[Salon] The Long War on Gaza | Sara Roy | The New York Review of Books

(With the cursor in the white space below, scroll it up or down to get beneath the NYRB banner, I believe. Scroll down for excellent but depressing Roy article. )
As a Guantanamo defense attorney, I had to do extensive study of the Mideast, to put “events” there into their proper context. Both during the British Mandate period, and then the Nakba, and since, with the Nakba never coming to an end, as we’re seeing today! In that, I had the honor of meeting such people as Eugene Rogan and Avi Schlaim at Oxford, and Ilan Pappe, with the latter two “New Historians,” as they were called in Israel in the 1990s during a brief moment of Israel’s “Glasnost." Which didn’t last long, explaining why Ilan is now in Britain too, with Avi Schlaim having been there for a few decades by then for non-political reasons, as far as I know. But in his Wikipedia entry, it explains: "Shlaim served as an outside examiner on the doctoral thesis of Ilan Pappé. Shlaim's approach to the study of history is informed by his belief that "the historian's most fundamental task is not to chronicle but to evaluate... to subject the claims of all the protagonists to rigorous scrutiny and reject all those claims, however deeply cherished, that do not stand up."[10]

With that latter sentence included by me as it is applicable far beyond just formal “Historians.” It should apply to everyone receiving this email (and the general population even if they do nothing more than vote) given this List is made up of journalists; supposed “journalists” (the latter meaning those calling themselves that, but who serve as scribes for their respective party affiliates, or those who pay their salaries, whom I reserve some of my greatest ******** for); think tank “experts” (see supposed journalists); former USG officials; and others playing some kind of role, or at least having interest, in “Politics.” 

Given that the U.S. Government is indisputably the “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world : My own Government,” yet virtually all Americans remain silent about that, if not cheering it on, unlike Martin Luther King who said "I can not be Silent.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. (boo-hiss, from the Traditional Conservative gallery), with that fully apparent even more than when King said it, ever since 9/11, and the unlimited support given the Israeli genocidalists, the open war against Russia which has gone on now for over a decade by CIA/USSOCOM and their proxies (not at all “clandestine" to the ethnic Russian population we were co-belligerents against, beginning with our regime changes operations going back to the 1990s, and escalating ever since, as co-belligerents with the openly fascist Azov Bn); only to “Stupid” (in the “Latinate" meaning of the word) Americans, who think by willful ignorance, they avoid complicity in our war crimes. Like Germans believed from 1933-1945, and Israelis believe, from 1948-present. 

But amongst the people I had discussed the Mideast issues with, was Sara Roy, at least briefly, I recall, in developing a “mitigation argument” for the prisoners I represented. Which was mooted in the first case, with a plea agreement, the second, blocked disproportionately by “Conservative” Judges,” and the third case, probably never as he was tortured so badly by the CIA (rectal feeding, etc., how sick are they?!), that his case will probably never to to the final stage of a military tribunal (not a “Court,” not in any common meaning of the term).

Reading about this, or even seeing a movie about Gaza, doesn’t capture the full depravity of what Israel has done to the Palestinians, as well as seeing it for oneself, or at least speaking to an “eyewitness,” as I did (again) a couple days ago. Nevertheless, we can’t escape complicity for what Israel is doing today, by they being a “foreign country,” as the US political parties are so interconnected with Israeli parties, with each US faction to their respective Israeli counterpart. Meaning the Republican/Tradition-National Conservatives, can’t wiggle out of the fact that their chosen allies in Israel are the “worst of the worst” of their fascists. As Mike Pence, representing the Republican Party as a whole, made clear with Kahanists Ben Gvir and 

"Former Vice President Mike Pence visited Israel this week, and while his visit made little headlines, on Wednesday he did manage to draw public attention after touring the West Bank city of Hebron with two of Israel’s most notorious right-wing extremists, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir and far-right activist Baruch Marzel.
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"Pence, whose visit appeared to be laying the groundwork to shore up evangelical support in the 2024 presidential race, said it was a “great honor” to meet Ben-Gvir, the ideological successor of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose Kach movement was banned from running for the Knesset and is considered a terror organization by the U.S. government. Ben-Gvir shook Pence’s hand and told the former vice president about how he was “battling against our enemies.”

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"Ben-Gvir leads the Otzmah Yehudit faction of the opposition Religious Zionism party. Known for his anti-Arab rhetoric, Ben Gvir has had a number of run-ins with the law and with Arabs, including fellow lawmakers. Prior to entering the Knesset, the ultra-nationalist worked as a lawyer representing Jewish terror suspects.

"Marzel led Kahane’s Kach party after its founder’s 1990 murder, and has long been identified with the faction’s goal of forcibly expelling Israel’s Arabs. He continued to be among its top supporters until it disbanded in 1994 after the Israeli government declared it a terror group.

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