[Salon] Israeli Wounded in Jerusalem Stabbing; 14-year-old Palestinian Assailant Shot Dead

FM: John Whitbeck

The brief HAARETZ news item transmitted below implicitly explains why Israel does not need a formal judicial death penalty -- at least for Palestinians.

In the United States or France, a similar incident would be likely to lead to weeks of demonstrations and riots and an eventual indictment and trial of the off-duty police officer for intentionally shooting dead an unarmed and already subdued 14-year-old who had "moderately" injured someone in a stabbing incident.

In Israel, the assassin has been praised for his "level of vigilance" by the Police Commissioner.


Israeli Wounded in Jerusalem Stabbing; 14-year-old Palestinian Assailant Shot Dead

A Border Police officer who saw the incident shot and killed the assailant; victim taken to hospital in moderate condition.

A 22-year-old Israel was moderately wounded in a stabbing attack at a light rail station in central Jerusalem on Wednesday.
According to police, the 14-year-old assailant was shot and killed by an off-duty border police officer who was on the light rail when he witnessed the incident and immediately got off the train to respond. However, it was unclear if the boy was still armed when he was killed in what was described as a fast-moving incident.

The assailant was named as Khaled Za'aneen from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina, which the light rail runs through. According to Magen David Adom emergency services, the injured man, who was stabbed in the back, was taken to a local hospital.

MDA reported that the injured man fled the station to a nearby street, where emergency services arrived to treat him. Paramedics at the scene said they found the man "fully conscious with stab wounds to his upper body," provided life-saving medical treatment and transported him to hospital in moderate condition.

The police statement said a crowd of people “began to struggle with the terrorist” after the stabbing.

One witness, Eldad Bar-Kochva, told the Ynet news site that he was sitting at the station with his wife when the boy took out the knife.

“We pounced on him, I gave him a strong kick in the face and hand, and the knife fell out of his hand. A border policeman ran over and shot him,” he said, adding that the entire incident unfolded in about 30 seconds.

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai arrived at the scene and praised the speedy response of the police officer, saying he showed "the level of vigilance of our forces in the field, who time and again prevent and thwart terrorist attacks."

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