[Salon] Trump's War! Were other Trump aides lobbying for Israel illicitly alongside Michael Flynn? | Michael Flynn | The Guardian

This should be of interest when we have POTUS candidates promising to take “Authoritarianism” to greater heights than ever before, with a lot on collaborating scribes in that effort. So, some history on “Trump’s War,” as the genocide taking place in Gaza and the West Bank today are properly a continuation of the Trump/Netanyahu War Against Palestine, as escalated into the “domain” of war which kicked off even before Trump took office in 2017 by his and Netanyahu’s effort to kill UNSC 2334. Correctly seen as the “opening shot” of the current genocidal war by Israel against Palestinians and any allies they have, to include in the U.S. when looked at on a “longer time horizon.” 

As a historian and Army attorney, informed in each by an extensive study of legal, political, and military theory, civilian and military, it is galling to see “false history” purveyed for political purposes to get genuine Authoritarians into U.S. political office, who also are the most fanatical pro-Israel militarists. Such as anything that comes out of the Koch Network and the think tanks they fund for their own nefarious purposes to get the kind of authoritarian politicians they favor into office when its Conservative side “plant false memories” that the “American Right,” was ever advocates when in office for a “restrained foreign policy,” relative to their Democratic opponents. Who themselves have their odious history of factions within them being as hawkish as the ultra-hawks in the Republican Party, as they do today, almost, as no one can “out Hawk” Tom Cotton, Donald Trump, or Ron DeSantis. With the latter two fallaciously running as "anti-Neocons,” while beating the drums for war against Palestinians harder than any other Americans. And always demanding more military spending than anyone else. The definition of “anti-Neocon” in the Republican Party, as those “Schmittian/Straussians who are even more hawkish than the Neocons, and who are always celebrated by The American Conservative magazine and their Straussian partners of Hillsdale College and the Claremont Institute. 

On that note, it has been suggested here that this generation should look to Senator Barry Goldwater’s ideological positions for guidance on foreign policy today. Sort of like wearing a bracelet asking “What Would Goldwater Do?,”  replacing the name of Jesus. No one will go broke producing such a product for Washington, D.C., to include perhaps even selling to Goldwater Democrats like Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden as the “ideological offspring” of foreign policy "Goldwaterism  (visit the Goldwater Archives at ASU for the correspondence between Goldwater and Scoop Jackson, and a couple “Southern Democrat Conservative” Senators, with it also reasonable to see the same influence directly between the one-time SSCI Chair, Goldwater,  and junior member Joe Biden). 

So it served both parties to “omit” that Trump was doing Netanyahu’s bidding in sending Flynn to get Russia to veto UNSC 2334 as Obama wanted it passed. This has been so obfuscated by partisan politics it's a monumental task to persuade “antiwar” activists that Trump was Netanyahu’s man in the WH, from beginning to end, when he finally left. And now waiting to resume doing Netanyahu’s bidding, even when they might appear to have a little spat. Whatever personal gripe they may have at any given moment against the other, they are fellow Authoritarians, and they will each have the other’s “Six,” to echo Republican Lauren Boebert’s nonsense,   as fellow Authoritarian  ideologues. Making them so attractive to Oligarchical worshipping Nietzschean libertarians, as seen in the adulation they’re heaping upon the new Argentine President who makes no secret of his devotion to Israeli military aggression and Authoritarianism. 

This article describes how Trump jumped to do Netanyahu’s bidding, even before taking Office, in 2016: 
"And thus, with the end of his tenure in the headlights, President Obama could hardly resist letting UNSC 2334 pass. In fact, it might have been more surprising if, at this point in his presidency—in the shadow of a potential Trump reversal of his legacy—Obama had stood in opposition to a resolution so reflective of his own personal belief system. Surely, he must have reasoned, halting settlement expansion, while also condemning “all acts of violence against civilians, including acts of terror, as well as all acts of provocation, incitement and destruction,” reiterating a “vision of a region where two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders,” and creating “conditions for successful final status negotiations and for advancing the two-State solution,” promises the best of all worlds.

So lets give credit" where credit is due. The final stage of genocide now underway in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is properly the “National Conservative War,” precipitated by the National Conservative Trump, driven ideologically by Kahanism in its current manifestation as Yoram Hazony’s Settler Fascist National Conservatism (more on that later, but suffer through reading his book, The Jewish State,” as I did, to see that). And attempting to subvert passage of UNSC 2334 was the first stage as Political War on the “Spectrum of Conflict” was the beginning as “Low-Intensity Conflict” of Trump’s War, as the author of the attached file below would readily understand. And the attempts to heighten the conflict by Republican denunciations of Biden’s “weak” support of Israel also fall into that domain of war: Cognitive War. In full collaboration with the Israeli fascist Right. 

Attachment: 4-Low-Intensity Warfare.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Were other Trump aides lobbying for Israel illicitly alongside Michael Flynn?

The United Nations security council passes resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlement building on 23 December 2016 with the United States abstaining.
The United Nations security council passes resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlement building on 23 December 2016 with the United States abstaining. Photograph: Albin/Pacific/Barcroft Images

The guilty plea entered on Friday by Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has raised critical new questions not only about the relationship between the Trump team and Russian officials – but also whether Flynn and other members of the Trump transition team were improperly lobbying on behalf of Israel.

Among the statements about which Flynn has admitted lying to the FBI is his depiction of a conversation with the then Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, relating to the run-up to the controversial December 2016 UN security council resolution 2334 on Israeli settlement building – which passed after the Obama administration abstained.

Israel, it was reported widely at the time, had been lobbying the team of then President-elect Trump in an attempt to derail the vote.

And according to the charge sheet against Flynn one of the false statements he has admitted giving to the FBI, was his denial that he had spoken to Kislyak on 22 December 2016 asking Russia to delay the vote on the UN resolution.

One reason that conversation is important – and potentially highly problematic for Trump and his inner circle – is because of comments made to CNN on 23 December the day after Flynn spoke to Kislyak – by an anonymous Israeli official.

That official admitted that Israel – and reportedly the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, himself – had contacted Trump to seek his assistance in killing the resolution.

The official – in comments that may come back to haunt the White House – said that Israel had “implored the [Obama] White House not to go ahead and told them that if they did, we would have no choice but to reach out to President-elect Trump”.

“We did reach out to the president-elect,” the official added, “and are deeply appreciative that he weighed in, which was not a simple thing to do.”

Trump himself not only spoke out to condemn the resolution ahead of the vote – highly unusual for a president-elect – but his incoming national security adviser Flynn was also lobbying Moscow to act against then US foreign policy.

While the timeline remains circumstantial, it is highly suggestive. At a time when Israel was asking the Trump transition team to intervene to derail the resolution, the question is whether Flynn would have approached Kislyak on his own initiative.

Flynn’s own answer to that question – in his guilty plea – is now on the record, alleging that a senior member of the Trump transition team “directed” him to make contact with Russian officials in December 2016.

And while the identity of that “senior transition official” has not been revealed there have been hints, not least the Wall Street Journal’s report last month that special counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating the attempt by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner to block the passage of the resolution 2334 – the same effort that Flynn, it now appears, lied to the FBI about.

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