Today, the issue with “APA Operational Psychologists,” when reading the latest guidelines, is “Strategic Communication,” or what some may have seen me refer to, “Cognitive Warfare.” I prepared an incomplete draft for her; she reviewed it favorably, but before we could go further, her cancer grew much worse to the point where she is today in hospice care. In tribute to her, I will finish it as I know she would approve. Both the lengthy paper I will put on SubStack, and a condensed one I will get published somewhere. Making me wish Bob Parry was still alive and Editor of ConsortiumNews who published anything I sent him. (See below for more of my tribute.) But Roger Waters also paid tribute to her today, on his social media pages, and in a personal message he sent to her, as follows: "I’m going to post it on all my social media, . . . by all means tell her and send my love and great respect.” And on Facebook: To Jean Maria Arrigo, just in case you see this, you don’t know me, but you’ll always be my hero. ![]() My “real” and further tribute to Dr. Arrigo is to do all I can to oppose Donald Trump, the pro-torture President, and the fascist fanatics who support him, and through him, constructively support torture! (Nor to support Biden.) To include “Libertarians” like the anti-Palestinian, pro-Israeli fascists, Charles Koch. And the same of “Conservative Peter Thiel, “Darling” of the New Right. Both of whom helped elect Trump in 2016, when he made no secret of his support for torture: And squeal all you want that it was the “NeoCons” responsible for torture, omitting how Trump (and the equally bad DeSantis; "New Right Traditional Conservatives” both, as claimed by our own Traditional Conservatives) and the equally bad, Traditional Conservative favorite Jeff Sessions, were all in for torture. A recent book on Conservatism makes a point that there is much less difference between Traditional Conservatives, and the West Coast Straussians of Claremont Institute/Hillsdale College now. Meaning under Trump. Which I fully agree with, as seen in the pages of The American Conservative magazine which is now indistinguishable from the Claremont Institute publications, except for shorter articles! Even sharing some of the same “Scholars,” as can be seen here:, and most notably this Torture proponent: Now reunited with his co-author of the Torture Memo, John Yoo:; and: As well as as here,, zealously working for Trump and what Claremont declares is needed But this says it all of what these torture fanatical Conservatives stand for: "A new Right is needed to defend the American way of life and restore political liberty.”With unapologetic support for Torture! (Not to miss how he is also a favorite of AEI, also so favored here by some: With that same support for torture by Traditional Conservative favorite Jess Sessions here: "Sessions has favored waterboarding, stating, “it worked” in extracting information. Waterboarding has long been considered torture, and leading FBI interrogators have debunked Sessions’ claim, saying a person will say anything to get it to stop. Sessions admitted in his testimony this week that waterboarding is now “absolutely improper and illegal” as Congress has outlawed it, although he voted against that legislation. "Guantanamo should be kept open to incarcerate terrorism suspects, Sessions testified. “It’s designed for that purpose,” he said. “It fits that purpose marvelously well. It’s a safe place to keep prisoners. We’ve invested a lot of money” in it. He neglected to mention that detainees at Guantanamo have been illegally indefinitely detained, tortured and abused. And the prison has become a symbol of US hypocrisy on human rights and served as a recruiting tool for would-be terrorists.” STOP So Conservatives like the war fanatic Kevin Roberts boast of themselves as “unhyphenated Conservatives?” So don’t complain when they’re called out as the torture/war fanatics that they are, without differentiation, as I do now. Allied as they are with Israeli fascism. That’s my tribute to Jean Maria Arrigo. And to my father as a victim of Japanese Fascism, and torture victim. With their ideology much like that adopted and propagated by Willmoore Kendall and his fellow Conservatives, if one reads what he wrote. Instead of just parroting the panegyrics to Kendall written by so many Trumpites/DeSantisites. The people who promote the people who promote Torture/Trumpism, as they’re synonymous, should be ashamed of themselves, and scorned. As should the people who acquiesce to that by their silence! And they do no service for the Rule of Law, or the Constitution, or the Republic, by their shameful silence! Nor does the “Constitutional Morality” right-wing fanatics camouflage their lack of real morality with, do any service to actually moral people like Aaron Bushnell and Jean Maria Arrigo, who we should all pay tribute to. Though here, our “Conservatives” are probably whooping it up with their fellow Zionist Fascists, as “another one bites the dust.” Or ashes in Aaron’s case. Can’t confirm this is authentic but I would guess it is, as the highly principled, moral Aaron Bushnell obviously was, would recognize his opposite in Fascist Zionists like Trump and DeSantis, and their fellow New Rightists. DeSantis is nothing more than a Trump simp.