[Salon] New Right Pride!
- To: SALON Admin <salon@committeefortherepublic.org>
- Subject: [Salon] New Right Pride!
- From: Todd Pierce <todd.e.pierce@icloud.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 20:20:34 +0200
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This will bring a “Flush of Pride,” if not something more obscene, to all the Trumpites, DeSantites, National Conservatives, New Rightists in general, who for domestic political duplicity, helped conceal so well how Trump joined with Netanyahu in completing the 1967 War/Conquest of the Palestinians by joining with him as co-belligerents the US, against the Palestinians. And completed the illegal annexation of the little that remained of “unannexed land,”completely (illegally) incorporated into Israel. Without firing a (American) shot, Thanks Be to to the Great New Rightist DJT. And here’s proof! (And someone is making a fortune off the land next to it, now under development.) This is all that I was allowed to take a picture of, if the Wall that Trump Built. No signs prohibited it, but when I snapped a couple pictures of the exterior walls of the Embassy, the Israeli security guards were right on me, and courteously told me I had to delete the photos. Which I did, courteously. When I asked about was there regarding Trump, they sent me to the entrance where these are, scrupulously ensuring I did not photograph an inch beyond what is shown here. Perhaps to avoid embarrassment that “Trump’s Wall” isn’t as high as the Israeli Separation Walls?

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