[Salon] Yes, Disruptive Students Can Be Deported: And they should be. - The American Conservative

With no apologies in advance for being so blunt, but one can’t stay silent or even restrict oneself to such polite language as would help conceal the “true nature" of what I describe below, anymore. Not when words like “Vermin” are now used by “President Trump,” as he is still due to be called, I guess, per past practices. And sorry to be critical of some “sacred cows” here, but when they give sustenance to the likes of what is now openly revealed as a more than embryonic fascism, calling itself the “New Right” and being promoted as “Right-wing Peacniks,” one has to speak the truth! Even knowing that my most vigorous critics of the Trump/DeSantis "Kendall Kult” and their National Conservative allies will again make a big stink against me for doing so. 

As can be seen in the photo below (goes with article at bottom of this email), which “disruptive students” The American Conservative (TAC) magazine are clamoring can and should be deported! 

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Ok, when the former POTUS, and very likely the next one, begins denouncing dissidents to the war he did so much to bring on; that of the Israeli Fascist Right, upon the Palestinians,  as “vermin,” and "New Right/National Conservative" flagship magazine, The American Conservative, denounces and calls for deporting “disruptive students” for exercising their “First Amendment rights,” which adhere to them while in the U.S., per U.S. Constitutional Law, though any “free speech rights” were denounced by their most celebrated “political theorist,” Willmoore Kendall (see below), then the “battle lines are drawn, in the words of Kendall. And I take my stand, even in the face of so much criticism I’ve received here from the “Konservative Kendall Kultists;” unequivocally, unalterably, and unapologetically, against those "Traditional Konservative (Neocons on Steroids, to paraphrase Lindsay Graham) Kultists," and the New Rightists (so-called by the Quincy Institute and TAC magazine, see Quincy link below), on the opposing side of their “battle lines.”

Vermin, what an interesting choice of words! Someone, Trump’s speechwriter, or maybe as planted in Trump’s mind by his one-time mentor, Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthey’s leading defender, as was Willmoore Kendall, was obviously reading their Julius Streicher!

Background: Julius Streicher founded Der Stürmer in 1923. It was distinguished by unrelenting anti-Semitism. These are cover caricatures from 1927-1932, and are representative of the themes Streicher chose. More material on Streicher is available on the 1933-1945 page of the GPA.

Caricatures from Der Stürmer:1927-1932

JPEG image

Caption: “When the vermin are dead, the German oak will flourish once more.” (December 1927) 

Explanation: A Nazi is pumping poison gas into the base of a tree, with dead rats representing Jews around the tree. The rats are labelled “stock exchanges,” “the press,” and “trusts.” The branches of the tree, labeled “Germany,” are industry, agriculture, commerce, the arts, business, the sciences, social welfare, civil service, and workers. This is the earliest Nazi image I know of that suggests poison gas as a way of killing Jews, although Hitler makes a reference to that possibility in Mein Kampf.


BLUF (from article at bottom): "On a generic level, we are reaching the point where the argument has moved away from whether multiculturalism works or fails, to how to plan with a future legislative framework and enforcement procedures of mass deportation of foreigners unwilling to assimilate, circumventing the human rights framework if necessary. On this broader question at least, it feels like we are on the cusp of the dam giving in. The moment one major Western country starts mass-deportation of newly arrived illegals, the entire post-’45 “human rights” NGOcracy architecture collapses.” Stop

One can read in this quote (in my opinion): "And it’s about f-ing time we rid this country of vermin!” Echoing what “the Leader,” as in English language terminology, stated in his Nuremberg Rally Speech last weekend in New Hampshire which I listened to just to be sure I didn’t mischaracterize it, as it was described here: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/13/us/politics/trump-vermin-rhetoric-fascists.html. And can be seen in its entirety here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_P1kGJniCQ (FULL SPEECH President Donald Trump to Deliver Remarks in Derry, NH. - 10/23/2023).
The TAC article at bottom should be read as a pronouncement from on high, like Moses to the Israelites, as this media platform, TAC (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/04/the-american-conservative-the-right-atlantic: "To Curt Mills, who recently joined the American Conservative as a senior writer, the publication is poised to be Donald Trump’s “in-house, in-flight magazine.”) 
is to the Trumpites/DeSantisites (really one and the same, as "New Right/Right-wing Peaceniks;” https://quincyinst.org/event/the-new-right-ukraine-marks-major-foreign-policy-shift-among-conservatives/),
drawing upon the "Sacred Scrolls" of Conservatism to render a decision, upon the same “Principles” as the "Conservative political theorist” Willmoore Kendall articulated in two of the attached files below show. And as he defended, as co-founder of the "Conservative Movement,” of his most adored Fascist Dictators, Generals Franco and Trujillo, as my note in “A Modest Proposal” (my title) points out:

Attachment: pdf_ffE5EWoz2.pdf
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Attachment: Kendall, in Bacevich book.pdf
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Attachment: Machiavelli and Fascism.pdf
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You ask how are “ideas” contained in these articles denouncing “free speech” and supporting, albeit in a disingenuous manner (only in this article is it at all “disingenuous,” elsewhere it is all-out support of McCarthyism), McCarthyism, by the namesake of what can only be called a "Kendall Kult” today, relevant to today’s “Conservatism?” And the even more pure "New Right/Traditional Conservatives/Right-wing Peaceniks" (so celebrated by TAC and Quincy Institute/Responsible Statecraft, along with Uber-Hawk Kevin Roberts [see Project 2025 in the attachment below], representing the most authoritarian minded amongst us, all Republicans of course [Republican Statecraft?]  as well as the most zealous in inciting war against Iran, China, Palestine, as priorities [only at the moment, if at all] over Russia, but look at the “inner-logic” of what they call for)?

Attachment: Heritage Foundation Total-War Militarization of America Plan.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Title: Yes, Disruptive Students Can Be Deported - The American Conservative

Notwithstanding Heritage Foundation and its President Kevin Robert’s and their chosen scribe, Christopher Miller, openly  declaring how much more money will have to go for the “Common Defense” ("Common Plan” is what the German equivalent was called at Nuremberg, for their plan to “Wage Aggressive War,” and don’t blame me for that analogy, I didn’t refer to anyone as “Vermin.”), we get this kind of  dissimulation: 

WTF!!!: How the hell does the QI scribe get this? "But as a series of statements and articles compiled by John Isaacs of the Council for a Livable World and the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation has shown, there are Republican members of Congress and Republican-friendly individuals and organizations outside of Congress who appear to be serious about seeking Pentagon spending reductions. Former Trump defense secretary Christopher Miller asserted that the Pentagon budget could be cut “in half” if the Pentagon moved to a “smaller, more nimble force.” Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation took to the pages of the American Conservative to call for long recommended cost saving measures like closing excess military bases and eliminating older, legacy weapons – measures that have been consistently blocked by Congress on a bipartisan basis. Unlike Roy and Jordan, Roberts seems to be in dead earnest:

Doesn’t anyone at QI “critically read," even slightly beyond what is clearly intended as “Cognitive Campaign propaganda," by the Heritage Foundation, and the war profiteering Oligarchs behind them? Or feel any shame for propagating a “false narrative” of Heritage and Kevin Roberts as self-evident here, when compared to Project 2025, or at least it is self-evident if one doesn’t just write what Roberts tells one too, in my opinion, or working as a scribe for Heritage:

And these “ideas” are relevant for the reason that Andrew Bacevich included that defense of McCarthyism in a book entitled “American Conservatism: Reclaiming an Intellectual Tradition.” It represents the “American Conservative Intellectual Tradition,” which contemporary “Traditional Conservatives” are “Reclaiming!,"as evident in the TAC article below. A so-called “Tradition” which should be denounced, not exulted, as I’ve denounced it for years now on this list. And endured the denunciations from the supporters of such a “Tradition” for years here now, on the Committee for the Republic’s email list! With the zealous “nullification” of the Bill of Rights” and even more, the First Amendment; the almost life-long pursuit of the author of those two pieces, constituting the "thin edge of the wedge” of fascism.” Which I argue he represented as a “political theorist,” when one takes even the slighted glance at Kendall’s “political theory” and the fascists whom he exulted; Franco and Trujillo! And increasingly less “thin” when a former President’s speech is correctly interpreted as “and their sad, miserable existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

Which this “critical,” but too “gentle” of an article, begins to make clear: 

But that’s one of only a very few even slightly "critical” articles about Kendall that one will find about him, with "Kendallian Kultists” overwhelmingly writing panegyrics to him, and equally sympathetic, to his fascist ideas of suppressing free speech, and any dissent to “consensus!” As a Conservative Kendall Kult cottage industry has sprung up, even before “Trump’s Arrival,” as can be seen here: https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2017/03/willmoore-kendall-conservative-movement-daniel-mccarthy.html
"Republished with gracious permission from The American Conservative (September 2013)”  

Little wonder that the always warmongering, torture and Military Commissions supporting , Conservative Heritage Foundation would join in celebrating Kendall and his speech and dissent suppressing ideology (None Dare Call It Fascism!) as here: 

Even more zealous in promoting Conservative Kendall Kultism (hereafter, KKK, as one might have guessed by now), can be found here, as with their support for “National Konservatism):
"Labeled an “absolute majoritarian,” he believed 50 percent-plus-one of the people had the right to decide matters. Fifty percent-minus-one had the duty to obey. Thus, Athens had acted rightly to put Socrates to death. Any people, he suggested, needed the ability to perpetuate its values and to sanction those undermining them.
. . . 
"Kendall disliked rights talk. Like the authors of The Federalist, he championed the original Constitution of 1787 unamended by the Bill of Rights. He knew rights could not be absolutes. If life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were actually inalienableand could not be taken away, then the United States could never have allowed the war, prisons, conscription, taxes, eminent domain, or traffic tickets. By putting certain subjects beyond the reach of politics, rights were also undemocratic, preempting the people from deciding issues they regarded as important, as with same-sex marriage today.

Those who declare that “Republics” are immune from waging Imperial Wars, clearly don’t know history, as this short Wikipedia bio of Marc Antony shows: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Antony
Which if this is any kind of immutable “law of history,” all that awaits a formal "Declaration of U.S. Empire,” is for one American (in the Imperial sense) man or woman to amass so much personal loyalty of a sufficient percentage of the U.S. population to themselves, of the kind seen here:  

to so declare. But why bother? All of Rome’s conquered peoples knew that the Roman Republic was an Empire; regardless of what the Romans might have called it. It was only the Romans who lied to themselves, post hoc, in distinguishing the “Roman Republic,” from the "Roman Empire,” with both having been the model of Empires forever after. With that same model as what Mussolini would model Fascism after, as the attached article on Machiavelli above shows so well. 

Finally, as consistent with all that the Heritage Foundation has always advocated, especially under current President, Quincy Institute favorite Kevin Roberts, is this Heritage Foundation panegyric to the KKK celebrated Kendall:

To only slightly paraphrase Kendall: “A republic, Kendall said, cannot long thrive and succeed if it’s not prepared to defend and maintain its conception of justice, of the good, and of how its citizens should live together in what they affirm and in what they reject. Such a society will slowly come apart at the seams as its citizens increasingly look at one another and realize they have no core beliefs and principles that they hold in common. The result will be apathy, anger, and aggression as civilized argument becomes impossible to sustain because the public square is no longer upheld by a consensus about who the “We the people” really are.

"This, ultimately, was the issue involved in the Joseph McCarthy hearings, Kendall reasoned. He detailed a series of arguments the McCarthy hearings engaged and the reasons why Americans favored and opposed him, but the key question, Kendall highlighted, that McCarthy raised was if an American could espouse Palestinian/Muslim/dissident beliefs regardless of whether those beliefs were capable of actually being implemented in American government. Senator McCarthy answered “no” to this question, and his opponents could not abide that answer. Palestinian/Muslim/dissident beliefs were illegal in word and deed, McCarthy and his followers held. And that inaugurated the nearly warlike drama that unfolded around him.” 

And as intended and effectuated in the TAC article below, of which the suppression of dissents by foreign students is only a trial run of the same for U.S. dissidents. 

What law professor Scott Horton wrote of Leo Strauss back in 2006 applies equally to Strauss’s close friend and mentee Willmoore Kendall, as below. Though I am less generous to both Strauss and Kendall, recognizing more so in each, the “voice of Carl Schmitt,” a genuine fascist voice. Which I didn’t hesitate in articulating at a Princeton University conference on Schmitt I was invited to back in about 2o10 or 2011, having shared thoughts on Schmitt with some involved there, as I’d come to realize Schmitt was the “legal theorist” whose ideas were those underlying the “legal theory” of the Military Commissions. 

Attachment: The Letter- Was Leo Strauss democracy’s best friend? (minus most comments) .docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

"But they also are filled with passages that suggest straight-line continuity with the thinking he expressed in his letter to Löwith of May 1933. One example would be Strauss’ 1948 book On Tyranny, a study in Xenophon’s dialogue Hiero, in which Strauss embraces the concept of the philosopher-tyrant “who has committed any number of crimes” in the pursuit of the interests of his polis. The work and many of the thoughts expressed in it resonate with fascism, and particularly the Italian variant – and this resonance seems more closely linked to Strauss than to Xenophon.”

And to Kendall! And about that time, Strauss and Kendall would become friends, collaborators, and co-ideologists! In regard to Strauss, and unlike those who won’t retire the term “Neoconservative,” while advocating the “Traditional Conservatism” of Kendall; it’s not about the “Jewishness” of Strauss. It’s about the “Fascistness” of Strauss, and the “Fascistness” of his mentee and collaborator, Kendall, and the so-called “West Coast Straussians," now more closely tied to, allied with, than ever to “Traditional Conservatives,” as the “New Right,” as Claes Ryn noted approvingly in his recent book on Conservatism. 

Whose KKK organizations can be seen as intertwined in the list of “Quislings” of the Heritage Foundation Project 2025 Advisory Board, as in the attached file above. 

Yes, Disruptive Students Can Be Deported

State of the Union: And they should be.

MIT argued that they cannot suspend disruptive students because the students might be deported. 

Haaretz reports, “The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has acknowledged that the reason it did not follow through with threats to suspend students participating in an unauthorized anti-Israel protest this week was its concern that they could face deportation because they were not U.S. citizens.”

The statement is wrong on multiple accounts. From the legislative side, every student visa questionnaire asks whether any foreigner is inclined to riot, disrupt, or otherwise cause disorder, or take part in terrorism or insurrection. Likewise, the university can immediately expel a student and restore order the moment it so desires. 

Similarly, if a student is found guilty of any of those, he is also guilty of committing perjury to the government of the U.S. and is liable to be deported. 

If the federal government decides a person unworthy of being in the U.S. for their conduct, MIT can do nothing about it. 

Second, on a normative level, no country has a duty to train those who violently oppose or seek to destroy all or part of it. Once again, this could be easily solved by legislation such that no university could do anything about it. You don’t see such protests by foreign students at universities in China.

Our inability to do anything is a reflection only on our inaction and lack of authority. It’s a question of agency. Both governments and universities can restore order the moment they want. It is really that easy to bring down the fear on students and protesters. 

On a generic level, we are reaching the point where the argument has moved away from whether multiculturalism works or fails, to how to plan with a future legislative framework and enforcement procedures of mass deportation of foreigners unwilling to assimilate, circumventing the human rights framework if necessary. On this broader question at least, it feels like we are on the cusp of the dam giving in. The moment one major Western country starts mass-deportation of newly arrived illegals, the entire post-’45 “human rights” NGOcracy architecture collapses. 

Historians do not like making predictions, but here’s one. Within five years, mass deportation will be a mainstream policy suggestion. There will be no other way.

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