[Salon] The Need For A Palestinian State

President Biden quite properly said there must “be a vision of what comes next” after the war in Gaza, calling directly for a two-state solution.

He also sharply criticized Israeli settlers who have attacked Palestinians  in the West Bank.  The Washington Post (Oct. 26, 2023), reports that Israel  “has seen a more aggressive settler movement under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Biden declared, “I continue to be alarmed about extremist settlers attacking Palestinians in the West Bank that are pouring gasoline on the fire.”  These attacks, he said, are taking place in areas “recognized by Israel as Palestinian-controlled.”  This was a deal, declared Biden, “The deal was made, and they’re attacking Palestinians in places they’re entitled to be.  It has to stop.  They have to be held accountable.  It has to stop now.”

The Hamas terror attack against Israeli civilians was unprecedented and must be properly responded to.  But Israel’s more than 50 year illegal occupation of the West Bank and Benjamin Netanyahu’s promise to annex it and his increasing the number of Jewish settlements, must also be addressed.  

The Palestinians are entitled to a state of their own.  Israel will not be able to live in peace until this is achieved.

Allan C.Brownfeld,
Editor of ISSUES,
The quarterly journal
of the American Council for Judaism.

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