[Salon] Oral History Interview of COL Larry Wilkerson (Ret.) - YouTube

I have recorded a few oral history interviews with people with important things to say about U.S. Imperialism and U.S. Perpetual Imperial  War, though we always disguise that as “Defense.” “Defense,” of the sort like Japan was “defending" itself from China in the 1930s. 

Here is the most recent by COL Larry Wilkerson, recorded at the end of March:

A couple things COL Wilkerson added about it, to give more context to it for those who might have heard similar remarks by him previously:

1. "I don't believe anyone has put all of what is in the interview together in one place — ever."


2. "I can be pretty profane, especially when it comes to CIA, so why not depict reality?”

Both comments are relevant to the value of this interview, with the latter to the value of seeing the “true nature” of the CIA, “and all its works,” down to the present day as well. 

One other note; since Google colonized virtually all of the internet now, my “Project for the Study of American Militarism” YouTube page was arbitrarily converted to a “subscription,” instead of the stand-alone page it had been (see below). So I was unable to load this onto the original PSAM YT page. Consequently, for now, it can only be viewed with the link above, and not available to the public without it. That will be remedied, though for such subject matter, I think Google can be trusted to keep it well hid.

Incidentally, my "Project for the Study of American Militarism” is no relation to what Andrew Bacevich has written on militarism, as I look to the underlying “political theory” of American Militarism [Fascism is equivalent term in Italian, as NaziCon is the same to NatCon], and I condemn the former CIA “Conservatives” who created the political ideology of the Military Industrial Complex, in the guise of the “Conservative Movement,” as promulgated by National Review magazine as they founded it. While Bacevich sings hosannas to these same “Conservative Militarists” in his book, American Conservatism: Reclaiming and Intellectual Tradition, as even George Will could recognize, though Will doesn’t include James Burnham and Bill Buckley as two of the ultra-Militarists Bacevich celebrated as well:
BLUF: "Bacevich has written trenchantly against what he considers this nation’s promiscuous foreign policy interventionism and the unconservative project of “nation building.” But his volume’s concluding section, “The Exceptional Nation: America and the World,” is strange. It begins with Theodore Roosevelt exhorting the nation to lead a strenuous life abroad. It is a fine specimen of Roosevelt’s exuberant nationalism, which was without a scintilla of conservative skepticism about the ability to project power abroad in order to impose benevolent designs on the recalcitrant realities of different cultures. 
"One of Bacevich’s longest selections is from Willmoore Kendall’s turgid semidefense of — a sort of “two cheers for” — McCarthyism."

But visit this original PSAM YT page below for other full-length, and edited excerpts (to make them more accessible to “attention challenged Americans) of oral histories of Bill Polk, BG John Johns, Noam Chomsky, and remarks welcoming Julian Assange’s father to MN by Roger Waters and Dan Ellsberg a year ago. 

As I may want to repost COL Wilkserson’s interview, I think I may add some pictorial and musical content to it, as I did with Bill Polk’s “Only 60 Million!” I think this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IVBsmkBirk 
will go well overlaying some photos of the Vietnam War that COL Wilkerson served in, and then some photos of the destruction of Iraq that the Republicans wrought in Iraq (they can’t disavow that as “their war”) , with some Democratic collusion. It will go well overlaying those photos of Abu Ghraib, and of Trump’s man Erik Prince and his Blackwater’s massacre photos, still under Bush, which Trump pardoned them all for. With Trump "taking ownership” of US war crimes in Iraq: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=349333389039289
to provide the “final chapter” of the Iraq War which Trump was so eager to further engage in with the “adoption of war crimes,” which Trump’s pardons were: war crimes, under the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal’s precedent. 

P.P.S. I’m not blind to the war crimes of Trump’s predecessors, or successor, but no one here is lying on their behalf, and sanitizing them as “ending the endless wars,” as some here do with Trump, when all Trump did was go “clandestine” with his and Netanyahu’s war against Iran. And with Trump’s encirclement of Russia and China, and massive military buildup “signaling” to them that he had them on his target list per his 2018 National Military Strategy. And thereby precipitating and bringing out in the open as a response to Trump’s support of Ukrainian attacks on ethnic Russians throughout Trump’s administration, a visible kinetic war in Ukraine, rapidly approaching now the “big boom” kind of nuclear war, as against the “small boom” kind of nuclear war the US/UK always wage with Depleted Uranium. 


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