[Salon] Global Commentary on U.S. Air Drops over Gaza

FM: John Whitbeck

Transmitted below is a selection of commentaries on the U.S. air drops over Gaza, assembled by IF AMERICANS KNEW/ISRAEL-PALESTINE NEWS.

This pathetic initiative, dropping on Gaza a few American "meals ready to eat" after Israel has dropped on Gaza American bombs with a destructive power significantly exceeding that of the American atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined, may well be "Israel's worst humiliation of USA" ever seen by former American ambassador Robert Ford.

However, I do not agree with those who assert that President Biden is failing to utilize America's "leverage" over Israel or even that Biden could end Israel's genocidal assault against the people of Gaza with a phone call.

I believe that such assertions reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of who is the master and who is the servant in the Israeli/American relationship, of which country gives the orders and which country pays the tribute (https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/05/12/its-not-american-aid-to-israel-its-tribute).

REGARDING THE US AIR DROP OVER GAZA – Reuters reports: Three C-130 U.S. military planes delivered more than 38,000 meals into a territory where the United Nations says at least 576,000 people are one step away from famine conditions.

The White House has said the airdrops would be a sustained effort, and that Israel supports them.

Axios recently reported: U.S. officials admit that aid airdrops will have a limited effect since a military plane can only drop the amount of supplies equivalent to that transported by one or two trucks.

Satellite images show at least 1,000 trucks full of aid waiting at the border.

Satellite images taken on February 21 showed more than a thousand aid trucks lined up waiting to enter the Rafah land crossing in Egypt, most of them waiting inside the logistics zone being established east of the crossing.Satellite images taken on February 21 showed more than a thousand aid trucks lined up waiting to enter the Rafah land crossing in Egypt, most of them waiting inside the logistics zone being established east of the crossing. (photo)


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