Re: [Salon] Winslow Wheeler's big defense graph

"Pictures below of Teddy, suitable for framing!"

One last item to share on  "Supporting the traditional Republican foreign policy of peace, non-interventionism, and Constitution.” With apologies for how reading such lies “gets my dander up! Likewise as a historian, and retired Army officer; I despise pro-war mispresentations/revisionistist “history.” 

You don’t need to agree with everything in the article at the truthout link to see what a lie "traditional Republican foreign policy of peace, non-interventionism, and Constitution” is!

Add to that, this:
You shouldn’t need to go through Marine Corp boot camp, to know of the U.S. military’s “Banana Wars,” with the Marine Corps in the middle of them all. Dated 1898-1934, and all the time carried on as PsyWar, at a minimum. But from 1898-1934, one doesn’t need to be. a presidential scholar to know which party held the Presidency all those years, except Wilson’s 8 years.

"However, Republican Congress members are doubling down on their push for even higher military spending, at a time when they’re demanding devastating cuts to life-sustaining programs. At hearings last week, as military leaders testified in support of Biden’s “defense” budget, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers claimed the Army will “struggle” as a result of the budget amount, while Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn questioned why the military is “settling for President Biden’s limited budget request” for missile defense. These statements echo many Republican sentiments: Rep. Ken Calvert, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee’s defense panel, decried the president for “prioritizing misguided domestic spending … over our warfighting needs,” and Sen. Roger Wicker (the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee) tweeted that the astronomical military budget is “woefully inadequate.”



On May 8, 2023, at 7:00 AM, Kelley Vlahos via Salon <> wrote:

Thank you Andrew Cockburn for writing up this piece around Winslow's adept totalling of ALL defense-related spending, which when pulled together shows the US spending more than $1.4 billion in this realm per year. Check it out on RS today:

Have a great Monday,
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