[Salon] Bruce Fein's Pioneering Lyceum


I just subscribed to Bruce Fein’s SubStack page and recommend others do as well. The one thing I agree with an odious right-wing “political theorist,” whom I heavily criticize for his subversion of the Constitution, is that the "work of a political theorist is to reveal crimes,” or words to that effect. And few, if any today, do that better than Bruce Fein, writing as a non-partisan, and exposing the crimes of each party against the “true interests” of the U.S. population. 

That odious right-wing “political theorist,” referred to above, committed a services of crimes himself in his subversion of the U.S. Constitution. So even that statement by him was an example of his “deception campaign” to turn the U.S. into a country styled after Franco’s Spain and Trujillo’s D.R. At least as far as attempting to influence the U.S. population to adopt similar Authoritarian principles as the two named above operated under.

Which on that subject, I recommend reading the following, which I hope Bruce won’t mind me sharing, starting with this:

BLUF: "All we have to fear from Palestinian viewpoints is fear itself. We should welcome them, debate them, and adopt them if they are convincing. Elite universities like Harvard, Penn, MIT, and Columbia should be ashamed of their intellectual cravenness in striking Faustian bargains with fat cat donors. Are they different from the watchdog that retreats to the kennel when danger appears? 

"Supreme Court Justice and Nuremberg Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson warned in West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), “Those who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard.”

BLUF: "Donald Trump exhibits every evil, sordid, malevolent trait known to the human species leaving nothing to be admired: lawless, avaricious, cruel, violent, vulgar, perfidious, unfaithful, narcissistic, ruthless, mendacious, deceitful, ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, and megalomaniacal. Trump is a clear and present danger to civilization itself. He is pre-Neanderthal. 

"Nothing is more important to saving the Republic than punishing Trump for crimes of which he may be convicted in accord with due process of law and separation of powers. Rome did not long survive the crimes of Nero, Caligula, and Claudius.”


BLUF:  "Former President Donald Trump is too dangerous to the survival of the rule of law to tolerate leisurely criminal prosecutions for 91 felonies in four jurisdictions. Among other things, as you know, Mr. Trump has called for terminating the Constitution if electoral fraud is alleged and boasted that under Article II, he was crowned with the right to do anything he wanted as president. You also know Trump is currently absurdly claiming absolute immunity from criminal prosecution in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia for orchestrating the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol by his Stop the Steal followers in United States v. Trump, 23-CR-00257. That trial has been set for March 4, 2024, by Judge Tanya Chutkan.

It speaks volumes that Mr. Trump has refrained from stating he would accept any adverse decision in the multiple cases he confronts, implying that he would resort to the violence we witnessed on January 6. All the lights on the constitutional dashboard are flashing. Time is of the essence in defending the Constitution from Mr. Trump’s planned destruction whether or not re-elected to the White House. He is a ticking time bomb to blow up our Constitutional Republic.”


BLUF: "What is equally if not more frightening is that Trump’s claim to kingship is not far from the officially and popularly accepted doctrine that the President is constitutionally empowered to play prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner to kill any person on the planet who is suspected of carrying the potential of becoming a national security threat sometime in the future based on secret, unsubstantiated star gazing with no accountability or transparency with Congress, the Supreme Court, or the American people. In other words, every person in the world lives at the indulgence of the President of the United States! None dare call it the absolutism of Russia’s Putin or China’s Xi."


BLUF: "Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) has shouted at Texas to disobey the order of the U.S. Supreme Court in Dept. of Homeland Security v. Texas (January 22, 2024), preventing Texas state authorities from interfering with federal control of the nation’s borders. Representative Roy sounded like an echo of Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus in 1957 execrating a Supreme Court order that desegrated Little Rock Central High School featuring the Little Rock Nine.”  (Roy, touted as a “Right-wing Peacenik,” typifying their anti-Constitutional bent).

Bruce doesn’t reserve his scorn of Constitutional subversion for the Republicans, as can be seen here:


"If Biden can airbrush out of the Constitution, the Declare War Clause with impunity, no constitutional right is safe from his wrecking ball.

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines the crime of aggression, which easily covers Biden’s attack on Yemen, as follows:

"Article 8 bis3 Crime of aggression”

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