crime. Just as Germany’s invasions of Poland, the USSR, and France were, and Japan’s on China and other countries whose resources they needed for waging more war. Just like the US today. The soldiers of each would inevitably from the trauma of war or just from the degeneracy which war is so conducive to, and productive of, turn to committing war crimes, following the example of their government. And that’s why Vietnam was “unwinnable” by the U.S., notwithstanding the “civic action programs” as one side of COIN, with the other side massive military attacks on civilians as “collaborators” with the enemy as described below. Or more targeted operations like the CIA’s Phoenix Program. And saying anything different is just to promote the “Perpetual Warfighting” of the US today!

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