[Salon] Growing backlash over Harvard students' pro-Palestine letter

FM: John Whitbeck

The BBC news report at the link transmitted below offers heartening evidence to an old Harvard graduate (College 1968, Law School 1973) that a significant segment of today's Harvard student body adheres to moral and ethical values which, presumably for financial reasons, are inconceivable for the Harvard administration.

Of course, the BBC being the BBC, the emphasis of the report is on the "backlash" against this principled _expression_ of support for Palestine and the Palestinian people.


To be clear, the retaliatory mistreatment of hundreds of Israeli civilians after the Gaza jailbreak has been horrific at a human level -- but no more so than Israel's horrific mistreatment of the caged and repeatedly bombarded and massacred people of Gaza over decades and, indeed, since the jailbreak with no end in sight.

Inhumane behavior can provoke inhumane behavior in retaliation. History offers ample precedents.

The Global West has had no significant problem with such inhumanity when the victims have been mere Palestinians. Indeed, the Global West, and particularly the U.S government, has even cheered on Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity, whitewashed as Israel's "right to defend itself" against the people it has dispossessed, occupies and oppresses.

The United States is even now delivering more ammunition and missiles to Israel and positioning an aircraft-carrier battle group near Gaza's coast, while politicians of both parties are clamoring for an opportunity to vote for yet more "aid" to Israel in addition to the U.S. goverment's guaranteed annual tribute payment of $3.8 BILLION.

The Global Majority cannot fail to notice the radically different responses of the Global West.

As always, it is not the nature of the act that matters but, rather, who is doing it to whom.

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