[Salon] Middle East Policy Special Issue: The Gaza War


Middle East Policy Special Issue: The Gaza War

Middle East Policy announces its special issue, The Gaza War, a timely, vital examination of the sparks fueling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, from failed diplomacy after the promise of Oslo to the Hamas-PLO split, 15 years of fighting in and around Gaza, and the demise of the two-state solution.  

With no end in sight in the assault on the Palestinian enclave that followed the horrific massacres of Israeli civilians, this collection features interviews with key players and contributions by more than a dozen scholars from Israel, the occupied territories, the United States, and around the globe. 

The edition is free to read for everyone, regardless of subscription status. 

The Gaza War

The special issue begins with analyses of the October 7 attacks through the lens of human-rights law, and of the road to the Oslo accords. Among many other articles, readers will find interviews with Hamas leaders, evaluations of previous wars between Israel and the Palestinian group, reconsiderations of the US-Israeli “special relationship,” and explanations of how the two-state solution has been short-circuited

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Middle East Policy, a top journal of Middle Eastern studies and international relations, provides credible, comprehensive analyses to policy makers, scholars, and the public. In line with the broader mission of the Middle East Policy Council, this resource combats disinformation by publishing high-quality research for a wide-ranging audience.  

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