"Pictures below of Teddy, suitable for framing!" One last item to share on "Supporting the traditional Republican foreign policy of peace, non-interventionism, and Constitution.” With apologies for how reading such lies “gets my dander up! Likewise as a historian, and retired Army officer; I despise pro-war mispresentations/revisionistist “history.” You don’t need to agree with everything in the article at the truthout link to see what a lie "traditional Republican foreign policy of peace, non-interventionism, and Constitution” is! Add to that, this: http://peacehistory-usfp.org/yankee-imperialism/ You shouldn’t need to go through Marine Corp boot camp, to know of the U.S. military’s “Banana Wars,” with the Marine Corps in the middle of them all. Dated 1898-1934, and all the time carried on as PsyWar, at a minimum. But from 1898-1934, one doesn’t need to be. a presidential scholar to know which party held the Presidency all those years, except Wilson’s 8 years. "However, Republican Congress members are doubling down on their push for even higher military spending, at a time when they’re demanding to life-sustaining programs. At hearings last week, as military leaders in of Biden’s “defense” budget, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers claimed the Army will ” as a result of the budget amount, while Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn questioned why the military is “settling for President Biden’s ” for missile defense. These statements echo many Republican sentiments: Rep. Ken Calvert, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee’s defense panel, decried the president for “prioritizing misguided domestic spending … over our warfighting needs,” and Sen. Roger Wicker (the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee) tweeted that the astronomical military budget is “woefully inadequate.” |