[Salon] Nord Stream. . . The new legend spread in the media about the Nord Stream [led] by a "pro-Ukrainian group" is becoming more and more absurd


Nord Stream

The new legend spread in the media about the Nord Stream [led] by a "pro-Ukrainian group" is becoming more and more absurd. Here I summarize the most important news.


10. March 2023

On the 8th In March, I speculated in an article that the version distributed by the New York Times and German media that the Nord Streams were blown up by a "pro-Ukrainian group" could mean the beginning of the end of support for Ukraine. I can't repeat all this, the details can be found in this article.

The "dramatic change in US policy"

In short, my assumption is based on a study by the RAND Corporation of January 2023, in which RAND recommended the US government to withdraw from the Ukraine adventure as soon as possible because it has not succeeded in destroying Russia's economy with the sanctions and isolating Russia internationally. However, the support of Ukraine is very expensive and according to RAND, the USA cannot win anything that is worth the price, because how the border between Ukraine and Russia runs is unimportant for the USA. Therefore, RAND even recommended to recognize the Russian territory gains and to relax the Russia sanctions in order to achieve an end to the expensive adventure.

According to RAND, the core question was basically how the USA can manage to get the European and American public and also the politicians in the West to participate in this "dramatic change in US policy" after the USA relied on the total demonization of Russia and the unconditional support of Kiev for a year.

Therefore, already in January, when I reported on the study, I expected that in the following three or four months we would see how the mood should be changed so that support for Kiev could be reduced and Kiev could be forced to the negotiating table with Russia. The now published media reports about the "pro-Ukrainian group" could be the decisive event, because if it turned out that Kiev has blown up the pipelines, one would have an excuse to reduce or even stop the support.

Of course, the robber gun presented by the media over a handful of Ukrainians, who transported half a ton of explosives on a sailing yacht and attached it to the pipelines with two divers without the necessary pressure chamber, and without being discovered by NATO in one of the best monitored sea areas in the world, is complete nonsense. But that's not the point, it would be far from the first time that the media sells a stupid story to the public and that the majority of people still believe it. It's not about the truth, it's just about selling the "dramatic change in US policy" to the public.

If this scenario were to be carried through now, the following would be expected: First, the story in the West is sold in such a way that Kiev has nothing to do with it, while first experts doubt this and first politicians demand that aid for Kiev be put to the test if Kiev's (co-) persedesistship is confirmed. Other politicians urge restraint and further unconditional support for Kiev. In the near future, new findings will be published in slices, which increasingly indicate a perpetration of the official Kiev, the mood in the public discussion begins to tip over and in the end Kiev is accused of blowing up the pipelines and forced to agree with Russia (in fact on Russian conditions, as RAND has written quite openly) on an end to the fighting.

The reports of the first days after the publication of the robber gun about the Ukrainians' sailing trip to the Nord Streams indicate in my eyes that it could actually develop in this direction. Therefore, I want to summarize the most important news of the last two days here so that you can decide for yourself whether you see it the same way or come to a different conclusion.

Secrecy - was there something?

Actually, the investigation into the demolition of the Nord Streams was top secret. The Federal Government has refused to answer small questions on the subject with the reference to "secret interests". Nevertheless, German investigators have now suddenly pierced the German media and American intelligence officers of the New York Times at the same time allegedly top-secret findings, about which the media on both sides of the Atlantic have even reported at the same time. I therefore assume that a media campaign coordinated by state agencies of the USA and the Federal Republic was launched here, otherwise this cannot be explained in my opinion.

And suddenly a dam seems to have been broken, because now supposedly top-secret findings are leaking through everywhere. The dpa wants on the 8th. March learned from the German Prosecutor General's Office that it had already searched the yacht in January. Also on the 8th In March, the Times reported that Western intelligence services had known about the "Ukrainian trail" just a week after the explosion.

According to the Times, NATO wanted to prevent this information from being made public, as it would lead to a deterioration of relations between Ukraine and Germany. The Times also wrote that the European intelligence services know the name of the "private sponsor" of the sabotage. The secret services did not mention his identity, but it was a rich Ukrainian who allegedly had no connection to President Selensky.

The Times also wrote that his name would sooner or later be known, especially since he had left his unusual 'business card'. For Ukraine's relations with its allies, it would be better if this man himself made a confession, whereby the newspaper did not indicate what kind of evidence points to the identity of the "influential figure". The Times wrote that the "sponsor" of the sabotage allegedly paid for the rent of the yacht used by the saboteurs, for the work of the divers, the fake passports and the purchase of the "explosing charges, which are only available in the oil and gas industry with a special license and for very large sums".

In the British newspaper The Spectator, Mark Galeotti, a British historian, expert on Russian security policy and head of the Center for European Security at the Institute of International Relations in Prague, wrote on the 8th. March already, it is "hard to imagine that such an operation could be started without anyone in the Ukrainian security apparatus" knowing about the upcoming sabotage and "had the approval of anyone in the government".

The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported on Wednesday, citing sources, that the Western countries would probably not publish the name of the Ukrainian sponsor in order to maintain the unity of the West on the issue of military support for Ukraine. According to this, the businessman, whose name of the newspaper is known, was suspected due to the special nature of sabotage. The source of the newspaper at the European security authorities confirmed that the businessman has come into the focus of the authorities, but did not want to say whether he is officially a suspect in this case.

Also on the 8th In March, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing unnamed government officials, that the German investigators virtually ruled out the original version that Russia was involved in the sabotage of the Nord Streams, that and the USA does not believe that Russia is responsible for this. And the newspaper reported that the CIA already had information in the summer of 2022, i.e. before the attack, that three Ukrainian nationals could prepare an attack on the Nord Streams. According to the newspaper, the CIA handed over the information to the German Federal Intelligence Service in June/July 2022.

As a reminder: On the 7th In March, the reports of German media and the New York Times about the alleged "pro-Ukrainian group" that is said to have blown up the Nord Streams appeared. And just one day later, the secret services of all kinds of countries like the birds and all kinds of newspapers sing information that was so top secret two days earlier that the federal government did not even want to answer small questions in the Bundestag on the subject. Do only I have the feeling that the Western secret services deliberately pierce this information so that it comes to the public?

You can almost feel sorry for Kiev

At least one newspaper claims that it already knows the name of the alleged "sponsor". So it's only a matter of time before the name becomes public. I personally suspect that most Ukrainian oligarchs are currently sleeping very badly because one of them is soon to be blamed for the Nord Stream outgung perpetrated by the USA.

As you know, my sympathies for the Kiev Nazi government are within very narrow limits, but now you could almost feel sorry for them. They let themselves be driven into the unprofitable war by the USA and hoped for support from NATO troops, but then found themselves alone against the overpowering Russia. And now they will probably soon be forced to confess to the Nord Stream release if they do not want to be completely dropped like a hot potato. The Kiev US puppets have not learned any lessons from the past, because the fact that the USA drops its puppets when they are no longer useful is far from the first time.

The journalist Adam Taylor of the Washington Post wrote that if it turns out that the explosions on the Nord Streams were carried out by a "pro-Ukrainian group", Kiev must answer difficult questions from the Western allies, because this could make it difficult for Ukraine to continue the fighting. The reports that "pro-Ukrainian saboteurs" could be responsible for the bombings would "potentially risky complications for Kiev," says Taylor:

"If it turns out that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out this action in the Baltic Sea, which endangered the energy security of an ally and led to a major environmental disaster, Kiev is confronted with much more serious questions about the covert operation: 'How could it allow this?' Or even worse: 'How could it not know about it?'"

So the first voices are already being heard, suggesting that a Nord Stream blast by the "pro-Ukrainian group" can become a problem for Kiev, because Kiev knew nothing about it. Kiev, it seems, should definitely be accused of what - quite frankly - would mean a reduction in Western support. This could already be the beginning of the pressure that is supposed to force Kiev to the negotiating table, where it then - according to RAND - basically only has the choice to agree to almost all Russian demands, or to go down, because it has nothing to oppose Russia without the massive support from the West.

Poland is "friendly" as always

Of course, the Polish government sees it differently and would like to give everyone who has blown up the Nord Streams a big kiss. The Polish government sees both Germany and Russia as enemies, which is why it celebrates the Nord Stream spread, which has harmed Russia and Germany in particular.

It should therefore be difficult to get the Poles to be dutifully angry with Kiev because - according to Western media reports - it bears the responsibility for the Nord Stream eretions. A statement by Polish President Duda showed how difficult it will be to explain the new wording to the Polish government:

"I don't know if you can say that it was a pro-Ukrainian sabotage. But I say that if Nord Stream ceases to exist and cannot deliver gas to Europe that will be beneficial for Europe, it will be useful."

It remains exciting and, of course, it is not guaranteed that I am right with my speculation that the Nord Stream fairy tale with the "pro-Ukrainian group" should actually be used to allow the USA to withdraw from the Ukraine adventure. But at least in the first two days after the first reports about this robber gun, exactly what one would expect as the first steps is to be used to swear the Western public to the "dramatic change in US policy" happens.

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