Re: [Salon] Countries Which Aid Israel Complicit in Genocide – South Africa Warns

On the subject of “fascism," and Carl Schmitt’s political/legal theory. As the article on “Complicity” at bottom was shared here earlier this morning, let me suggest who else should be added to an Indictment for "Complicity in Genocide.” Following WW II, at the Nuremberg IMT and then the U.S. War Crime Trials of Germans,  which added more defendants who were prosecuted and found Guilty, were “Industrialists” and “Propagandists.” Who were charged along with those who took a more direct part in “Crimes Against Humanity,” such as the SS. Which included genocide, as "Crimes Against Humanity.” So adding to a listing in an Indictment for Complicity in Genocide, I would suggest three of the Oligarchs so favored by “Non-Interventionist Conservatives,” but more broadly recognized as Oligarchical heads of the "Military Industrial Venture Capital Industry.” 

This relatively recent article by Responsible Statecraft/Quincy Institute explains that well: 
Quote: "For starters, VC-powered defense organizations are making their allegiance with Israel clear as it continues to pummel Gaza, with Palantir and Anduril making public pro-Israel statements and Israel employing VC-backed Shield AI’s Nova 2 drone in besieged Gaza.

Moreover, VC groups are poking the stick at China, now a nemesis in what Palantir senior policy adviser Jacob Helberg deems a brewing “tech war.” (Helberg is also a member of the U.S.-China Economic Security and Review Commission, putting him in a prime position to focus lawmakers’ national security-related policy concerns).

Don’t take that as an endorsement of Responsible Statecraft/Quincy Institute, as when their “New Right Conservative” faction presents false information/right-revisionist history, as explained below, and promotes Trumpism, and the “Republican Party” as “Restrainers 🤣, no one denounces them more than me. But commentators who have been described as not part of their Conservative faction, like Eli Clifton and a couple other “non-Conservatives,” are excellent! Unlike “puff-pieces” on Kevin Roberts of Heritage as one example. 

But add information contained here to an Indictment of Complicity in Genocide for Palantir and The American Conservative’s favorite National Conservative, or 2nd favorite after Yoram Hazony, Peter Thiel. America’s foremost advocate/interpreter of Carl Schmitt’s and Leo Strauss’s fascist political/legal theory! With Thiel not only an “Early Endorser” of Trump in 2016, as some here were, but with Sheldon Adelson and Charles Koch, one of three zealous Zionist Oligarchs who brought us Trump as POTUS! 

So the headline below is accurate!

"Healthworkers for a Free Palestine shut down Palantir - Israel's spy firm

Here is more on Palantir - Israel’s spy firm!

BLUF: "The agreement followed a Thursday meeting between Israeli defense officials and Palantir co-founders Peter Thiel and Alex Karpin Tel Aviv, according to Executive Vice President Josh Harris, who was also in attendance. 

“Both parties have mutually agreed to harness Palantir’s advanced technology in support of war-related missions,” Harris told Bloomberg on Friday. “This strategic partnership aims to significantly aid the Israeli Ministry of Defense in addressing the current situation in Israel.”

And more: 
BLUF: "The Denver-based firm co-founded by Karp and billionaire Peter Thiel is holding a board meeting in Tel Aviv for the first time, in a gesture of solidarity with Israel as it enters its fourth month of war. The pair met with Israel’s President Isaac Herzog and families of hostages being held in Gaza during their visit."

Here is the “Influence” side of how Palantir serves Israel’s fascists, combined with describing what else they do to serve “Israel’s Interests.” Which is the real meaning of what New Right spokespeople/media platforms mean when they call for a U.S. “interest’s based foreign policy."

And here’s more on the "Great Free Speech” advocate, Elon Musk, with his “data-scraping firm,” X, having displaced Facebook for use by Thiel’s Palantir to “track” and surveil Americans, and Palestinians. Not to mention Israeli dissenters!

I suspect this is the “pot calling the kettle black,”:

Not to overlook the other U.S. “Israeli Military Industrial Surveillance Complex” Oligarch, Charles Koch, here’s a bit of what he’s up to in Israel, to go along with his like-time mission to snuff out any BDS support for Israel, working through one of multitude of “front groups,” ALEC.

I am unapologetically a critic of the “Conservative” side of the Quincy Institute, as for example when they promote “false narratives” and "revisionist history” as they do when they team up with Trumpites/National Conservatives as the “New Right,” such as most egregiously here: With “sprinkling in” a lot of false meme’s of Conservative/Republican “restraint” in foreign policy which never has existed. Certainly not by Robert A. Taft and Joe McCarthy, who were so ardent for war against China as “Asia Firsters,” as this brief quote from the attached file below indicates: 

Quote: "MacArthur be came a symbol of the widespread opposi tion to the East Asian policy of the ad ministration. The nation was outraged at the dismissal and went on "a great emo tional binge." The Gallup Poll showed 69 percent of the public for MacArthur and only 29 percent for the President. Senator Robert Taft and Representative Joseph Martin took the initiative in arranging for the general to address Congress and for a Congressional investigation of the admin istration's foreign and military policies."

“MacArthur was the "Great Right-wing Militarist Hope,” post-Korean War, as POTUS for U.S. Conservatives, as I saw directly through my step-mother’s Republican/Conservative family. And with Robert A. Taft, and Joe McCarthy, was an “Asia-Firster, for war against China as their cause. Just like today’s “New Right,” as can be seen below:

Attachment: Anderson-ChinaPolicyPresidential-1980.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

As for the Republicans who presided over the Banana Wars, especially as they peaked under Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, as I shared previously, this describes these three “Right-wing Peaceniks” better than most historical accounts. Wilson had a hand in that, with the multiple Texas “Southern Democrats” advising him, House, Burleson, et al., who 35 years or so later, would most likely have become Republicans. 

This book addresses the “Republican Restrainers,” chapters of which I’ve shared previousl:
BLUF: "In doing so it presents a prelude for the political warfare that occurred with the conclusion of the Chinese Communist Revolution and Chiang Kai-shek’s flight to Taiwan in 1949. This section also outlines the book’s historiographical intervention by challenging the prevalent assumption that the China-conservative connection was simply an example of McCarthyism. Instead, it positions Asia First within burgeoning 20th century American internationalism and theorizes rightwing interest in China as a form of orientalism particular to the United States."

Here’s a bit more on Taft, and his McCarthyism, and eagerness to “go abroad to slay Dragons,” in Asia. There was nothing “restrained” about Taft, when one sees him as a whole, and not as invented by right-wing revisionists, to include so many libertarians:

Which is not to say he was “worse” than other Republicans nor many Democrats, but only as refutation of “New Right” mythologizing and historical revisionism. Of which it wouldn’t surprise me to learn many of the “cognitive war memes/tropes,” of the New Right originated in the fertile fascist mind of Peter Thiel, given how much he’s involved in National Conservatism, New Right politics,” and Straussian/Schmittian ideology, and Cognitive Warfare. And that fascist “political/legal” theory is being sold by New Right Conservatives to the American people as that of a “Right-wing Peacenik.” Now as he’s busily engaged with Israel directly, in Israeli genocide, as supported so zealously by National Conservatives! (In my opinion.) 

Here he is disseminating his fascist "ideas.”

Peter Thiel on “The Straussian Moment”
On Feb 5, 2024, at 4:53 PM,  <(null)> wrote:

Countries Which Aid Israel Complicit in Genocide – South Africa Warns

South Africa's Minister Naledi Pandor spoke at a Cape Town mosque. (Photo: video grab)

By Nurah Tape  

Minister Naledi Pandor says all states have a legal obligation to ensure respect for the provisional measures, and not be complicit in genocide. 

South Africa’s Minister of International Relations, Naledi Pandor, has warned that all states have a legal obligation to uphold the provisional measures ordered by the ICJ in regard to Israel’s actions in Gaza, adding that failure to do so is complicity in the crimes of genocide.  

“Despite its claims, these orders are binding upon Israel. It has to immediately implement these provisional measures to prevent a further increase of its human rights violations,” Pandor said on Sunday. She was speaking at a public report back session on the case, at a Cape Town mosque.

“In fact, all states now have a legal obligation to ensure respect for the provisional measures as well as ensure that they are not complicit in the genocide,” Pandor explained. 

She added, “Essentially if the case proceeds as we anticipate, and it is found that Israel committed genocide, all those who were complicit are as guilty as Israel.” 

On January 26, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to adopt six provisional measures to ensure it, inter alia, takes all measures within its power to prevent genocide. South Africa brought the case to the World Court in December, accusing Israel of committing the crime of genocide in Gaza in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention, which both countries are party to. 

Minister Pandor said “There are many who are seeking to undermine these orders, for example, the attempt to redefine it so that the killings continue.”

“Some Western governments immediately said, ‘we hear the judgement, but they didn’t order a ceasefire.’ We can see this only as aiding and abetting.”

The minister said “This order for us is a win for international law and for the Genocide Convention which embodies the solemn pledge to prevent the crime of genocide and hold those responsible to account.”

She continued that it is “truly tragic” that the Genocide Convention “which was drafted following the holocaust against Jewish people in Europe, that it is the very people who then moved to Palestine who are offending this Convention.”

‘Israel Stands Naked to the World’

Minister Pandor stressed that despite Israel’s “attempts to block the ICJ from making this order, and in its failed attempt to spin the judgment itself as a victory for them, Israel stands facing the international community and peoples of the world.”

It stands “having failed to deflect attention from its crimes or justify its unfolding genocide. It is now naked to the world, for the first time.”

She explained that “for the first time in 75 years, Israel is being held accountable by an institution and by the global community.” 

“We have now as South Africa broken a dangerous culture of impunity that has characterized the illegal occupation of Palestine. The oppression of apartheid in Palestine, and its now unfolding genocide. For the first time, we have opened up for the world to see. We, South Africa.” 

The minister impressed upon the audience that “although we have won our freedom from the oppression of apartheid, it is our duty to seek that freedom for all humanity, for all who are oppressed, this is our duty and we must carry it out.”

Before filing a case against Israel at the ICJ, South Africa also referred Israel to the International Criminal Court for an investigation into alleged war crimes committed in its ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip. A few other countries joined South Africa in that referral.

Minister Pandor said South Africa took those actions “in an attempt to save lives, for justice, peace, and for an end to violent occupation.”

She emphasized that during the struggle against apartheid, the international community joined in, “in developing a concept, some of us forget, called international solidarity.”

“While we waged a mighty struggle against apartheid, our leaders went from country to country across the world and asked for support,” she explained.

“That is all that is making us stand up today, that being free, enjoying human rights, having a constitution, having sovereign right to your land does not mean you enjoy it purely for yourself. Having been joined in international solidarity, your task today is to join the world in fighting for the people of Palestine until they are free. This is what we must do.”

Killed and Displaced

Israel is being accused of committing genocide in Gaza. According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 27,478 Palestinians have been killed, and 66,835 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

Moreover, at least 8,000 people are unaccounted for, presumed dead under the rubble of their homes throughout the Strip. 

Palestinian and international estimates say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

The Israeli aggression has also resulted in the forceful displacement of nearly two million people from all of the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of the displaced forced into the densely crowded southern city of Rafah near the border with Egypt – in what has become Palestine’s largest mass exodus since the 1948 Nakba.

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