[Salon] Christmas Canceled in Bethlehem as Churches Mourn 20, 000+ Palestinians Killed in Gaza & Debunking Zionist LIES With Noura Erakat & Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro - YouTube

Here is my personal Declaration of Conscience.
Not wishing a Merry Christmas to anyone here this year, as everyone should know of the “Final Solution” being carried out not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank, which means Bethlehem, making it a sacrilege to wish a Merry Christmas on this Christmas Eve. As wishing someone a “Merry Christmas” when Bethlehem itself is under fascist siege is to the very religious figure whose birth Christmas is founded upon, in my opinion. And where, if Jesus Christ returned tonight and uttered a word calling for “Peace,” he would be taken into IDF military custody and charged with terrorism, if not summarily killed!.

I visited Bethlehem last March on the same trip that I attended an Israeli military tribunal (not a “Court”) in which a Palestinian child was charged with throwing rocks; he having already been in Israeli military custody for at least three months. As is the practice in Israeli military tribunals, with sentence not being  pronounced for months while the prisoner, even or perhaps especially, a child, undergoes torture until agreeing to become an informant, and pleading guilty. Yesterday, in Paris, my son pointed the building out at Rue Boissy d’Anglas, 11 bis (see attached file in which that address is given on p. 59 as that of the so-called “Court,” under the (German) Commander of Greater Paris, of the "German Occupation Forces.” That file also represents the same “body of law” that the Military Orders issued by the “Israeli Commander of Greater Israel,” does, with neither even coming close to meeting the standards of “Occupation Law” under the 4th Geneva Convention. But instead both are the embodiment of what Jewish German lawyer Ernst Fraenkel wrote as the first line of The Dual State "Martial law provides the constitution of the Third Reich. Something always being called for in the U.S. by Conservatives! So fascism is on my mind, as it must be whenever ISL/US foreign policy, or with Israel, “occupation” (genocidal) policy, of the sort US Conservatives are conspiring with them to advance, like they did together with the Likud Judicial Coup! 

Attachment: The Haennig-Nordmann Papers_ Two Lawyers in Occupied France.pdf
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Attachment: I The Prerogative State .pdf
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I watched the Committee for the Republic’s Salon with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro the other evening but with microphone problems, didn’t get all the audio. But did catch Rabbi Shapiro making the point that U.S. “Conservative” Ben Shapiro (fascist, in my opinion, just listen to him and his support for the genocide of the Palestinians) is no relation, and not hesitating to analogize practices of “The Jewish State” to fascism and even, Nazism. As anyone who does a comparative political analysis of the two, can’t miss the similarities. See book of same title by National Conservative Yoram Hazony whom U.S. Conservative have all flocked to for his ideology of National Conservatism, or “Kahaneist Zionism.” Fascism, as I said.  Of the most extreme kind, using tropes of Meir Kahane in calling for a “Jewish State” in 2002. And continuing that to the present (see below). So in looking to see if the Committee had the Rabbi Shapiro Salon video on YouTube yet, I came across another recent talk by Rabbi Shapiro which touches on the same topics, along with  Noura Erakat, the author of a must-read book: "Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine.” 

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Every single Republican named in the above article, which is typical of the Quincy Institute with their Republican loyalties when recognized as to whom they support politically, are the fallaciously named “Right-wing Peaceniks,” every single one of whom have been fanatically inciting war with China and Iran, and now  for Israeli genocide against Palestinians! "Right-wing Peaceniks,” like hell! How could anyone be so stupid as to fall for that, unless they “just fell of the turnip truck.” 

And Rand Paul? Ever loyal to repeating Israeli/Likud/Republican Cognitive War memes, and concealing the "true face” of his Zionist Party:
In spite of all these outright lies by Fox News about Tlaib here, Rand Paul stays silent to Fox News, and only echoes the US Zionist Party, the Republicans (the Democrats have to be bribed by AIPAC, the Christian Zionist Republicans echo Zionist cognitive war memes due to ideological affinity) and their fellow Zionists of Likud. Note Paul in the later part of this omits that Trump is who developed the Covid shots that Republicans now denounce so much” 

Biden’s War? He deserves all the denunciations for Genocide he is getting. But listen to what these Zionist fanatics have to say! And these are whom “Rightists,” from libertarians to National Conservatives, are working to get elected as POTUS this election, with these just a sampling of examples which can fill pages!

I’ve suggested to fellow lawyers that every single one of the so-called “Right-wing Peaceniks” are in fact, those most guilty of “Incitement of Genocide,” a charge which should also be advocated as appropriate. Look it up! And with Trump, and some of his administration, they too should be charged with Genocide, not just “incitement of,” along with Biden, as Israeli genocide against the Palestinians “hit high-gear” under Trump, with all the green-lighting and services he provided Netanyahu and their fellow Zionists!

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