[Salon] Biden's border surge in 2023 has surpassed the total populations in each of 17 US states


Biden's border surge in 2023 has surpassed the total populations in each of 17 US states

In the last three months, nearly three-quarters of a million illegal aliens have entered the United States across the southern border. That number does not include an unknown number of "gotaways." According to Newsweek, the number of illegals crossing into the United States in 2023, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), surpassed the total population of 17 US states. 

In the first 11 months of 2023, at least 2,953,676 illegal aliens crossed into the United States across our northern and southern borders, with a vast majority crossing up from Mexico. That number dwarfs the total in previous years and proves that the Biden administration appears to have zero interest in protecting US sovereignty. 

Critics of Biden and his feckless Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas have slammed the administration’s lax approach to border security if any such security actually exists. During the 2020 Democratic presidential debates, Biden invited “migrants” to “surge the border.” They apparently took that as an open invitation. 

Despite some so-called “experts” claiming external factors such as political instability have driven the border surge, it is impossible to discount BIden’s non-existent border control policies as a primary driver. 

While Republicans often take the blame for criticizing Biden due to partisan politics, the criticism of the Biden administration has been bipartisan in nature, with Democrats such as New York City Mayor Eric Adams criticizing BIden’s handling of the border. 

States that have total populations smaller than the number of illegal aliens Biden has allowed into the country include Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Main, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. 

With 2,738,145 illegals crossing the border in 2022 and 2,069,805 in 2021, nearly eight million illegals have crossed into the United States. In 2020, when Donald Trump was president, 400,651 illegals crossed the southern border, meaning a seven-fold increase in illegals entering the United States since Trump’s last year in office. 

Congressional Republicans have been holding aid to Ukraine as a bargaining chip against Biden in an attempt to secure additional legitimate resources at the southern border. With the current Congressional term over, nothing would take place until next year, when some believe there is optimism that some kind of deal may be reached.

The timing, of course, would allow Biden to bloviate about “controlling” the invasion at the border just in time for the 2024 election. 

One proposal floated by Republicans is toughening up the so-called “credible fear standard” used in initial asylum interviews to determine if those seeking asylum have a legitimate excuse or are merely gaming the system.

The AP reported the Biden administration proposed $14 billion in border security spending, however, most of that was to deal with administrative issues and had little to do with actually securing the border. 

Along with the feckless Mayorkas, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was scheduled to meet with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador this week, where they are to discuss the politically correct “unprecedented irregular migration in the Western Hemisphere,’ code name for illegal immigration into the United States.

A State Department release said the summit would also address how the US and Mexico can cooperate on border security. 

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