[Salon] (1) Brig. General John H. Johns Oral History Interview - YouTube

The YouTube premiere of this video is underway, which I describe as follows: 

Brig. General John H. Johns played an enormous role in post-WW II U.S. military history in coming to oppose U.S. nuclear war and weaponry. And in his opposition to U.S. torture and other U.S. war crimes, in Vietnam and the post-Cold War wars the U.S. has fought in pursuit of global hegemony. In arriving at his conclusions, BG Johns had an illustrious military career and specifically, was crucial in the development of "Counter-Insurgency Theory." But not the "Counter-Insurgency Theory" as applied in the Vietnam War and the post-Cold War U.S. Wars of Aggression Against Iraq and Afghanistan, as concealing U.S. hegemonical intent, and murderous repression and brutality. As he explains in this oral history interview. BG Johns was tasked with investigating allegations of U.S. war crimes in Vietnam, and confirmed all that he investigated. Which is what we must learn from him: that wars of aggression, as the Vietnam War was in fact, with the knowledge we now have with Dan Ellsberg's release of the Pentagon Papers, are war crimes. And as the Nuremberg Tribunal held: "War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." A "War of Aggression" includes an unending "Military Occupation," concealing a war of territorial expansion and genocide, as we're seeing today in the Mideast. If we don't understand the "true nature of war," we can't understand fully the criminality of that, and the criminality of U.S. "co-belligerency" in that ongoing genocidal war. Understanding that is facilitated in this oral history interview of someone who saw that "from the inside." An excerpt of this interview can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR5m8...


I come in for a lot of denigration here from supporters/campaigners for the authoritarian/anti-free speech President, Donald Trump, who elevated charges against Julian Assange to violating the Espionage Act for his exercise of “free press rights.” And promoted “Patriotic Education” as developed and promoted by Hillsdale College which supplants actual historical fact, in favor of “National Exceptionalist Mythology/Ideology.” And I’m denigrated by supporters of the Florida Governor, DeSantis, whose very administration is built upon educational censorship, in conjunction with Hillsdale College. 

So I will share the blurb BG Johns gave me for my work, as I will continue working on “The Origins of American Fascism,” of the kind we’re seeing today, in the form of such anti-Constitutional propaganda we first saw in the original “New Right” of the formation in 1955 of the "Conservative Movement.” Which called for censorship to maintain “consensus,” in the words of Willmoore Kendall, and his fellow McCarthyites who founded National Review magazine, and the “Movement.” Whose ideology can be seen as identical with a comparative political theory analysis with Yoram Hazony’s “National Conservatism,” which come together in Daniel McCarthy’s enthusiastic promotion of each. 

So given the comparative viewpoints of each, I will gladly accept BG Johns’ endorsement, and will wear the denigration I get here by Trump/DeSantis/Third Recht supporters, as a “Badge of Honor,” as proof I’m opposing these Authoritarians! And be ashamed of myself if I didn’t oppose the ideological dissemination of the Authoritarians. 

As these same Authoritarians who’ve supported such torture promoters like Jeff Sessions and Trump, would as well condemn and denigrate BG Johns. And the others who I will say “constitute” the “Project for the Study of American Militarism,” through the oral history interviews I’ve done with them. With more to be put online yet. 

But here is BG Johns: 

“Todd Pierce’s straightforward and passionate assessment of American militarism and hegemony brings a refreshing and insightful voice to the table. Unafraid to take the unpopular yet principled position on the issues, he has an exceptional ability to translate theory into well-researched and carefully referenced historical examples of the deeply flawed tendency of the American people to fetishize military force as the solution to national security and global problems. With the understanding that “security” does not come out of the barrel of a gun but rather from national cohesion and moral authority, Pierce’s analysis brings a wealth of knowledge and profound insight not seen since the writings of Hannah Arendt.”


John Johns

“National cohesion” here means, not having the kind of internal repression and censorship of “dissidents,” of the kind the Traditional Conservatives always advocated, and continue to with their propagation of the “ideas” of the McCarthyites who "founded” the Conservative Movement 

So forgive me my sharing of this but it is a blurb, as so many here who’ve written anything have for their publications,  for what has been written here by me, in the form of emails, as a rough draft of “The Origins of American Fascism.” And for my oral history interviews.  

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