[Salon] [Mbrenner] BEYOND HYPOCRISY

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From: Brenner, Michael <mbren@pitt.edu>
Date: Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 1:13 PM

Friends & Colleagues

I am chagrined that I feel compelled to resort to a Twitter mode of communication. Every resolution, I guess, has its exemptions. Hence, the irresistible impulse to draw attention to a singular example of lying by omission committed by the usual suspects.

So, now the White House has rebuked Israeli leaders for inflammatory 'talk' about the mass deportation of Palestinians (to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, inter alia). However, I have a clear memory of published reports on Blinken's mission to Cairo and Amman a week or so after Oct 7 where he aggressively urged President Sisi of Egypt and King Adullah of Jordan to open their borders and accept hundreds of thousands of displaced Gazans. He reportedly offered: to cover the costs of 'tenting, the refugees AND to write off billions in Egyptian debt owed the US. This is a matter of public record which, nonetheless, I took the bother to have confirmed by informed persons. President Biden, on his tour of the Middle East shortly thereafter, scheduled meetings with the two leaders with the matter of receiving expelled Palestinian was on the agenda. Sisi and Abdullah canceled the meeting in the wake of the bombing of the al-Shifa hospital  - thereby avoiding being pressed to comply with the American dictate. 

Yet, I see no reference to this by anyone anywhere. If you have seen mention of this glaring contradiction, I'd appreciate your calling it to my attention. The entire incident deserves inscription in the Guiness Book of World Records - in two categories: 1) Brazen chutzpah, and 2) Singular success in gaining the complicity of media/punditry while hoodwinking an ever gullible, empty-headed public.

The scheme is reminiscent of Hitler's early idea of transporting all the Jews to Madagascar. Also, Britain's current scheme to ship asylum-seeking immigrants to the tropical paradise of Ruanda. 


Michael Brenner



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