Killing “Innocent Civilians” in Gaza! Good news for this guy: and this guy Though it won’t come close to satiating the lust for war of the two above, and their Party, for killing Muslims, even by proxy, and their love for the Israeli Radical Right of Likud, et al., or their demands that Biden escalate to war with Iran! With the constant Trumpite/Conservative demand that "This is no time to go wobbly.” Which is relentlessly repeated on right-wing TV and other media that the above are all allied to. If anyone deserves to be called “Antiwar,” they need to take notice of the dynamics of the US two-party system, of how one party (Republicans) always calls for escalation of war, with the other party dutifully following, lest they be denounced as some kind of “Traitor.” Which is not an apologia for the warmongering Democrats but to take notice we have bi-partisan support for national suicide, as a consequence of a political mutation process, and the self-degradation of this country over the last 22 years with our zeal for war, and military spending, as the solution for our ills. Sorry, but seeing and reading demands for escalation of the war that we’re now so eagerly in, by Conservatives, and the multifarious ways conceived to “escalate from the frying pan into the fire” horrifies me. And those doing the most to incite this government to wage even more war, the self-identified Trumpite Conservatives, like Trump, Johnson, DeSantis, et al., should not be “omitted” from the discussion of the wars they wish to escalate, as a form of right-wing “propaganda by omission.” And notice of that must be taken, lest we become complicit in their wars and war crimes. A lot of people seeking “peace” fell for that propaganda by Trumpites, as likely overseen by “National Conservative” and fascist admirer Peter Thiel in the 2016 election. And we got an immediate escalation toward “peer-competitor war” with Russia and China, with our “Greatest Military Ever” which Trump built, and his pulling out of the JCPOA, etc., as wiser people know. To which I should not omit mention of how “Military Surveillance Complex” Oligarch Peter Thiel and Steve Bannon, in their cognitive warfare campaign of Cambridge Analytica/SCL Corporation/Palantir, helped get Trump elected, "The connections between Palantir and Cambridge Analytica were thrust into the spotlight by Mr. Wylie’s testimony on Tuesday. Both companies are linked to tech-driven billionaires who backed Mr. Trump’s campaign: Cambridge is chiefly owned by Robert Mercer, the computer scientist and hedge fund magnate, while Palantir was co-founded in 2003 by Mr. Thiel, who was an initial investor in Facebook.” A NYT story only flawed by the author with an irresistible impulse to identify Aleksandr Kogan as “Russian-American,” because his family emigrated from what was the Moldovian SSR, as part of the USSR, to “juice up the story,” instead of pointing out his family came from a NATO ally: But this is where and how the “Conservative Revolution” took place, and now we have an an opposition party to Biden’s warmongering/warfighting, an even worse alternative, to the degree that is possible, with their constant refrain of “Escalate, Escalate!”