[Salon] You Should Worry About 2024


You Should Worry About 2024
By Patrick N. Theros - December 29, 2023

I do not normally write in near-apocalyptic terms.  Thinking about 2024, however, wakes me up at night. Preparing to write my annual prophesies, I reviewed my 2023 prediction. I am shocked at my prophesying accuracy!  I anticipated the GOP House meltdown and Congressional failure to pass any meaningful legislation; though this was blindingly visible to anyone except committed partisans. I also nailed Mother Nature taking revenge, the Ukraine War stalemate, mass shootings, and – on the bright side – a decreasing inflation rate and low unemployment.

What I did not predict was an intangible: the break-down in civilized norms. The rise in pointless mindless crime--i.e., carjacking to joyride not to steal, shooting a stranger who ‘dissed’ you, ignoring genocide--should frighten anyone out of their comfortable middle class existence. I underestimated the callous disregard by members of Congress for America’s interests in dangerous times, e.g., Senator Tommy “Coach” Tuberville (R-AL) singlehandedly holding hostage the entire command structure of the US Armed Forces for almost ten months. Nor should we ignore the black comedy inflicted on the House of Representatives by roughly 10 percent of its membership and 20 percent of their party caucus who cowed majorities into firing the Speaker of the House, turning the election of his replacement into a circus, and bringing the US twice to the brink of economic disaster. The right wing hostage-taking threatened not only to derail the economy but to help Putin in his aggression against Ukraine.

To be fair, the left has joined the right in collapsing civilizational norms.  Both have launched a massive assault on free speech and even free thought. Tiny numbers of ideologically motivated activists wrapped in “leftist” mantles intimidate college professors over pronoun usage and force universities to shut down student organizations, speakers and publications because they might make some students “feel uncomfortable.” Some place along the way they missed the memo that requires education to make students “uncomfortable” to kick-start them into thinking. Similarly, tiny numbers of ideologically motivated activists masquerading as concerned parents and wrapped in “rightist” mantles intimidate libraries and school boards into banning access to books which they dislike and denying the right of all other parents to decide what their kids should read. Even worse, democratically elected state governors have attempted to “erase” the rights and dignity of tens of millions of Americans; most horribly by trying to erase the inhumanity of slavery from schoolbooks.

The current unspeakable horror in Gaza, inflicting the worst carnage in the history of the 75 year old Israeli-Palestinian conflict has unleashed an unprecedented assault on free speech and academic leadership. In scenes reminiscent of the “Red Scare” and 1950s McCarthyism, a kangaroo court posing as a congressional hearing browbeat three distinguished University Presidents because they tried, albeit clumsily, to explain the difference between free speech and incitement. Rich donors then attempted to get them fired, successfully in the case of the University of Pennsylvania. Astoundingly, racists -- many of whom are themselves antisemites –have now joined the fight against Harvard’s black woman President.

I fear that my “end of 2024” article will chronicle one of the worst years in American history. The Ukraine war will continue in its dreary gory imitation of World War I. Modern technology makes war of maneuver unacceptably costly; for example, the drones spot anything moving and call down artillery fire.  The battle lines will remain more or less static through the year. The MAGA House members will not succeed in blocking aid to Ukraine and hand Russia a victory.  Biden will continue to keep aid to Ukraine and Israel (MAGA’s sacrosanct issue) in one legislative package. Netanyahu will continue flipping a finger to the US, press on with his campaign to eradicate Gaza’s two million people – the only feasible way to eradicate Hamas. Once the Israeli air force exhausts its target list in Gaza, I fear Netanyahu will find or fabricate an excuse to turn it loose on Lebanon. There may not be a ground war; the IDF will still be tied up fighting Hamas in Gaza’s rubble. Nor does the IDF want to engage in a ground war against Hezbollah, which defeated it in 2006. Netanyahu’s political survival requires endless war, and, like Putin, he desperately needs Trump winning the November elections. He will try to provoke an American war with Iran, a war that will gravely damage the world economy. At that point, Biden can kiss the November elections goodbye. I have no idea when Biden will tumble to the fact that Netanyahu has played him.

On the other hand, if the Gaza war winds down, the American economy will continue to chug along, as in 2023, creating jobs, lowering inflation and growing economic output. Unions will grow and slowly decrease economic inequality, leaving the average American actually better off (even if they think otherwise) than in 2023. The only other significant threat to America’s economic well-being, is the MAGA House caucus going off the rails and closing down the government. House Speaker Mike Johnson’s record so far gives comfort; his right wing extremism appears focused on cultural issues. Representing a district that has an outsize reliance on federal benefits, Johnson will try to keep the government open. Sadly, I expect further collapse of civilized norms, worsening culture wars to grow more violent, increasing the butcher’s bill from racial violence, drugs and mass shootings.

I make no predictions for the Big Question, the November elections. To win, Biden needs to pull a rabbit out of his hat, convert the Gaza tragedy into a lasting settlement to the overall Israeli-Palestinian conflict, convince voters that they have indeed prospered, and persuade them that Trump is a real threat to democracy, while preparing to deal with the inevitable Unpredictable. Happy New Year! 

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