                            ALLAN C. BROWNFELD
Throughout the country there is an effort to identify those in our history who have been guilty of bigotry.  Even Abraham Lincoln, whose Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery, has been identified as a guilty party.  One historical figure identified by many on the left as an heroic figure has been exempted from the kind of examination devoted to Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and James Madison, among others.  That is Karl Marx.  

The image of Karl Marx as a “humanist” concerned with the plight of the under-privileged, the downtrodden and the “masses” is one which has been carefully cultivated in the years since his death.  The facts are quite different.

Much has been written in recent years about the fact that Marx, though of rabbinical descent on both sides of his family, was an extreme anti-Semite.  In fact, his book “World Without Jews” is considered  by many to be a forerunner to Hitler’s Mein Kampf.  Little, however, has been written about Marx’s racial views, the contempt in which he held not only non-whites, but whole groupings of Europeans, especially the Slavic peoples.

In his book “Karl Marx: Racist,”. Nathaniel Weyl showed how Marx privately developed an entire racial hierarchy and racial view of history by the 1860s.  In the middle of that decade, Marx was casting about for some scientific or pseudo-scientific justification for his racial notions, which he found in the work of P. Tremaux.  He and his friend and financial benefactor Friedrich Engels went so far as to advocate wars of extermination against Slavic peoples and the destruction of Russia.  How ironic that Russia later called itself a “Marxist” state.  

“Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,” Weyl writes, “were neither internationalists nor believers in equal rights of all races and peoples.  They opposed the struggles for national independence of those races and peoples they despised.  They believed that the ‘barbaric’ and ‘ahistoric’ peoples who comprised the immense majority of mankind had played no significant role in history and were not destined to do so in the foreseeable future.”

They regarded these peoples as obstacles to the forward sweep of history.  They considered them as objects rather than subjects.  They were people who ought to be conquered and exploited by the more advanced nations.  Some of these inferior stock “were people who ought to be eradicated and swept from the surface of the earth.”

Marx took from Georg Hegel, another German philosopher, the idea that certain races, peoples and nations were “ahistoric.”  Either they had never played any role  in history and never would, as in the case of the “African Negro,” or they were insignificant peoples whose history was irrelevant, or they were frozen at civilizational levels at which the more advanced portions of mankind “ had already left them behind.”

“These were ideas,” Weyl notes, “which Marx would adopt and transform…Publicly, and for political reasons, both Marx and Engels posed as friends of the Negro.  In private, they were anti-black racists of the most odious sort.  They had contempt for the entire Negro race, a contempt they expressed by comparing Negroes to animals, by identifying black people with ‘idiots’ and by continuously using the opprobrious term ‘nigger’ in their private correspondence.”

Marx, for example, wrote to Engels on July 30, 1862 about one of the leaders of socialism in Germany and his rival, Ferdinand Lassalle, who he referred to as “that Jewish nigger Lassalle.”

He wrote:  “It is now completely clear to me he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt (assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a nigger).  Now this Union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product.   The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also Nigger-like.”

In 1887, Paul Lafargue, who was Marx’s son-in-law, was a candidate for a council seat in a Paris district that contained a zoo.  Engels claimed that Lafargue had “one-eighth or one-twelfth nigger blood.”  In a letter to Lafargue’s wife, Engels wrote:  “Being in his quality as a nigger, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is understandably the most appropriate representative of that district.”

Marx also championed slavery in North America.  When Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, probably the leading French Socialist at the time, published a book called “The Philosophy of Poverty,” Marx replied with a vitriolic rebuttal entitled “The Poverty of Philosophy.”   Proudhon had been childish enough to advocate the emancipation of slaves in the United States.

Marx answered contemptuously:  “Without slavery, North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country.  Wipe out North America from the map of the world and you will have anarchy—-the complete decay of modern conference and civilization.  Abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations.”

Here, Marx makes it abundantly clear that he has no interest whatsoever in the fate or welfare of black people.  Then there is his unusual prediction that, were slavery abolished, America would become a “patriarchal country.”  What does that mean?  A country of primitive shepherds?

American Socialists, early in the 20th century, adopted Marx’s racist views.  On September 14, 1901, the Social Democratic Herald characterized black Americans  as “inferior, depraved elements” who went around “raping women and children.”  In an article in the paper dated May 31, 1902, Victor Berger, one of the national leaders of the Socialist Party, wrote that, “There can be no doubt that the Negroes and mulattos constitute a lower race.”

Marx’s philosophical successors shared his thoughts on blacks and other minorities.  Che Guevara, in his 1952 memoir “The Motorcycle Diaries,” wrote:  “The Negro is indolent and lazy and spends is money on frivolities, whereas the Europeans are forward-looking, organized and intelligent.”

Marx called the Slavic people a “rabble” and looked forward to the time when Germany, with Hungary and Poland, would destroy Russia.  He wrote on June 12, 1848, demanding “a war with Russia…in which Germany can become virile.”  While people who call themselves “Marxists” today claim that they are against “imperialism,” Karl Marx himself supported the control of non-white peoples by white Europeans and Americans.  He supported British control of India and French control of Algeria.  Concerning the annexation of California after the Mexican-American War, Karl Marx wrote in 1894:
           “Without violence nothing is ever accomplished in history…Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?…All important nations must in the last analysis owe a debt to those who, under the laws of historic necessity, incorporate them in a great empire, thus allowing them to take part in an historic development which would otherwise be impossible for them.  Evidently, such results cannot be achieved without crushing a few sweet little flowers.”

Marx, more a chauvinistic German nationalist than most men of his era, urged German control over Belgium, the Netherlands, Silesia and Alsace-Lorraine.  Yet, most of Marx’s biographers, like the Marxist scholar David McLellan, blandly informs his readers that “Marx was not an anti-Semite.”

In an important article written in 2020, Walter Williams, the respected black economist who was chairman of the Economics Departmeng at George Mason University, used the headline, “Did You Know That Karl Marx Was A Racist and Anti-Semite?”  He wrote, “Marx is a hero to many labor union leaders and civil rights organizations, including groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa…It is easy to be a Marxist if you know little of his life.  What most people do not know is that Marx was a racist and anti-Semite.”

Ironically, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, a founder of Black Lives Matter, defined herself and at least one of the other founders, Alicia Garza, as “Marxists.”  In a 2015 interview with Real News Network, Khan-Cullors said, “Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained Marxists.”

Writing in The National Interest, Jarrett Stephan notes that, “By the standards of modern ‘anti-racist’ ideologies, Marx, Engels and the whole body of their work should be canceled, not celebrated.”

Whatever their faults and shortcomings, Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln created a society that has steadily expanded freedom for men and women of every race and background.  Those societies which followed the philosophy of Marx and Engels succeeded in doing the precise opposite, imposing tyranny upon men and women of every race and background.  How sad that so  many Americans know so little history that this will come as surprising news.

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