Re: [Salon] Interviews w/Trump by Israeli journalist @BarakRavid reveal explosive background details about Trump & Netanyahu

Breaking News! Trump is an inveterate liar! Explaining the fairy tale he told Barak Ravid below about Abbas and Netanyahu. 

Here is some “contextualization” of Trump’s interview. With Trump’s “Peace Plan” explained here:
Those micro-dots on the map were what Palestinians were to get; the map itself was Israel’s.

Quote: "Trump’s term has been marked by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and formally recognising Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, breaking with long-standing international consensus.”

That isn’t all that Trump did for Netanyahu, of course. But like most/all of Trump’s relationships, a petty peeve results in him denouncing the one who he is peeved at, as this explains Trump’s peeve toward Netanyahu, and the fairy tale he made up about himself:

Quote: "Speaking off the cuff but repeating many of the same stories that have become fixtures at his appearances, Trump reprised the made-up accusation that Netanyahu was first to congratulate Biden on winning the presidency, which the former US president, who is again running for the White House, still falsely claims was rigged."

Quote: "Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has reiterated the Palestinians’ rejection of United States President Donald Trump’s so-called Middle East plan, telling the United Nations Security Council that the recently unveiled proposal would bring neither peace nor stability and would leave Palestinians with a state resembling “Swiss cheese”.
. . . 

"Abbas called on Trump to return to negotiations based on existing UN resolutions that call for a two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders, and urged the council to hold an international conference to seek a settlement for the long-running conflict.

"Abbas said the rejection of the plan, which Trump unveiled alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu late last month, is the result of its “unilateral steps that violate international legitimacy and the Arab peace initiative”.

“It annuls the legitimacy of the Palestinian rights, our rights to self-determination, freedom, and independence, in our own state,” he said.

“It legitimised what is illegal – settlements and confiscation and annexation of Palestinian land,” he said, referring to Israel’s illegal settlement expansion project in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

"The plan, the product of three years of effort by Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, envisions a disjointed Palestinian state that turns over key parts of the West Bank to Israel and favours Israel on key contentious issues including borders, the status of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements.

"Under the proposal, the Palestinians would have parts of the West Bank and Gaza for their state and a new capital in Abu Dis, a suburb just outside Jerusalem. But the Palestinian Authority wants both occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank to be part of a future state.

"The proposal was made without the input of Palestinians, who broke off ties with the Trump administration after it controversially recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in late 2017.” Stop

Why would Trump lie? As part of an ongoing deception campaign initiated by his fellow “Conservative Zionist (I repeat myself) Oligarchs” in 2015, Charles Koch, Peter Thiel, and Mr. and Mrs. Adelson, to dupe gullible Americans that it was the Republicans who were the “Party of Peace.” After they had lost two consecutive elections running as their usual war-fevered selves.

"Donors and conservatives point out that the group’s national security mission is relatively new to Kochworld. “They never talked about national security in the past,” one Koch donor noted. 

"The Koch network retreat this past January seemed to offer other evidence of a growing consensus between Adelson and the Koch camp that national security issues will warrant greater attention as the 2016 election season opens. In a novel move, the retreat included a live-streamed panel discussion, featuring Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas, that focused on foreign issues and national security matters, areas that the network has historically given short shrift.”

(All you need to know about Rand Paul, notwithstanding the duplicitous “public face” he puts on, while supporting the Adelson/Koch Network.) 

"After decades as a major Republican donor, Adelson is known as an ideological figure, motivated by his desire to influence U.S. policy to help Israel. “I’m a one-issue person. That issue is Israel,” he said last year. On that issue — Israel — Trump has delivered. The administration has slashed funding for aid to Palestinian refugees and scrapped the Iran nuclear deal. Attending the recent opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, Adelson seemed to almost weep with joy, according to an attendee.

On Feb 2, 2024, at 3:46 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

Interviews w/Trump by Israeli journalist reveal explosive background details about Trump & Netanyahu… By the end of his presidency, Trump had concluded that Netanyahu didn’t really want peace with the Palestinians & was using him on Iran
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