[Salon] The War for Occupied Palestine


The War for Occupied Palestine

Roger Boyd   October 10, 2023

Well, it seems that I got the date of “Peak Ukraine” nearly spot on given what is now happening in Occupied Palestine. I do not know whether the Zionist regime knew of the attack beforehand or not, to me any such prognostications on this are meaningless speculation. The reality is that Hamas has struck at a time when Zionist munition stocks are low (emptied to supply Ukraine), the Jewish population has become accustomed to a make believe life where they live as if they were in Brooklyn and the Palestinians are kept quietly subjugated and dispossessed while out of sight and out of mind, the Zionist military is made of much softer types than served in 1948, and the normalization of Zionist-Arab State relations are at a critical point. As an occupied people, shoved into an open air concentration camp with little future to look forward to, the Palestinians in Gaza have nearly nothing to lose while the Zionists have everything to lose.

The Palestinians have already:

·      Destroyed the myth that Zionists can live peacefully in Occupied Palestine, enjoying a US-style life experience, as if they are living in Brooklyn with a few well-controlled prisons and a large concentration camp down the road. The result of this will be the emigration of the more economically successful, aided by the threat to liberalism which the extremist Zionist (basically a Jewish ISIS) elements are successfully pushing within the Zionist institutions.

·      Destroyed the “invincibility” of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF), which has been trading on this myth for a long time. An apartheid state surrounded by a much bigger population cannot afford to be seen as soft and incompetent.

·      Destroyed any possibility of a normalization of relations between the Arab states and the Zionist regime, Saudi Arabia has already ended all negotiations with Israel on the normalization of relations.

·      Shown their own technical and military capabilities, in a Tet-style offensive which signals to the world that the war for Occupied Palestine will not end until the stolen land is returned.

The Western elites have already, and predictably, mouthed their support for the Zionist regime and the US has pledged its military support. After the depletion of the Western military stockpiles, and the inability of the corrupt US MIC to ramp up production, the latter can only mean a reduction in supplies to Ukraine; without which it may rapidly succumb to the Russians. But Ukraine will also have been taken off the news feeds by Occupied Palestine, so the Ukrainian regime’s collapse will not register much with the Western populations; just like Afghanistan it will disappear into the historical black hole of elite-driven forgetting.

The Zionist regime is damned if it goes all out against Gaza and damned if it doesn’t. In the latter case the legitimacy of the regime with the Jewish population will be utterly lost with the possibility of an intra-Jewish civil war if the regime attempts to negotiate any type of honest settlement with the Palestinians. Open season will also have been declared on the Zionist regime as it is shown to be a paper tiger. In the former case Lebanon-based Hezbollah has already stated that it will become actively engaged, creating a second front with its much more militarily sophisticated formations. The West Bank will also erupt no matter how much the comprador Fatah want to stop a rebellion against the occupiers there. In addition, the Syrian state would be well within their international rights to seize back the Golan Heights that are internationally recognized as their legitimate territory. Day after day of the war crimes of the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza and the cutting off of basic necessities of life will ignite regional Arab populations against the Zionist regime. Outside of the West, the regime’s reputation as a “civilized” nation will also be destroyed; the most remembered holocaust will become that of the Palestinians not that of the Jews.

The reality of course is that it is not a “civilized” nation, but rather a bunch of ethnically-cleansing colonizers. Some of them may be liberal, others may be Orthodox, but pretty much all of them share the same supremacist beliefs that the European colonists in the Americas and the Nazis with respect to the Jews and Slavs did; as shown by Abby Martins street interviews of random occupiers below. Liberal Zionists are still Zionists. The citizens have been taught to hate Palestinians, Arabs, and Moslems since they were children, in the same way that Ukrainians have been indoctrinated to hate Russians for the past eight years. With an utterly fake history, just like Nazi Germany taught an utterly fake history in its schools.

The abhorrent double-standard between those currently declaiming the deaths of the colonizers when they have remained mute to the deaths of the colonized on a much larger scale year after year is so evident in the media of North America. Outside of the West, and outside of the official media even in the West, the Zionist regime is losing the information war to maintain its civilized status and the true state terrorists are being revealed. Abby Martin covers what is the everyday “normal” for the Palestinians as their colonizers seek to subjugate them and steal their land.

In addition, the IDF may find itself rapidly bogged down in street-to-street fighting with very high casualties, displaying weakness to its other possible opponents. Drones, anti-tank guided missiles and shoulder launched anti-aircraft missiles very much change the calculus between a (not so well trained or experienced) modern military and freedom fighters fighting on their own land. Is the Zionist regime and its population really ready for a Grozny-on-the-Mediterranean 35 kms south of Tel-Aviv?

Unless the US wants to utterly destroy its position in the region and create a global depression as oil prices surge past US$300 a barrel (greatly benefitting Russia and destroying the European economy), it will not directly attack Iran. The Biden administration has also half-depleted its strategic petroleum reserve in a vain attempt to keep the lid on inflation, removing that reserve as a possible counter-balance to any shutting down of the Straits of Hormuz. The US itself will not be short of oil given the massive increase in domestic production in recent years, but it will not be able to stop the global price of oil rising dramatically. In such circumstances China’s widespread electrification of its transportation system and its well-stocked petroleum reserve will help it withstand any oil price shock much better than many other nations.

This will remain as a proxy war, as I assume that there are enough sane individuals in Washington D.C. to pull back the neocon lunatics; then again, I could be wrong. The US ability to launch a major attack upon Syria will also be blocked with the Russian presence there. Just as with the Ukrainians, the Zionists will be provided with enough to fight, but not enough to drag the US directly into a regional conflagration. With the global geopolitical situation inexorably moving against the US and the West year by year, the days when the US can continue to support the Zionist apartheid settler state are numbered. The increasing extremism of the Zionist regime is sealing its final fate.

The biggest winners from both the Ukrainian and Occupied Palestinian conflicts may be China, as the US full pivot to war on China is continuously delayed. Russia will also be a major beneficiary as Ukraine is slowly starved of military supplies and any rise in oil prices will fill its foreign exchange coffers. The greatest losers may be the European elites as citizens rebel against both the massive sums provided to the failing Ukraine, and now the open and unconditional support of the elites for the Zionist regime; there is much support for Palestine among the people of Europe. With the possibility of higher oil prices stemming from the conflict and a tough El Nino winter there may also be a new energy crisis (especially with Europe partially dependent on LNG from the Gulf), electoral regime change will come to haunt those elites. This weekend in Germany, the SPD who lead the ruling coalition was devastated in regional elections in Hesse and Bavaria while the other two coalition parties (Greens and FDP) lost votes. The right of centre CDU/CSU and especially the right-wing AfD won big; the AfD came second in both regions. With the probability of a breakaway traditional left-wing (i.e. unwoke and focused on the needs of the workers) party from Die Linke being formed, things may get much harder for the ruling coalition and its comprador Atlanticist backers.

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