Emanual Pastreich gave the following speech in Tokyo, Japan on September 2, 2023, the seventy-eighth anniversary of the formal surrender of Japan to the United States on the battleship USS Missouri anchored in Tokyo Bay. On that occasion, Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signed on behalf of the Japanese government and General Yoshijiro Umezu signed for the Japanese military. Supreme Commander Douglas MacArthur then gave a speech in which he declared that “It is my earnest hope and indeed the hope of all mankind that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past.” But although peace found its way to Japan somehow through that signing, the United States was just starting a horrific war with the world that has continued down to the present day, and threatens to be the cause, not the end, of a new world war today. The United States would never return to a peace economy after 1945, and the dependency on the production of petroleum, vehicles, planes, and weapons to drive a consumption economy that resulted from the war would reshape the America forever. The speech (text in Japanese below) explains that the only way for the United States to snap out of the current drive for world war, and for nuclear war, which now poses an overwhelming threat for humanity, is to recognize the profound manner in which the nation was transformed into an empire driven by war wherein the core of governance is conducted in secret, in the shadows, during the Second World War—especially the final two years. That process was driven in part by the melding together of the United States with the British Empire during the war in an economic, technical and ideological sense. The introduction of British colonial cruelty, combined with the gentleman’s polite rhetoric, was best represented by the firebombing of Dresden (February 13-15, 1945). That action introduced an unprecedented level of institutional brutality into American governance that went even further than the worst of American colonial policy in the Philippines. Even more importantly, the establishment of the Manhattan Project, a top- secret government project within the Department of War that brought together politicians, scientific experts, private industry, military officers, and other interests to pursue the development of, and the needless and cruel use of, two nuclear weapons, changed everything in governance utterly. This new form of unaccountable secret governance within the Manhattan Project, as I explain in the speech, made possible the constant criminal drive for war, and specifically for nuclear war, that continues to this day, unaccountable to the constitution, the citizens, or even the politicians. RAND Corporation was the direct fruit of this secret and unaccountable fusion of finance, industry, military and government after the war, but there are many other such parasitic institutions today. The final result is the concrete plans for a catastrophic nuclear war with Russia and China now at an advanced planning stage and nuclear was is entirely possible, if not inevitable, if we follow the current game plan to its natural conclusion. The use of classified directives, secret law and nondisclosure agreements to govern the United States, and much of the Earth, in complete secrecy can be traced back to the Manhattan Project. The speech also talks about the development of napalm and other chemical and biological weapons that were used in the totally unnecessary bombings of the Tokyo and other Japanese cities as part of a new form of industrialized and brutal warfare that would be taken to its extreme, in part as a form of economic stimulus for American industry, during the Korean War. “I apologize on behalf of the American people and the American government for these criminal actions, and I pledge that all classified documents related to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the carpet bombing of Tokyo (March 10, 1945), and also related to American interference in Japanese politics and education after the war will be declassified immediately. “I promise that in my administration the United States will uphold the 1970 Non-proliferation Treaty and will reduce the number of nuclear weapons we possess to 500 within five years, and to zero within ten years. “This move will give America some moral legitimacy for the first time since the dropping of the atomic bombs and let us to focus on real security threats like the destruction of the environment, the collapse of biodiversity, the use of technology to dumb down and destroy the vast majority of humanity, and the economic violence resulting from the overwhelming concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few.” September 2, 2023 Emanuel Pastreich Independent Candidate for President of the United States 日本の霊性に感応した博士が米国大統領選挙に出馬 そして、謝罪 Link: https://emanuelprez.substack.com/p/pastreich-speech-on-the-78th-anniversary