[Salon] Fwd: The Sunday Recap: Israel has cleansed a West Bank region of nearly all Palestinians

To go with the article at bottom here, as titled directly below, and the National Conservative government of Giorgia Meloni as Chas shared information about earlier today:: 
In the Holiday Spirit, and knowing criticism of the “New Right” is not in favor here, let me share some uplifting news for Israeli Settler Sympathizers/National Conservatives/Traditional Conservatives, instead of my usual criticism:

You’re Winning! On all fronts. 

With ideas and ideology, 
BLUF: "But if we set aside these prejudices and approach the question of the politics curriculum from the perspective of what should be honored in a country such as America or Britain, the matter looks very different. By far the most influential political text in the Anglo-American tradition is the Hebrew Bible (or “Old Testament”). If an instructor in political ideas were to concern himself with teaching the students to give honor to the ideas of their ancestors and their way of life, this would require that the student devote a considerable effort to learning what his or her forefathers learned, studying what they studied—at first out of a desire to give honor where it is due, and then, with time, from an actual understanding of the wisdom and knowledge that arose from such study. And this means, before anything else, a knowledge of Scripture and a knowledge of the way that it shaped and formed the nations of England, Scotland, and America.” And Israel. 

What can be more important to citizens of a “Perpetual Warfare State” like the US and Israel than to study Deuteronomy, for "knowledge of the way that it shaped and formed the nations of England, Scotland, and America.” And Israel: https://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/DEUT+20.html

With Hazony, the Claremont Institute, Heritage Foundation, and The American Conservative magazine, all together driving the final stake through the heart of “Liberal Democracy,” as long dreamed of by American Conservatives, since the 1950s!

So I take my hat off to Yoram Hazony as a Master of “Neuro-linguistic programming,” using all the tools of propaganda, and more, to finally “set us free” from “Liberal Democracy” and its "Free Speech and Free Press” heresies, which have become so favored by both major US parties now, but the one starting with “R” deserving credit for “leading the way": https://ro.ecu.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1044&context=asi

"Yoram Hazony: ‘In Britain and in Israel, there is no stopping National Conservatism’"

"Orthodox Jewish philosopher who sparked row over 'Cultural Marxism' gives his side of the story in his only UK interview"

https://www.thejc.com/news/news/yoram-hazony-'in-britain-and-in-israel-there-is-no-stopping-national-conservatism'-3iIBOdoQ52fHV2vBNJ9x81#:~:text=Yoram Hazony: 'In Britain and,is no stopping National Conservatism'&text=“There are many very good,-year-old Israeli says.

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Israel has cleansed a West Bank region of nearly all Palestinians 

Welcome to the Sunday Recap!

In a major report this week, Oren Ziv wrote about several Palestinian communities between occupied Ramallah and Jericho that have been chased off their land by state-backed settler violence — a near-complete ethnic cleansing that paves the way for an Israeli takeover of thousands of acres of the West Bank.

Tash Lever reported on one of the last Palestinian communities still standing in that region, Ein al-Rashrash, whose residents are calling on activists to help deter rising settler violence that has forced their neighbors to flee. Meanwhile, in the South Hebron Hills, Imad Abu Hawash wrote about an Israeli settler attack that burned 20 beehives belonging a Palestinian beekeeper — violence that has frightened other residents into leaving their land.

Hamza Ali Shah recounted how, from the Jordan crossing to the Jerusalem checkpoint, his return to Palestine for the first time in years was marred by the daily humiliations of life under Israeli occupation. And Samah Salaime spent 36 hours in the besieged Gaza Strip, where she witnessed an electricity company overcharging for little power, class gaps, struggles to find work, and a seaside restricted by a decade and a half of blockade.

One last thing. This is a moment of deep crisis in Israel-Palestine and we need you to have our back. Our journalists are on the frontlines, making sure you get the best reporting and analysis from inside the struggle for true justice between the river and the sea. They do so because thousands of readers support our work. If you are not already one of them — now is the time to join! Support +972 with a one-off donation, or better yet, with a monthly donation. Thank you!

‘It’s like 1948’: Israel cleanses vast West Bank region of nearly all Palestinians
In mere months, entire Palestinian communities between Ramallah and Jericho have been chased out by settler violence and state policies — paving the way for a total Israeli takeover of thousands of acres of land.
Palestinian village fears imminent expulsion as settler attacks escalate
Residents of Ein al-Rashash are calling on activists to help deter Israeli settler violence that has already forced neighboring communities to flee.
‘Don’t raise your voice — you’re not in Britain anymore’
From the Jordan crossing to the Jerusalem checkpoint, my return to Palestine was marred by the daily humiliations of life under Israeli occupation.
Even bees can’t escape Israeli settler violence
Settlers began encroaching on Palestinian land where a beekeeper had placed a colony of bees. They burned 20 hives — and forced the residents to flee.
No electricity, jobs, or freedom: 36 hours in Gaza
An electricity company overcharging for little power. Class gaps and struggles to find work. A seaside restricted by the blockade. How do Gazans do it?

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