[Salon] Israel Killed Thousands of Children in Gaza. How Can So Many Israelis Remain Indifferent? - Opinion - Haaretz.com

As well to ask, "How Can So Many American Conservatives Remain Indifferent?” (At least a handful of Democrats oppose the genocide.) 

Before answering that question, let me pay tribute to the great journalist John Pilger! Who died Saturday, and thereby reduced by about 20% the number of of Western journalists whom I retain any respect for: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/dec/31/john-pilger-campaigning-journalist-dies-aged-84


With none of those on the “Right,” with the one or two that I once did have respect for, having dropped off in about 2015 when they all became sycophants for Trump, and the billionaires who employ them. 

But this is New Years, so: 
. . . Happy New Year, let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear (haha), though the Palestinian’s “near and the dear ones, the old and the young,” are being slaughtered in front of our eyes, if we open them, by Israeli fascists, whose “masks” are fully removed now. 

Except in the US, where the worst of the worst of their like-minded ideologues, self-described as “Traditional Conservatives/National Conservatives," and their right-wing media platforms, funded by the likes of Charles Koch and Peter Thiel, and fellow rightists, conceal “by omission” that as bad as Biden’s complicity for genocide is, as the Center for Constitutional Rights has correctly charged him with, “Traditional Conservatives/National Conservatives,” of the so-called "New Right” are far worse and more complicit. As I’ve shared here now for a few years, since before Trump even came into office as he was being “Chosen” by the Adelsons, and hooking up with Michael Ledeen’s co-author of a pro-war book, Michael Flynn. Which with Flynn’s outreach efforts on behalf of Netanyahu in attempting to interfere in a UN vote in 2016, with Trump’s connivance, should cast a lot more suspicion on Flynn, as anyone merits who is an associate of Michael Ledeen!

The "end of Neoconservatism” I heard it said here when Trump took Office. But only in the sense that Trump returned it to its “Traditional Conservative roots,” 
of the right-wing ideologues of Willmoore Kendall and his friend/co-ideologist Leo Strauss, who asked Kendall to intervene with Buckley for a pro-Israel policy at National Review, which he did, and has remained the case ever since. 
And of Barry Goldwater: 

(1967: "Israel should not give up one inch of the territory she was forced to take from the Arab nations.), followed by Henry Kissinger, and George Shultz: 
"In his address, Dine declared that “there is wide agreement that Ronald Reagan is among the best friends of Israel ever to sit in the Oval Office, and that George Shultz has been a friend beyond words as secretary of state....These stalwarts have truly transformed U.S. policy over the past five years, raising the relationship to a new level."

Reagan as “best friend” that is, until GWB first, and then Trump, took Office, with the latter especially subsuming the US into Israel and the Republican Party all the way into Likud! 

But for these people, theyre not just “indifferent”: they’ve joined with their "Traditional/National Conservative” ideological Israeli compatriots of Tikvah Fund and Kohelet Forum, connected by Yoram Hazony and the Federalist Society, in actively calling for genocide, not just remaining “indifferent" to it.Let me recite just a couple of their names: Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz. With the latter repeatedly hailed as a Right-wing Peacenik, by amongst others, Quincy Institute, The American Conservative, and in one article, the Boston Globe. Solely because he demanded more US money go for wars on Iran and China, and as we can see, Israeli genocide on Palestinians, instead of Ukraine. Which doesnt make someone antiwar, not when they want a big war, instead of a “small one.” With Gaetz virtually first out of the box with an anti-Palestinian “cognitive war message inciting wars with Palestinians and Iran! 

Episode 118 LIVE: Israel at War – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

Recognize those names? You would if you’ve read the work product of the massive deception/cognitive war campaign initiated by the billionaires behind Trump in 2016, starting with Charles Koch, Peter Thiel, the Adelsons, and the Mercers, conducted by the latter’s Cambridge Analytica and SCL Corporation (see attached file), fallaciously selling them all as “Right-wing Peaceniks” of the New Right. With Josh Hawley as one of the most celebrated of these far-right, "Right-wing Peaceniks,” demanding censorship of dissenters, as all these bastards do, even more than the Democrats, as bad as they are too!

Here’s a further listing, to a man, or woman, openly supporting Israeli genocide politically: 

Attachment: Cambridge Analytica-2023.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Here is the “New Right” of the U.S.: https://hamodia.com/prime/yoram-hazony-a-new-conservative-brand-and-the-man-behind-it/
Yoram Hazony: A New Conservative Brand and the Man Behind it
And if anyone missed this before, here it is again, the story of the “New Right,” Right-wing Peaceniks,” who’ve drawn a line between their fascist ideas promoting genocide, and those of us who not only don’t support Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, but actively oppose it, and oppose the fascists who are promoting it! Which means against both US major parties, but principally against the war/Zionist fanatics named in this:

Israel Killed Thousands of Children in Gaza. How Can So Many Israelis Remain Indifferent? - Opinion - Haaretz.com

The Gaza Strip is gradually being erased, along with its families, its people, its children, their smiles and laughter. What enables the majority of Jewish Israelis to support this systematic and mass erasure?

What enables them to see it as the only suitable response to the massacre that Hamas and its accomplices perpetrated, to the military humiliation of Israel and to the indescribable suffering of the hostages, the wounded, the survivors, their families and the families of the hundreds killed?

Israel's military is erasing the streets of Gaza's cities and the alleys of its refugee camps. It's erasing Gaza's beach promenades, villages and its unexpected yet existing agricultural areas. It's erasing its cultural institutions, universities and archaeological sites.

A woman in Rafah in southern Gaza on Saturday. We Jews have assumed a monopoly on the suffering caused by the cruelty of the Other.

A woman in Rafah in southern Gaza on Saturday. We Jews have assumed a monopoly on the suffering caused by the cruelty of the Other.Credit: Mohammed Abed/AFP

Hamas' military infrastructure is being destroyed and may be destroyed entirely. Thousands of its armed men are being killed and will be killed. But the organization will be rebuilt; it and its leaders will flourish in every community and place where the erasure of Gaza continues.

What enables the majority of Jewish Israelis to remain unshocked by the fact that in about two months we've killed around 7,000 children (a provisional figure) with the help of America's improved bombs?

What enables most of the Jews not to gasp in horror at the crowding of 1.8 million or 1.9 million people into about 120 square kilometers (46 square miles), a "safe area" that's constantly being bombed? What's preventing those Jewish Israelis from screaming when they hear about the thirst and hunger of 2.2 million Palestinian civilians and the diseases spreading due to the crowding, the water shortage and the out-of-action hospitals?

What enables this erasure and the slaying of children with both our active and passive participation? Here are some answers:

• For decades we've been educated to believe that only military force can ensure the state's survival and ability to flourish, while denying rights to the Palestinian people.

• We've erased any "context" – incitement has made this word a synonym for support of Hamas and justification of its horrors.

• We Jews have assumed a monopoly on the suffering caused by the cruelty of the Other.

• We've chosen not to look at the unbearable pictures of trembling Palestinian children, faces gray with dust, being rescued from between bombed concrete walls. And there's no way of knowing who's more fortunate: those children or the ones who were killed.

A woman and two children in Rafah on Saturday. We remember every massacre of Israelis by Palestinians. We forget every massacre of Palestinians by Israelis.

A woman and two children in Rafah on Saturday. We remember every massacre of Israelis by Palestinians. We forget every massacre of Palestinians by Israelis.Credit: Mohammed Abed/AFP

• Every mass or gradual killing that we've been carrying out against the Palestinians for years, every theft, humiliation and abuse passes through thousands of media, psychological and academic filters. The sifted product is our conviction that the Palestinians are better off than the Somalis or Syrians, so they shouldn't complain.

• We remember every massacre of Israelis by Palestinians. We forget every massacre of Palestinians by Israelis.

• For decades we've gotten used to living in comfort while five minutes away Israel (in other words, us) demolishes Palestinian homes and builds for Jews, channels water to Jews and makes Palestinians go thirsty. All the rest is written in the reports of the rights groups HaMoked, B'Tselem and Adalah.

• For decades we've been ignoring the "moderate" Palestinians' warning that the continuous grab of freedom and land and the settlers' violence – assisted by the state and inspired by its violence – narrow their children's horizons and generate despair and faith in arms only and revenge.

• We've embraced an essentialist worldview: The Palestinians are terrorists because that's the way they are. They were born with genes for hating us – the offspring of Roman Emperor Titus and the pogromists of East Europe's Khmelnytsky Uprising of the 17th century.

• We're convinced that we're a democracy, even though for 56 years we've been ruling over millions of subjects without civil rights, controlling their land, money and economy.

• We have profound racist contempt for the Palestinians, which we developed to justify, both cognitively and psychologically, our trampling over them.

Medics tend to children injured during Israeli bombardment at Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis on the southern Gaza Strip on December 16, 2023.

Medics tend to children injured during Israeli bombardment at Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis on the southern Gaza Strip on December 16, 2023.Credit: MAHMUD HAMS - AFP

• We've been in denial of Palestinian history and the rootedness of Palestinian existence between the river and the sea.

• The erasure of Gaza is possible because since 1994 we have deliberately missed the opportunity – offered to us by the Palestinians – to shed some of our traits as a dispossessing and settling entity and let them have a state on 22 percent of the area west of the Jordan River (including Gaza). I wrote in July 2021 that "in all the heat of the talk about apartheid, a dynamic, active and dangerous dimension of it – the Jewish settler colonialism – has become dulled and blunted.

"According to the ideology and policies of Jewish settler colonialism, the Palestinians are superfluous. In short, it is possible, worthwhile and desirable to live without the Palestinians in this country between the river and the sea. Their existence here is conditional, dependent on our wishes and our goodwill – a matter of time.

"The ideology of 'superfluousness' is a poison that spreads especially when the process of settler colonialism is at its height. ... Settler colonialism is a continuous process of grabbing land, distorting historical borders, reshaping them and then expelling indigenous peoples."

I referred to the "superfluousness" of the Palestinians in the West Bank and warned about the intentions to expel them. I assumed then that the viewing of Gazans as superfluous sufficed with severing them from their people and their families on the other side of the Erez checkpoint that separates Gaza from the rest of the land (Israel and the West Bank).

But now the "superfluousness" is being reflected in expulsion, disguised as voluntary under the shelling. It's being reflected in the physical erasure of the Gazans, and in plans to return Jewish settlers to Gaza. Woe to them and woe to us.

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