International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies ( IFIMES)[ 1] from Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses developments in the Middle East, the Balkans and around the world. Lorenzo Somigli is columnist specialized in the EU and Euro-MED energy and geopolitics. In his text entitled “ African Century? Afro-Asian Infrastructure and Transport Corridors“, he is analyzing challenges of the African interconnection projects.
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● Lorenzo Somigli,
Columnist specialized in the EU and Euro-MED energy and geopolitics
African Century?
Afro-Asian Infrastructure and Transport Corridors
The world has undergone a profound transformation,
and a new geopolitical phase has started. The edges of the Rimland
(Ukraine, Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, Myanmar, western Indian
subcontinent, sporadically Central Asia and possibly Korean peninsula)
is on fire; something momentous is about to happen.
While Eurasia hindered, African people must be able to seize the
opportunity of easing external pressure to enhance their development
path. North and South of Africa both do have fairly good infrastructure,
while the inland areas are almost completely disconnected. Economic
development and social freedom pass through infrastructures and
transport networks. The continent’s inner core needs greater integration
and infrastructure interconnection. The east-west infrastructural axis
must be further enhanced, but every project clashes with the harshness
of climatic conditions and geography.
For now, China but also Russia, India, Brazil and GCC players are
pursuing significant projects, especially in the Horn of Africa, and
further down to Continent’s southeast. In addition to the infrastructure
for movement of goods and people, those for energy and water also need
to be strengthened—in this case, in the heart of the continent.
The goals of African interconnection projects are:
- Socioeconomic integration;
- Reduction of the currently enormous geographical distances and travel times;
- Guarantee freedom of movement and trade, especially in the east-west axis;
- Make every sixteen African countries with no direct access, to connect to the sea and (existing or newly build) ports;
- Accompany the development of transnational conurbations, especially in coastal areas;
- Creation of a viable African internal
market, with a potential market of around 1.4 billion consumers
according to the Trade Africa Market’s estimates, through the abolition
of customs and tariff barriers;
- Make the continent self-sufficient in terms of production, as well as energy, and water.
Main problems are:
- Lack of political stability;
- Financing difficulties and dependence on external loans;
- External interferences;
- Adverse climatic conditions;
- Geographical adversities.
People are still people, even if they are poor. The
_expression_ is a dated one, perhaps even a bit adolescent, yet it
accurately portrays the multitude of individuals who live without making
history or who should solely dedicate their lives to serving the “luckiest”
people. Beyond rhetorical emphasis and values written on paper, it is
necessary to establish a path for development. So, infrastructure plays a
crucial role in Africa.
Only infrastructure has the capability to overcome natural obstacles and
circumvent geographical constraints. Natural conditions and
geographical distances are often the major impediments to economic
development and social integration but also slow down every political
power’s development and its external projection; breaking down
geographical distances reduces socioeconomic disparities and creates the
conditions for complete democracy. Indeed, there are clear correlations
between free movement and democratic development.
Far from an exclusively determinist—and so colonial—vision, it is good
to be clear that geography is a constant in human history. The
strategies of the great powers derive from geography. Deserts, oceans,
and mountain ranges influence human history. Anyway, canals, corridors,
and roads allow us to connect and overcome natural limits, changing
history as in the case of Suez and Panama; those are the crossroads of
global trade. Previously, Colbert's waterways network, as in the case of
the Canal du Midi, made France a first-rate power. Similarly, the
Trans-Siberian Railway—a brilliant idea by Sergei Yulyevich
Witte—enabled the colonization of Asian Russia and the transformation
of Russia into a modern power. A previous policy study published by
International Institute IFIMES showed how the North-South Corridor
allows us to achieve a degree of integration in the “Asian mass” that was previously impossible.
Classical geopolitics—Mackinder and others—has relegated Africa to a minor role as an infinitely isolated “island”, cut off from the outside and crossed by insurmountable geographical barriers; this resulted in a “perspective error”
on the continent, seen only as a base for extraction. What emerges from
a more careful examination is that Africa constitutes a sort of the “second heartland”.
Africa is vast, populous, and rich in resources but also penalized by
its geography, including deserts, mountain ranges, arid areas, and areas
subject to floods. In any case, classical geopolitics was tainted by
profound racism and must be overcome, not ignored. Africa lends itself
to being the center of the multipolar world.
The only point on which classical geopolitics still seems to be right is
when it highlights that geographical and climatic conditions—a large
part of Africa is in the tropical zone and is extremely dry or extremely
humid—limit not only agricultural production but also the birth and
stabilization of political power. This condition has resulted in the
absence of an indigenous power that can last and exert pressure on the
outside. Even after the liberation from the colonial yoke, the scramble
for Africa is not over; it continues today, except that it is led by new
powers, such as China, Russia, and Turkey, and not by the Western ones
anymore. The history of the continent for the current century will be
written by the ability of its peoples to establish an autonomous policy
and to work for full independence, but also to develop a policy as
equals with the new interlocutors for mutual and equal growth.
The Relevance of Infrastructure for African Development
As professor Anis H. Bajrektarevic
noted in his luminary book on Africa: “By contrast to Europe´s
continuously increasing political and security merging, African efforts
at building regional peace and security mechanisms will remain
improbable, or at best unsustainable, if the continent is unable to
secure process on economic development and democratic consolidation.
Africa´s excessive external economic dependence, and its resulting
sensibility to fluctuations in the international financial systems,
leads to the conclusion that its perpetual economic difficulties
considerably limit the continent´s potential and capacity to lead itself
towards unity and the creation of sustainable regional peace and
security structures. Nonetheless, the progress towards building such
structures in form of regional peacekeeping and conflict management,
which attempt addressing the full range of security factors, (as
exercised by ECOWAS, IGAD, etc.) has already started and appears
irreversible. (cf. Francis, 2006, pp. 241-243) Additionally, growing
international interest in the continent caused by its vast natural
resources provides a unique opportunity to eventually also gain economic
Given these developments and conditions the 21st century could truly become the “African Century.” (Africa – Security Structures, 2017)
Is this attainable?
Population growth (25% of the world population in 2050), because of the
stably high fertility and progressive reduction in mortality, economic
and consumption increasing, and urbanisation (Africa’s cities are the
most rapidly growing cities in the world) require a mass connection
system. The need to connect with ports in those 16 countries that do not
overlook the sea requires infrastructure planning. Now, 80% of goods
and 90% of people travel by road, while the railway network is very
Obviously, talking about Africa as
something unitary and defined makes no sense: there are profound
disparities, different paths, different decolonization processes,
different languages, and religions. What is certain is that numbers in
hand, this could be Africa’s century. So, it is complex to talk about
Africa; it requires better segmentation.
There are some particularly relevant transport and trade routes: one
coastal (Cairo-Dakar-Lagos, 8600 km in total), almost completed (except
for some missing links), three on the north-south axis and, finally,
three west-east routes. The first of the inner-routes connects Dakar
with N'Djamena (4500 km) and then Djibouti (4200 km); the second always
connects Dakar with Lagos and then Mombasa (with great problems in the
Congo River Basin area); the last is the route Lobito-Beira.
For greater integration of an area that has an increasingly greater
economic importance in the West African region, the project of a
Lagos-Abidjan corridor (the most populous city on the Ivory Coast) is
starting in 2025: it is 965 kilometres which will allow the creation of a
truly large coastal conurbation overlooking the Atlantic; this also a
demonstration of the trend of growing urbanization.
There are also three on the north-south axis: the first one crossing the
Sahara Desert Algieri-Lagos route (4,500 km), Tripoli- Windhoek-Cape
Town (10,000 km), Cairo-Cape Town (10,000 km). The difficulty in
completing these infrastructure projects, in addition to the
geo-climatic conditions, is the illegality (with its trafficking of
drugs, weapons, migrants) and the general instability of the area.
From this primary examination, it
emerges that there are some decisive intersections and checkpoints:
Dakar as the hub and starting point of three routes, and Djibouti as the
road, rail (thanks to the project implemented by China), and port
arrival point, while Lagos rises to the role of a hub between North and
South and between the Atlantic coast and the inland heart.
Anyway, there are several critical points: great instability is the
first problem because it has repercussions in the difficulty of
progressing in projects or carrying out maintenance, the presence of
dark points not yet connected, and the need for huge financing. The main
critical point is exactly in the center of Africa, where the climate
and the floods make it very complex to build and maintain asphalt roads
in good condition.
Railway Networks: Between Backwardness and Innovative Projects
For now, only 43 percent of the roads are asphalted,
but road transport still prevails because the railway networks are
profoundly underdeveloped; this has repercussions not only on the
economy but also on the environment. In fact, most railways are still
single track and not electrified.
In any case, there are significant expansion projects, such as those in
Kenya, Tanzania (high speed), Nigeria, Ethiopia, or Namibia, that focus
on the railway network to streamline the coal transport from Botswana
towards Wallis Bay (which could undermine Richards Bay). Djibouti was
also involved in the railway connection project with Addis Ababa, the
most successful project in Africa. Particularly in East Africa, there
are electrification projects.
The African Union (AU) presented a plan several years ago: the first
branch includes 19 projects for 17,000 km, while the second one is made
up of 62 projects for 74,000 km by 2063.
One of the partners most interested in African development has been
China, which financed the Nairobi-Mombasa railway project; the project
for the connection with Kampala has currently remained a dead letter,
and Uganda is looking at a Turkish partner. China’s current economic
conditions may be an unknown for foreign investment, although many
African countries have signed memoranda of understanding with China
regarding the BRI (Research Fellow at IFIMES/DeSSA Dr Maria Smotrytska
described the shifting-balance project in her detailed analysis). One
of the best-received projects is the electrified railway network between
Addisa Ababa and Djibouti, which has reduced travel time from around 7
days to around 10 hours and includes two bidirectional passenger trains
and three to four freight trains per day. This is the most significant
infrastructure project.
In any case, the continent’s strong dependence on external investments
remains. In the absence of an internal planning capacity and a
commonality of interests, the fate of the continent does not appear so
Water Stability
Infrastructure for moving goods and
people is a top priority. The availability and distribution of water and
energy are no less crucial for development and stability, especially in
critical areas of the continent. As in the case of transport networks,
access to primary goods, such as water, and stable energy supplies are
preconditions for the democratization of society. Water resource
management is a crucial issue for African countries. It is good to
remember that approximately 45& of Africa is affected by
desertification, a constantly growing phenomenon.
Water insecurity particularly affects the heart of Africa and the Sahel
region. The Trans Africa Pipeline Initiative, a non-profit project to
provide fresh water to 28 million people in 12 countries, is of
particular interest. The project route runs for almost 9 thousand km and
includes 10 freshwater tanks—to hold it for up to 30 days—along the
route and 2 desalination plants on the coast of Mauritania and in
Djibouti. According to estimates, the region's requirement is around 600
million liters per day. The production of salt, which is of high
quality because it is extracted from water, and the extraction of
lithium, an increasingly requested and scarce element, are the sources
for financing the operation of this ambitious project.
Perhaps for the first time, African peoples have a
geopolitical time window, which was triggered by the definitive decline
of the former colonial powers and the distraction of other global actors
on other scorching sectors. Russia will have to try to break the
Western siege; Iran is busy playing the balance in the Middle East
scenario; the United States is engaged on two fronts; and finally, China
must find a new synthesis of its ambitions and geo-economic global
Considering all of this, Africans (solely or in combination through
Afro-Asia or Eurasia) do have the potential to construct an autonomous
pathway, commencing the establishment of strategic infrastructure and
consequently removing any external interference. However, there is a
lack of resources, both financial and political, to make the most of
this opportunity, and the fragile institutions do not yet provide the
stability needed for medium- to long-term investments like railways or
The clash between the blocs resulting from the “fragmented Third World War”
will result in a decrease in foreign investments and their
concentration within national boundaries; “nationalism” and “national
interest” are part of an era of scarcity. The likelihood that the
African Century will remain largely incomplete is significant and real.
About the author:
Lorenzo Somigli is an Italian strategist and researcher
specializing in geo-economics, primarily energy and (new global)
transport corridors. He regularly works with IFIMES (research and policy
briefs), and has published variety of articles with the International
Association of Constitutional Law, and Transatlantic Policy Quarterly.
Somigli also served as a rapporteur in Lebanon and Turkey in 2021. In
Italy, Lorenzo has been with Parliamentary services since 2021.
Sporadically, he does a media analysis in culture and art.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect IFIMES official position.
Ljubljana/Rome, 4 January 2024
[1] IFIMES – International Institute
for Middle East and Balkan Studies, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has
Special Consultative status at ECOSOC/UN since 2018 and it is publisher
of the international scientific journal “European Perspectives”.