[Salon] Middle East Turmoil

The Verity Courier

Middle East Turmoil

Ron Estes

9 February 2024

With the German invasion and occupation of Western Europe at the onset of WWII, the United States, though neutral, became active in supporting resistance activities in the German occupied nations.

When war broke out in Europe in September 1939, U. S. President Roosevelt declared  the United States would remain neutral, but Roosevelt himself made significant efforts to help nations engaged in the struggle against Nazi Germany by extending clandestine help.  Various organizations were formed to support foreign resistance. Following the U.K., which  created the SOE, Special Operations Executive, an agency designed to support resistance activities in the German occupied territories, and the Americans created OSS, Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA, for essentially the same type operations. Their activities ranged from rescuing Allied airmen shot down over occupied territory to committing acts of sabotage, ambushing German patrols and conducting acts now called terrorism in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel. The Germans branded such groups as terrorists and Communist. In many ways, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights has caused they same type  turmoil in the Middle East that the German  occupation caused  in Eastern and Western Europe. 

For example, the German invasion and occupation of Poland killed over 5 million of the then 34 million P0lish population, and left a lifetime of Polish animosity for Germans and Germany  The 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the resultant 15 year occupation of Southern Lebanon killed an estimated 20 thousand Lebanese civilians, most of them Shia, out of a population of 5.5 million, and left a hate consumed dedicated Hezbollah, a Shite militia founded in 1985 to drive Israel out of Lebanon. Israel still occupies a small parcel of land in Lebanon, and calls Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

Contributing to the regional turmoil is Iran, a nation of over 89 million people of the Shia sect of Muslim with 60 % of the population under the age of 30 and literacy rate higher than that of the U. S. The country has no history of attacking its neighbors or pursuing other aggressive policies. Israel declares Iran to be its primary enemy in the region, and has conducted assassinations on its territory. Iran  earned that reputation by being the most effective crusader supporting Palestinian resistance to the 56 year Israeli occupation of their territory. As did the Germans, Israel has declared those  resistance activities to be acts of terrorism, and Iran the  world’s number one supporter of international terrorism.

In fact, Iran supports Hezbollah because of its anti-Israel  activities and as adherents of the Shia religion. Hezbollah has no place else to go for  Shia support. Iran also supports the Shia minority Houthi population of Yemen. The Houthis can hardly be considered terrorists, they have mounted an insurrection against the Sunni Muslim government seeking more equitable representation in parliament, and fairer distribution of government financing. The Houthis cannot afford to ignore Iranian orders to attack shipping affiliated in any way with Israel, there is no other Shia support entity to which they can turn.

Thus, the Israeli terrorist accusations of Iran, often supported by U. S. administrations, turn hollow under a bright light. Iran in activities against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is doing exactly what the U. S. and the U. K. did confronting the Nazi occupation of Europe. And the United States pays a terrible price for its support of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and Jerusalem which, by the way, is illegal.  Because of that U.S. policy, the Sunni terrorist organization headed by Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, attacked the U. S. on 9/11 in an assault that killed more Americans than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 
Osama bin Laden explained in multi interviews why he ordered the attack on the United States. “Our attacks will continue against you as long as your support for Israel continues,” he declared. "America will not be able to dream of security until we live in security in Palestine. It is unfair that you live in peace while our brothers in Gaza live in insecurity,” he declared. Not to be forgot were the bombing of U. S. Embassies and the Marine barracks in Beirut
The October Hamas Israeli war is just the latest stage of Middle East turmoil, and it all seems to revolve around one factor. There is only one cause affecting every focus on violence, violations of international laws, violations of human rights, charges of genocide, threats of war 
that often sweep through the entire  region: Israeli settlements on occupied territory, Hamas,  Hezbollah, and the fears of war with Iran. 

That cause, the Israeli occupation of Palestine territory and Jerusalem. It must end.

Ron Estes served 25 years as an Operations Officer in the CIA Clandestine Service.

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