[Salon] (17) Ron DeSantis on X: "We’re going to turn the screws on the Iranians. We are going to deep six their entire economy with our sanctions and they’re not going to be able to fund Hezbollah and Hamas. https://t.co/Yq1uwvVyYT" / X

Seeing this old draft email message from a mont or so ago so will send it. I was told in a Marine Corps briefing by a Lt. Col. Intelligence Officer to the Marine Corps 26th Rifle Company I was a Pfc. back in 1971 that it was vitally important to read with discretion, and to recognize bias in the media, and other sources of information/intelligence. That is, in attempt to get to the “truth” of the subject of such information. In that regard, he explained how the three major newsmagazines of the day, from “left” to “right,” Newsweek (now with at least one extreme “Right,” National Conservative columnist), Time, and U.S. News and World Report, on the "Right.” He should have added that that principle applied even more to himself as I caught him in a lie or at least an obfuscation by ignorance when he finished “selling” the VietnamWar to us (in 1971, with the Marines already withdrawn), and I pointed out very respectfully and a bit nervously, that his analysis was contradicted by Special Forces (Green Beret) Sergeant First Class Donald Duncan. Who had come out in Ramparts magazine declaring the whole war was a lie, and then wrote a book about it. He can be seen in a movie, "Sir, Yes Sir,” for anyone interested. When I asked the Lt. Col. about Duncan, he dismissed him as having been a prisoner of the VC or NVA. Later, in the 1980s, when I became acquainted with Peter Collier and David Horowitz, who had been editors of Ramparts at the time, and later become neoconservatives first, and then Trumpites, at least in the case of Horowitz, I asked them about it. And they said no, his story was true in every way. Even though they’d had “second thoughts” as 60s Radicals, and had an ideological motive to lie about that. A friend at the time, also a Green Beret, John Plaster, had me ask them about the North Vietnamese “infiltrating” the antiwar movement, or otherwise influencing it. Again, they had motive by that time as Neoconservatives to lie, but again, they said no. The antiwar movement was “organically” driven, especially by the very sound reason that people opposed being drafted and sent to die in an unwinnable war, unless we had been capable of doing to Vietnam what Israel is doing to Gaza. And we’re seeing how that is working out for them! 

BTW, Horowitz was a genuine Communist during much of that time, having been a “red-diaper baby.” Now, he’s a Trumpite, last I read, and would fit in very well as a National Conservative!

I understand some people here support DeSantis, as a “Traditional Conservative” and “Right-wing Peacenik!” 

This tells you all you need to know of the “Right-wing Peacenik Hoax!” 

"Mr. DeSantis has lately used foreign policy to attack other Republican presidential candidates, rebuking Mr. Trump for his critical comments about Israeli leaders and accusing Ms. Haley — who is attracting growing interest from Republican donors and voters — of being soft on China."

Of course, Trump’s “critical comments about Israeli leaders” was only because they weren’t fascist enough, and the same of Haley with China.

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We’re going to turn the screws on the Iranians. We are going to deep six their entire economy with our sanctions and they’re not going to be able to fund Hezbollah and Hamas.

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Alright, who told High Heels that "Turn the screws" and "deep six" are cool things to say?

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Breaking: Trump has UGE announcement scheduled for tomorrow. Teaser… “We are going to deep six Iran’s entire economy with our sanctions and they’re not going to be able to fund Hezbollah and Hamas.”

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