War is hell.
the Ukrainian conflict began, the US Army, drawing upon Cold War
estimates, assessed in the 2019 edition of Field Manual (FM) 4-0
(Sustainment Operations) that US Army theater medical planners “may
anticipate a sustained rate of roughly 3,600 casualties per day, ranging
from those killed in action to those wounded in action or suffering
disease or other non-battle injuries”, putting the US Army on track to lose some 50,000 casualties in two weeks of sustained combat operations against a Russian-style threat.
Are these numbers realistic? Ask Ukraine. In the lead up to the current counteroffensive,
Ukraine built up three brigades-worth of troops (around 20,000
soldiers) along with another nine brigades (some 37,000 troops) trained
and equipped by NATO, all of which were slated to participate in the
main offensive effort in and around the village of Rabotino, in southern
These forces were supplemented by an additional 40,000 territorial
forces formed into eight so-called “shock brigades” intended to be
deployed offensively in the vicinity of the city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut).
The total number of Ukrainian troops mobilized and trained specifically
for the counteroffensive was just under 100,000 men.
in January 2023—five months before the start of the current
counteroffensive, and two months before the Battle of Artemovsk
(Bakhmut), US General Christopher Cavoli, the commander of US and NATO
forces in Europe, told an audience at an Oslo defense forum
that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine “out of proportion with
all of our [NATO] recent thinking,” adding that “the magnitude of this
war is incredible.” Cavoli spoke of artillery expenditure rates by the
Russian Army that exceeded, on average, 20,000 rounds per day. Violence
begets violence, and with this much high explosive being sent down
range, the Ukrainians were certain to be sustaining very high losses.
President Vladimir Putin, speaking to the Eastern Economic Forum,
stated that in the three months that have transpired since the Ukrainian
counteroffensive was begun, Ukraine had suffered some 71,000 casualties
(killed and wounded), or roughly seven out of every 10 men
participating. This number is consistent with a statement made by a
Ukrainian official responsible for the mobilization of troops in the
Poltava Region, which indicated that 80-90 out of every 100 men
mobilized become casualties in this conflict. Calculating that roughly
90 days transpired between the start of the Ukrainian counteroffensive
and Putin’s comments, this means that Ukraine was losing around 790
casualties per day.
US Army currently has approximately 100,000 troops deployed to Europe,
around 40,000 of which are organized into combat units expected to bear
the brunt of the fighting. If these troops were subject to casualty
rates approximating those sustained by Ukraine in the prosecution of its
counteroffensive, the US Army would exhaust its combat power within 50
days. Of course, this calculation is misleading since it speaks of 100% casualty rates.
According to US Army doctrine, if a unit is at 50 to 69 percent
strength, it becomes combat ineffective, meaning it is no longer capable
of accomplishing its assigned mission. The reality is that US combat
forces subjected to the level of violence experienced by Ukraine at the
hands of the Russians would become combat ineffective after around 2
weeks of fighting.
argument can be made that, given the qualitative superiority of the US
military over their Ukrainian counterparts, the overall level of
lethality being experienced by the Ukrainian military would be mitigated
to a large extent, meaning that the US Army should not suffer attrition
rates that match those experienced by the Ukrainian forces. This might
be true if the conditions on the battlefield were equitable—namely, that
the US found itself in a quasi-positional conflict with well-delineated
lines of contact with the enemy, and access to fortified defensive positions.
reality is, however, that any US-Russian conflict will involve what is
known as a “meeting engagement”, with two opposing forces engaged in a
more fluid battle where the precise make up of forces and the specific
terrain features will not be defined until after the lead elements of
each force make initial contact. In a meeting engagement, issues of firepower and maneuver dominate, and the side that is able to employ both more efficiently than the other will most likely prevail.
for the US Army, it is Russia that will have the advantage in such an
encounter. Maneuver warfare requires the careful choreography of fire
and maneuver. Fire is an essential aspect of this—the need to suppress
enemy fires and interrupt enemy movement is far more important than
inflicting casualties. The US has long relied upon precision fires
to offset mass. Precision fires, however, require situational awareness
in terms of the enemy’s disposition, something that can only take place
via real-time communications.
methodologies currently employed by the US have been perfected over the
course of the past two decades while engaged in low-intensity conflicts
where the US forces operated in a permissive environment regarding
hostile electronic warfare capabilities. Against a Russian opponent, the
seamless communications and the transfer of data that underpins US fire
and maneuver schemes will be largely neutralized by Russian electronic warfare capabilities, leaving the US deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to disposition of Russian forces.
an environment where speed and alacrity are the cornerstones of
victory, the US will find itself lethargic and unresponsive, unable to
coordinate effectively on the most rudimentary of tasks. Russia will be
able to exploit its significant advantage in artillery firepower to
disrupt and destroy the US ability to place effective firepower on the
Russian target, and to impede US efforts at maneuvering in reaction to
Russian advances. The result will be the total collapse of the US forces involved in the meeting engagement, leading to their retreat and ultimate destruction.
The magnitude of the US defeat will be increased by the difficulties associated with logistically supporting large quantities of US forces
in the field. Manuever requires more movement, and movement requires
fuel. The US will be confronted with uncertain fuel supplies and vulnerable lines of communication
which, once subjected to Russia interdiction, will prevent the
sustainment of whatever maneuver efforts the US might be able to
undertake. Russia should be able to isolate individual units,
threatening them with destruction and prompting their disintegration or
such a battle, the US could easily find itself burning through a
Brigade’s worth of troops every two days—the very 3,600 casualty figures
predicted by the US Army in 2019. At this rate, the US could very well
find its entire European force made combat ineffective after only
approximately one week of sustained combat. The rapid defeat of US Army
forces in Europe would resonate throughout NATO, resulting in a precipitous decline in morale
which could result in the total collapse of the forces engaged in
combat operations against Russia. Again, General Cavoli’s words
resonate—the violence associated with modern large-scale ground combat
is “out of proportion” to the thinking taking place in NATO and US
planning circles. Simply put, neither the US nor NATO are prepared to
engage in large-scale combat operations against a peer-level opponent
such as Russia.
War is hell.
But its even more so when you are completely unprepared for its awful reality.