[Salon] McCarthy Blocks Tlaib Event at Capitol Marking Palestinian Displacement

FM: John Whitbeck

In a message on May 7, I noted the recent visits to Israel "to pledge allegiance to that foreign country" of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, both of whom, like most members of the U.S. Congress, are "unconditionally enthusiastic about Israeli apartheid."

The NEW YORK TIMES report transmitted below and a related MONDOWEISS article (https://mondoweiss.net/2023/05/kevin-mccarthy-blocks-nakba-event-from-happening-in-capitol-says-he-will-honor-israel-instead) confirm that allegiance.

Meanwhile, as reported today by HAARETZ, "On Wednesday, the U.S. prevented the publication of a critical statement against Israel's bombing of the Gaza Strip and civilian casualties on behalf of the UN Security Council."

HAARETZ's latest casualty figures for Israel's current wave of assassinations and bombings of Gaza and the Palestinian efforts to retaliate are 25 Palestinians killed, 76 Palestinians wounded, no Israelis killed and no Israelis wounded.

Unsurprisingly, neither the reality of which side struck first nor such relatively lopsided casualty figures have prevented Secretary of State Blinken, Secretary of Defense Austin and National Security Adviser Sullivan from proclaiming their unwavering support for "Israel's right to defend itself".

In light of the "unbreakable bond" uniting the United States and Israel like Siamese twins joined at the brain, it is remarkable that American politicians appear surprised and puzzled that countries representing the vast majority of mankind, which have historically been on the receiving end of Western colonialism, imperialism and racism, are unimpressed by American claims to occupy the moral high ground vis-à-vis Russia, China and other countries which push back against America's insistence upon its full-spectrum dominance and unipolar hegemony.

Clearly, for the vast majority of politicians in Washington, allegiance and subservience to Israel take precedence over every other aspect of American foreign policy.


McCarthy Blocks Tlaib Event at Capitol Marking Palestinian Displacement

The speaker prohibited the use of the Capitol Visitor Center for a gathering by a Palestinian group to commemorate the mass displacement of Palestinians when the state of Israel was created.

Representative Rashida
                                        Tlaib, wearing an ivory tunic
                                        with red embroidery, smiling at
                                        the camera from the floor of
Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan is the first Palestinian American elected to Congress and has family living in the West Bank. Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times By Stephanie Lai

Reporting from Washington

May 10, 2023

Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California, blocked Representative Rashida Tlaib, Democrat of Michigan, on Tuesday from hosting an event at the Capitol commemorating the displacement of Palestinians when the state of Israel was created, saying Ms. Tlaib was trafficking in “antisemitic tropes.”

The dinner event scheduled for Wednesday night, called Nakba 75 & the Palestinian People, was planned to commemorate what Palestinians call the nakba, or the disaster, referring to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948 when Israel declared independence.

According to an event page, the evening was intended to “uplift the experiences of Palestinians who underwent the nakba, and educate members of Congress and their staff about this history and the ongoing nakba to which Israel continues to subject Palestinians.” Ms. Tlaib, the first Palestinian American elected to Congress, who has family living in the West Bank, was to be a special guest.

But on Tuesday evening, Mr. McCarthy said he would use his power as speaker to scrap the gathering, telling the conservative Washington Free Beacon: “It’s wrong for members of Congress to traffic in antisemitic tropes about Israel.”

It was the latest flash of partisan tension on Capitol Hill involving Israel, which has long drawn strong bipartisan support in Congress but has become a political battleground in recent years as some progressive Democrats have stepped up their criticism of Israeli policies and Republicans have sought to portray their party as the stronger supporter of the Jewish state. Mr. McCarthy in particular has worked to curry favor with pro-Israel groups and evangelical voters and to drive a wedge among Democrats by calling out liberal lawmakers in their ranks who are critical of Israel.

On Tuesday evening, Mr. McCarthy tweeted that he would host a “bipartisan discussion to honor the 75th anniversary of the US-Israel relationship” in place of the Palestinian event, which was to include several groups that support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which seeks to mobilize international economic and political pressure on Israel in solidarity with the Palestinians. The invitation referred to “Zionist militias” violently expelling Palestinians.

After Mr. McCarthy prevented the organizers from using the Capitol Visitor Center for the event, they moved to the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Ms. Tlaib shared four photos on Twitter Wednesday evening from the Capitol with attendees.

In a statement, Ms. Tlaib said, “Speaker McCarthy wants to rewrite history and erase the existence and truth of the Palestinian people, but he has failed to do so.”

Kevin McCarthy
                                                speaking to reporters
                                                and gesturing.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he would host an alternate event to honor the 75th anniversary of the U.S.-Israel relationship. Credit...Kenny Holston/The New York Times
Mr. McCarthy’s office did not respond to requests for comment. Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of New York and the minority leader, sidestepped a question about it on Wednesday evening, telling a reporter at the Capitol, “I’m unfamiliar with the specifics of that at the moment.”

Ms. Tlaib has called Israel an “apartheid regime” and supported the B.D.S. movement, drawing a backlash from Republicans and some pro-Israel Democrats.

Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote to Mr. McCarthy on Tuesday raising concern about the event and asked him to ensure that spaces controlled by Congress “are not being used to espouse discriminatory and hateful rhetoric.”

“In previous years, many Nakba Day events have devolved into hateful, anti-Israel and even antisemitic language,” Mr. Greenblatt wrote.

On Wednesday, he praised Mr. McCarthy for blocking the original gathering, writing in a tweet that he was “grateful” the speaker took the “rapid action.”

Some House Democratic leaders, on the other hand, defended Ms. Tlaib.

Representative Pete Aguilar of California, the No. 3 Democrat, criticized Mr. McCarthy’s action, saying during a news conference on Wednesday that “people should be allowed to meet, to congregate, to have discussions, to express their viewpoints and ideas.”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat who has also drawn criticism for condemning Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, said the maneuver from the speaker was “terrible.”

“I think anti-Palestinian sentiment in D.C. in general has long been normalized,” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said. “And its very clear that McCarthy is trying to send a message.”

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