Beginning with this quote from Conservative John P. East’s panegyric to Willmoore Kendall in the article at bottom: "Mill was unequivocal that his call for “absolute freedom of opinion” included freedom of thought, speaking, and writing."
On the subject of “placing limits on protests,” as what I assume is a Charles Koch/Atlas Network backed libertarian in Milei, as I just shared. BLUF: "I was remiss last week in not praising Bruce Fein directly for his outstanding response to the “Conservative" Washington Free Beacon rag which attacked the Committee for the Republic for its event with Max Blumenthal and Miko Peled for their telling of the truth of what Israel is doing. Which was under the Subject Line: "Committee for the Republic Letter to Alana Goodman of the Washington Free Beacon re: January 16 CHC Event.” And would be remiss if I did not note that the Conservative WFB rag is the one “true" to Willmoore Kendall, not Bruce. To Kendall, one of the “Thought Control Conservative political theorists,” and the “worst of the worst,” Bruce would be denounced as a “Liberal,” for his eloquent defense of Free Speech, the Bill Of Rights, and of the Constitution itself. With that, and in the spirit of James Madison, writing after his contribution to "The Federalist,” when he’d become distrustful of Alexander Hamilton (see highlights in attached file, "James Madison’s Political Theory,”), and me believing with him that "every good citizen will be at once a centinel over the rights of the people;” I must commend Bruce Fein for being such a “Centinel” over what remains of our “rights.” And do my best to “unmask” those “subversives” who would deny us our rights. Though never as eloquently as Bruce does. Relying for that as I must do, as educated in “political theory,” a legal education, and in Cognitive Warfare, by among others, the U.S. Army. So not only must I point out that the Constitution which is supposed to “guarantee” our rights,” is under constant assault. I must also identify “how” and by whom it is under assault. Which was never more so post-WWII than by the “Conservative Movement” which was founded in the 1950s. With its main “Thought Control Conservatives” now heralded as Trump’s “ideological precursors” by Rightists of today, who continue the assault. Not excluding by the Democrats who have assimilated so much of “Conservative” ideas, but even more so by the “Originating Party” of them, the Republicans, and especially by the New Right, as explained below.
Kendall did in fact make such statements. In fact he made a career out of such statements, indicative of his innate “Constitutional Immorality.” Contrary to his fallacious claims of representing “Constitutional Morality.” For proof of that, see post-Federalist Papers writings of James Madison, as referenced in attached file below: |
James Madisons Political Theory.pdf
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Sharing that not for what it says about voting, but for Madison’s "free speech theory,” coming long before J.S. Mills’ theory. For context, let me point out that my hostility to “American Conservatives,” (capital “C”) is due to the fact that they must admit, if they were “ideologically honest;” “We’re all Straussians Now!” Which can best be seen in how the most anti-constitutional “Thought Control Conservative,” of the quote above, as “conservative” Peter Viereck correctly described the founders of the Conservative Movement in the 1950s as, adhered ideologically to Leo Strauss so much! And Carl Schmitt, “political theory wise.” And never more so than today when no distinction remains of Straussians and Traditional Conservatives, as they came together in the Trump and DeSantis "New Right.” With the Straussian/Tradtional Conservative Claremont Institute and Hillsdale College the ideological “center” of the "New Right!” The “West Coast Straussians,” as opposed to the East Coast fascist variety of Bill Krisol and Harvey Mansfield. With the latter whom Tom Cotton and New Rightist Josh Hawley are so influenced by. With that, as stated above, I was remiss last week in not praising Bruce Fein directly for his outstanding response to the “Conservative" Washington Free Beacon rag which attacked the Committee for the Republic for its event with Max Blumenthal and Miko Peled for their telling of the truth of what Israel is doing. Which was under the Subject Line: "Committee for the Republic Letter to Alana Goodman of the Washington Free Beacon re: January 16 CHC Event.” And would be remiss if I did not note that the Conservative WFB rag is the one “true" to Kendall, not Bruce. To Kendall, one of the “Thought Control Conservative political theorists,” and the “worst of the worst,” Bruce would be denounced as a “Liberal,” for his eloquent defense of Free Speech, the Bill Of Rights, and of the Constitution itself. That’s notwithstanding Kendall’s Straussian, fascist (see above) “Double-Speak.” Which Kendall didn’t bother hiding, except through convoluted language. But when looked at in its “essence,” one sees fascist Franco Spain and Trujillo’s fascist D.R. looking back. Both of which Kendall admired, promoted, and even worked for, as with Trujillo (see attached file below). Making it clear why Kendall would be so popular with the New Right, and of Trump and DeSantis in particular, as he provided/provides a complete “authoritarian political and legal theory” as an ideological framework to build an Authoritarian State upon. With that today supplemented by Peter Thiel’s and Yoram Hazony’s fascist political theory, linked to Kendall, by the “essence” of each respective “political theory.” With all three directly traceable to Carl Schmitt’s variety of fascist legal and political theory. I know, I’ve read them all. Bruce closed with this statement, speaking for the Committee for the Republic: "We are inspired by John Milton’s case against censorship in Aereopagitica: “Let her [Truth] and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter? Her confuting is the best and surest suppressing.” Not everyone connected to the Committee would agree with that unfortunately, however, as we see here with the routine promotion of two Conservative political theorists; Willmoore Kendall and Yoram Hazony. With Kendall, as he did so often, “reinterpreting” John Milton’s case against “censorship in Aereopagitica,” in his own idiosyncratic way, applied so often to texts he disagreed with: |
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American Conservatism and Right-wing Dictatorship.pdf
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With each, sharing with Peter Thiel, the extreme hostility they all have against “Enlightenment Thought.” Add in Peter Thiel, Israel’s “Intell Chief,” as the open promoter of Carl Schmitt’s variety of fascist thought, with Thiel promoted as a National Conservative,” and it’s all out in the open now. With Thiel who probably did more than anyone in getting Trump elected, with his high-level knowledge of cognitive warfare, and digital surveillance. But recognition by me of Straussian fascism comes from my own first in-depth exposure to "Conservative political theory.” Which came in the late 1980s when it was still being presented as “Classical Liberalism.” It was Straussians who emphasized the study of political theory in greater depth, as in Allan Bloom’s book, The Closing of the American Mind. Which came coincidentally with my exposure by way of the now much heralded, Trumpite/New Right Conservative of today, Larry Arnn, about the same time, in Minnesota. Arnn was co-founder of the Claremont Institute and today is President of the Straussian Hillsdale College. And author of Trump’s odious, propagandistic “Patriotic Education” tract, the 1776 Report. I make that as a broad statement in regard to Hillsdale notwithstanding a Conservative here who has said some of my criticism is “overbroad.” But Hillsdale “is what it is.” And it boasts that each student is required to attend some Straussian-themed classes, such as on the Constitution. Which, having seen their “work product,” I would argue can only amount to anti-Constitutional propaganda, of the sort they invited Bill Barr to pitch to their students a few years ago. Which in fact followed the script of Willmoore Kendall’s own anti-Constitutional theory, with that indistinguishable from Leo Strauss’. My first personal meeting with Bruce came in 2009, when I was asked to be part of a Guantanamo appellate case with implications for the First Amendment. More specifically, the “right to know,” of the American people for why al Qaeda attacked us, and the “context” that occured in. Which the USG never admits to, regardless of which of our foreign policy victims finally reciprocates. I was familiar with Bruce’s stalwart defense of the First Amendment and opposition to Guantanamo and its Military Commissions. Which was totally unique amongst self-described “conservatives,” and even more so amongst “Conservatives,” with a capital “C.” But Bruce immediately agreed to a meeting with my fellow appellate team member and I, and gave us better than an hour academic style lecture on free speech, a free press, and freedom of thought, which was superb. The exact opposite of what I since learned Willmoore Kendall propagated. And New Rightists use his books for today, to indoctrinate the current young Conservatives in “Thought Control!” More from John P. East here, a panegyric to the other half of “Kendall/Strauss”: Quote: "William F. Buckley, Jr. observed that Strauss “is unquestionably one of the most influential teachers of his age,” while the always exacting Willmoore Kendall referred to Strauss as “the great teacher of political philosophy, not of our time alone, but of any time since Machiavelli.”[7] Among Strauss’ books, these having the greatest impact upon American conservative thought would include The Political Philosophy of Hobbes (1936), Natural Right and History (1953), Thoughts on Machiavelli (1958), and What Is Political Philosophy? (1959). Concerning the latter two works, Kendall exclaimed, “Both of these should be not required reading but scripture for everyone who likes to think of himself as a conservative.”[8] What was the essence of this powerful spell that Leo Strauss cast over his students—nay, his disciples?" I read all this first in Carl Schmitt’s works! And Schmitt’s and Kendall’s friend, Leo Strauss’.