[Salon] MbS: his psychology and lifestyle

MbS: his psychology and lifestyle 

Summary: @mujtahidd casts new light on MbS’s personal habits and psychology. 

Since the journalist Jamal Khashoggi was butchered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018 it has become common knowledge worldwide that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a ruthless and cruel dictator who is prepared to do whatever it takes to maintain his grip on power. Many stories have been published about his mafia-like behaviour, from how he got his nickname Abu Rasasa (father of the bullet) to how he locked up and tortured his cousins and others of the business elite in Riyadh’s Ritz-Carlton. Much less information has surfaced, however, regarding his personal life and how he spends his time.

Recently however the anonymous opposition Saudi commentator Mujtahidd, who has often revealed sensitive information about Al Saud, has published a series of tweets revealing new information about the Crown Prince and casting new light on his personal habits, psychology and lifestyle.

Mujtahidd describes the crown prince as a Machiavellian and narcissistic psychopath who, he alleges, enjoys psychologically and on some occasions physically torturing other people.

Mujtahidd describes Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as a Machiavellian and narcissistic psychopath who, he alleges, enjoys psychologically and on some occasions physically torturing other people [photo credit: unknown]

Among his many victims are said to be some of those closest to him. They include not just his cousins but his wife, brothers and some of his most trusted associates, including the General Authority for Entertainment Chairman Turki Al Al-Sheikh who Mujtahidd says MbS had imprisoned and flogged and Commerce Minister Majed Al-Qasabi who he reportedly had imprisoned in a bathroom for several days.

MbS likes to split his time between Riyadh, Jeddah and his luxury yacht Serene.

According to Mujtahidd, his wife and children spend most of their time at their personal residence in the Khuzama neighbourhood in Riyadh where the prince visits them only briefly every three or four weeks. Instead, when in the capital, he prefers to stay at his farm in Al-Amariyah, the Al Yamama Palace or in the Royal Diwan, which is fully accommodated with sleeping facilities for all his entourage.

In Jeddah, MbS usually stays either at Salam Palace or a nearby island.

Since the start of the Yemen war in 2015 MbS has also spent a significant portion of his time on the Serene, where he feels safest from Huthi missile attacks. This is where he likes to relax and indulge himself; it is the best place to obtain from him a signature or order that under other circumstances would be impossible.

The Serene is also where MBS likes to entertain his most distinguished guests with extraordinary displays of decadence, especially ones he does not want to be seen with in public like Jared Kushner and other emissaries of Trump and Netanyahu.

It is where MbS is rumoured to keep the murdered Khashoggi's fingers or head. It is also where Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi, the most expensive painting in the world, is said to hang.

MbS, Mujtahidd says, may decide to go to his yacht at any time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so his guards and staff have to be constantly ready for his arrival at any moment.

The Serene is always accompanied by another yacht with a 'high-quality' international crew, for MbS’s personal delight, carefully selected by Turki Al Al-Sheikh.

Another place MbS feels safe to visit is his camp in Al-Ula, called Mijaza. Spread over millions of square metres, Mijaza has all the facilities and security of a palace. Nevertheless, MbS still prefers not to spend the night there and normally moves to another location in the evening.

Although the Crown Prince puts on what Mujtahidd describes as a façade of cheerfulness in public, the rest of the time when he is not on his yacht he is said to be in a constant state of irritation and anxiety. His unpredictable temper keeps his inner circle on constant tenterhooks: they know he can turn on any of them at any moment, especially if he feels someone is questioning his judgement or expertise.

Except for when he has an important meeting or special event, Mujtahidd says MbS has a disorganised daily schedule which means his life is in a state of constant chaos.

One principal reason for this is, much to the frustration of those around him, MbS’s personal life and the interests of his wife, mother, and children always take precedence over affairs of state, no matter how important.

Another constant problem is that the prince is reportedly a habitual user of stimulants and so has no specific time when he likes to go to bed. He can sleep anytime, day or night, although not without sleeping aids, and when he does sleep, no one dares wake him, so his sleep can last for a long time, sometimes all day. Then when he awakes he immediately starts ingesting stimulants and energy drinks again and so the cycle repeats. No one can predict how long before he sleeps again, whether a few hours or several days, depending on what he takes and how he feels at any given moment.

Saudi officials try to accommodate his behaviour as best they can. Meetings at all levels have no specific timings or duration. They can start at dawn, noon, or midnight and last for ten minutes, ten hours, or several consecutive days. Sometimes MbS calls a meeting then goes to sleep and ignores it which means no one else can leave until he wakes up. This can take 10 hours or more. Other times after waiting 12 hours they receive a message saying his highness will not attend and they have to reschedule - and woe betide any minister or functionary MbS finds asleep when he does awaken or who has made an excuse and left!

MbS’s eating habits are reported to be as erratic as his sleeping. He has no set meal times. Everything he eats has to pass the Royal Guard's food security check. Though around five years ago he underwent gastric sleeve surgery for obesity, contrary to doctors’ advice he still eats quantities of chocolate and fast food, especially burgers from McDonald's and Burger Boutique, a chain owned by his most trusted brother Turki bin Salman.

MBS avoids all sports, Mujtahidd writes. He claims to have learned Taekwondo, but this is unconfirmed. He has never been horseback riding and although occasionally he likes to relax in the pool, does not know how to swim. He dislikes family social gatherings and traditional Saudi entertainment such as Bedouin poetry and has no regular companions from among his brothers, uncles, and cousins - which is hardly surprising given that he locked many of them up in the Ritz, had them tortured and stole their assets. His only hobby is video games, Mujtahidd says, which is why he has invested billions in gaming companies, as well as scrolling through Twitter and other social media, which is what he spends most of his time doing when he is by himself.

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