[Salon] Israel’s Ben-Gvir Ousts Tel Aviv Police Chief Who Was 'Lenient' With Protesters - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Forgive the formatting in this but this is the only way to share the text for non-subscribers to Haaretz while only having my phone to work with. Given how intertwined the Israeli and American “rightists” are, this is of relevance (criticism of the “Right” is not an endorsement of the bi-partisan war on Russia).


Israel’s Ben-Gvir Ousts Tel Aviv Police Chief Who Was 'Lenient' With Protesters

Police sources say Ben-Gvir, the national security minister, was furious his policies were not being enacted


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Tel Aviv District Commander Ami Eshed in January
Tel Aviv District Commander Ami Eshed in JanuaryCredit: Tomer Appelbaum

Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai ousted the police’s Tel Aviv district commander on Thursday, in the midst of nation-wide protests against the judicial coup dubbed ‘national resistance to dictatorship’ day. 

Commander Ami Eshed will be moved to another post in charge of training officers. 

Earlier on Thursday, Ben-Gvir reprimanded police chief Shabtai for not effectively stopping the protesters from blocking the Ayalon Highway. Police sources added that Ben-Gvir was furious that the highway was blocked for 90 minutes, and accused the commissioner – as well as the Tel Aviv district commander – of not enacting his policy. Israel Police and Ben-Gvir declined to comment. 

Also on Thursday, shortly before the ousting of the police commander, the prime minister’s son Yair Netanyahu accused the police top brass of mutiny. “A few thousand anarchists couldn't manage blocking a highway on their own. Those who are effectively blocking the roads are the police higher command and the state prosecution. They are the ones who are really responsible for what is happening here… they are fully cooperating with the anarchists, at the expense of the people of Israel.”

Eshed has thus far taken a minimal approach when policing the anti-government demonstrations. Under his command, officers have allowed the protesters to block roads and have refrained from using harsher riot control measures. 

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Last Friday, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir sent Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai a letter commending him for his "personal handling of the attempts at anarchy" at anti-government protests in Tel Aviv earlier that week, where police used unusually harsh measures against demonstrators, including the use of stun grenades and violent arrests. Ben-Gvir also demanded that Shabtai summon the Tel Aviv Police District Commander Ami Eshed for a conversation to clarify the police's policy on placing roadblocks.

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Opposition leader Yair Lapid said on Thursday night that Eshed's dismissal was "totally insane." According to Lapid, Ben-Gvir "did this because he is disappointed that not enough blood was shed. He is openly saying that he is disappointed with the lack of violence. We have a National Security Minister who openly calls for violence, and tell police officers that they will be dismissed if they don't encourage violence."

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