[Salon] Aid to Ukraine - What the $61 Billion will Buy

More Aid to Ukraine: Sending Good Money After Bad – New Kontinent

More Aid to Ukraine: Sending Good Money After Bad

What was the basis for a quarter of a millennium of uninterrupted and unprecedented growth and wealth creation that has been the dominant theme of United States history? It has been the growth and preservation of the free market and the rise of Wall Street as the most freewheeling, unregulated (however much this has now changed) successful investment and money mart in the world.

Central to both these unprecedented, astonishing achievements has been the same simple principle, already unforgettably expressed by Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospels – Never pour good money after bad.

The British Empire declined and died in the brief 80-year span after 1870 as the cult of the gentleman and obsession with cricket as a national sport took hold, elegant losers were acclaimed and hapless bungers revered, feted and promoted. It didn’t matter how many hundreds of thousands of soldiers they sent to their deaths, as long as they kept on smiling, spoke softly, pretended to be modest and “played the game.”

The handful of hard-charging winners who really won the battles – Like Sir Edmund Allenby and Australia’s Sir John Monash in World War I and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery and Admiral Sir Max Horton in World War II were sneered at as “never gentlemen” who assuredly did not “play the game.”

Today, this same nightmarish scenario – a denial and mockery of the heart and soul of American business success as well as military global victories – is being played out in Ukraine.

Endless wealth has been lavished on the never democratic, CIA and Nazi-supported dictatorial regime of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy – a literal clown on Ukrainian television. In the post year alone, Zelenskyy has sent half a million Ukrainian young men and boys to their needless deaths in a rerun of World War I’s 1916 Battle of the Somme in the steppes leading to the Dnieper. No one in Ukraine laughs at his antics anymore. Only senile, old brain-rotted fools like former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi still revere him.

Now once again, the Biden administration and its bipartisan supporters of all impeccable liberal Democrats and fake-macho old generation Republicans want to scrape up another $61 billion to keep Ukraine fighting. Ignoring the unfashionable warnings of both Jesus and Wall Street, all they want to do is pour more good money after bad.

Of course, that $61 billion is urgently needed at home to fight the fentanyl plague that is killing 100,000 young Americans a year. It is needed to close the US land border with Mexico to end the swamping of law-abiding Americans of every race by literally millions of destitute, lawless ravishers from Central America.

At the heart of this madness and this ever-escalating infinitely expanding insanity lies an inversion of language and rape of human thought and reason.

Just as George Orwell warned, language has not just been rendered meaningless, it has been tortured into meaning its opposite.

Thus, compassion is withheld from hundreds of millions of Americans – white, black, Hispanic, Native American and Asian alike – who have been reduced to penury, misery and homelessness. Their families have been destroyed by the consequences of unprotected economic borders, free markets and unlimited greed by the Wall Street predators unleashed by presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to their eternal damnation.

The same inversion of language is being used to destroy the entire physical people of Ukraine, not as a consequence of Russian policy and warmaking, applied to defend their own homeland, but at the behest of the Biden administration and the United States Congress instead.

This endless flow of arms and ammunition is not meant to save the Ukrainian people at all, it is meant to literally destroy them.

The preservation of the people of Ukraine and the recovery of their great land and nation lies in peace with Russia, tolerance and protection of Russian and other minorities and the kind of secure neutral status that European states of Finland, Switzerland and Ireland have enjoyed for so long.

As Senator Lindsay Graham unforgettably admitted, from his perspective it was good policy and a good deal to encourage Ukrainians to go on fighting against and provoking Russia, even though they never had a prayer of winning and the cost has been at least half a million precious and mostly young lives.

So up is down, black is white and ‘in’ is out. War is Peace and Mass Murder is Civic Virtue.

Yet no one in the Congress or their endless, kowtowing, worthless, witless staffs consider for a second that this policy could possibly be wicked, stupid and even suicidally destructive to the United States.

The many high-class brothels – of course we should call them sexual service centers now – of Washington, DC must still coyly pretend to be merely escort agencies and the like. But the far more contemptible, deadly and destructive warmongering think tanks richly rewarded by the great armaments manufacturers, boldly display their whoring lies in bright daylight. Nothing even needs to be consigned to the shadows anymore.

This is Washington in 2024 as the shadow of thermonuclear destruction looms. 

Even ancient Babylon – and certainly not Imperial Rome – never sank so low.

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