People react near a fire after rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, in Ashkelon, Israel October 7, 2023. REUTERS/Amir Cohen Acquire Licensing Rights
I agree fully with what Chas said the other day: "The Hamas attack on Israel was part jailbreak (from Gaza, the world's largest prison since the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto) but more than that it was a revolt of the hopeless by the hopeless for the hopeless. Sometimes suffering becomes so unbearable that anything goes. Martyrdom is fatal but politically empowering.” Netanyahu (Israel) “declared war” on Hamas (really, Palestinians), as if the very fact of Israeli Military Occupation of Palestine isn’t already “war.” That’s why "military occupation” falls under the Fourth Geneva Convention! One part of International Law only applicable during “war.” Whether "war” can be seen by blazing guns and tanks, etc., or as in a “state of war,” as Israel has maintained against Palestine since 1948, by maintaining a captive population “outside the Law.” First with Occupation (Martial) Law over the Palestinians remaining in Israeli captured territory thereafter (illegally) incorporated into Israel, beyond what the UN had agreed to. And then the same with the 1967 War. Which Israel had planned well before 1967 as shown in their redeployment of Israeli JAG forces from “administering” the captured Palestinians in the expanded post-1948 Israel, in preparation for administering what was planned as the newly captured Palestinian population in the conquered territories they planned to add to Israel’s borders. And to be under “Occupation Law,” the same form of legal regime” imposed by any fascist regime. Benzion Netanyahu (Benjamin’s father) made no secret of this nor of the eventual plan of ethnic cleansing any remaining Palestinian populace in what was the conquered territories (with no limit to that recognized to this day). What enabled this "surprise” is that the Israel Security regime disregarded their own “Cognitive Warfare” research of an understanding of human thought and emotions, which leads to behavior, with an over-emphasis on how to manipulate it as Cognitive Aggression. While placing an over-emphasis on “material conditions,” taking Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs only for its “material needs.” While pretending not to see how Israel’s oppression is itself a trigger for resistance. Or as graffiti in West Belfast still puts it: “Oppression Breeds Resistance.” Given that, continued resistance to Israeli oppression, is completely predictable. And the answer to that to a fascist mind is always, and only, more oppression. As being cooked up in Israel now, with its U.S., UK, and EU supporters. And that longstanding “cognitive warfare” is assisted in being concealed by the like of ConsortiumNews when they make it appear as in a recent article as a “Democratic Party” operation aimed at Trump, and ignoring it was one of the means to get Trump elected in 2016, and is always part of the Trump “arsenal.” As it is now for the Democratic Party as well. The first 4 attached files are of the “theory” behind “Cognitive Warfare,” the latter four of the Israeli PM’s fascist father’s views on the Palestinians, and of the “need” to ethnically cleanse them, as repressive of the Israeli Right, down to the present day: |
A Political Grammar of Feelings.pdf
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4-Low-Intensity Warfare.pdf
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Cognitive operations excerpt.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
Promised Land » Blog Archive » Netanyahu’s father discusses the peace process: excerpts from the exc.pdf
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Promised Land » Blog Archive » Netanyahu’s father discusses Israeli Arabs, peace process: excerpts f.pdf
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Promised Land » Blog Archive » Netanyahu’s father discusses Bibi’s character, childhood: Excerpts fr.pdf
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99 year-old Zionist, Benzion Netanyahu speaks on the “Future of the Jews” - Destination Yisra'el.pdf
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Q: Operation “cast Lead” was one of the worst blows we handed on a civilian population.
A: “That’s not enough. It’s possible that we should have hit harder.” Well, that’s coming now, as openly declared!