[Salon] Lieven: Why Navalny death despicable but we still must talk to Putin

New Anatol Lieven at RS: 

"For his tremendous courage in returning to Russia after his medical treatment in the West — knowing well the dangers that he faced — the memory of Navalny should be held in great honor. He joins the immense list of Russians who have died for their beliefs at the hands of the state. Public expressions of anger and disgust at the manner of his death are justified and correct. ...

The problem comes with the other part of Biden’s statement, that '[Navalny’s death] is a reflection of who [Putin] is. And it just cannot be tolerated.' If he had said 'approved,' 'justified,' or 'defended,' that would have been absolutely right. But  'tolerated'? What can Biden do in response, that he has not done already?"

please read the entire piece today, it's great: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/putin-navalny/

and don't miss this webinar/debate w/ Anatol, George Beebe & Michael Kimmage at 11AM! I'll be moderating: https://quincyinst.org/events/two-years-on-what-is-the-path-forward-in-ukraine/


Kelley V

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